Why is there a religion forum?

Dr Lou Natic:

There is evidence. It is far from conclusive and what we make of the evidence is up to each of us individually. The evidence that I look too is:
- The universe is and it is good.
- Life exists and it is so different from non life.
- I am aware of myself and my place in the universe
- I appear to be able to make un predetermined choices.
- Humans have shown a great longing for God or somthing like God.
- There have been siteings, specifically 2000 years ago there was an event where God was reported to have interacted with people for years and there were many eye witnesess.
- The role models in my life have shown me that living a religious life is rewarding.
- That Love exists within the world.

That is most of my evidence. It doesn't prove anything but this evidence along with the feedback I have recieved living a religious life makes me comfortable with the faith I have choosen.

I hope the faith you choose brings you joy and happiness too. I am interested, if you would like to share, how athiesim fullfills your life.

"The universe Is" means that all of what we see around us exists and we do not know why.

"The Universe Is Good", is a subjective observation that I have made.
Originally posted by MShark
"The Universe Is Good", is a subjective observation that I have made.
No, it's a subjective conclusion that you have made, and, as a matter of fact, have every right to make. What you do not have the right to do is proffer subjective conclusions as evidence.

I think "subjective observation" works just fine, but it also works for me to just say "The Universe Exists". unfortunatly that too is just a "subjective conclusion".