Why is there an apparent relationship between the lunar and female cycle?

Wouldn't that mean all the women in the same town would have their periods at the same time. NYC must be hell at that time!
Well, you do know that women retain water during their periods. Apprently some women retain enough for the moon to effect them. LOL
Women working/living together tend to unknowingly sychronize their periods...
I thought that the Moon was responsible for the changing tides...

I think it has something to do with the gravitational pool of the moon, and there is certainly a correspondence between tides and moon phases. For full moon, the highest tides and waves take place, and for a new moon, the lowest ones.

Moon & Tides
Humans have noticed and observed that relationship since the stone age.
Observe: 25000 years bce


Read: http://donsmaps.com/lacornevenus.html
I think its an old wives tale coincidence.
I don't know how the moons pull on water would effect the comparably small amount of water women have in their bodies compared to men. And why would it effect menstrual blood?
Perhaps the full moon is a good time for hunting and therefore the dark times were as good a time as any to mate all night.
I think its an old wives tale coincidence.
I don't know how the moons pull on water would effect the comparably small amount of water women have in their bodies compared to men. And why would it effect menstrual blood?
Then, perhaps, it's a very, very old tale, because we have evidence of that tale since at least 25000bce. ;)
Any way, here's another tale for you: where there's smoke, there's fire.
I don't see how the two are correlated.. as Orleander pointed out, every woman with the same lunar calendar would have synchronized reproductive cycles.
The system is controlled by hormones alone. This is supposed to be the explanation for the synchronization between women's periods when they are close; all the progesterone and estrogen floating can be perceived by different women, though I'm unsure how, and this notifies the pituitary gland to release FSH and LH, the regulating hormones of the female cycle.
I'm almost sure the female cycle has nothing to do with the moon's.
Spidergoat! Very good. I had a similar thought. Although I thought a full moon would provide more light to allow more copulation - not hunting. Who hunts at night anyway? It's damn dark on the African plains at night. A little moon light would result in more sex, thus propogating the genes with menstral cycles based on the lunar cycle. Menstral cycles may be re-tunable, so that all the women in the group can "adjust" their cycles to take advantage of the moon light. The gravitation pull of the moon probably has nothing to do with this phenomenon.
Since when do you need light to have sex??

you got a point here.

Maybe it does have something to do with the moon gravitational pull... If it affects the oceans, which are 70% of the Earth´s surface, it may affect humans, considering we are also composed of 70% water.