Why Is The Moon Not Spinning Then?

There *is* a discrepency in the north/south distribution of craters in the solar sytem bodies:

"the northern hemisphere consists of plains which are much younger"

Which does not mean anything wrt the distribution of solar system bodies, just that the craters that existed on the north side got covered over by the debris from a huge impact.
That map appears to be inaccurate Phlog.
The hyraces aren't mentioned...
(Maybe it's out of date).

If you squint and hop on your left leg, you might just be able to make out the constellation Hyraxes Perjorative. Three glasses of Merlot might help also. Although you may substitute other beverages.
Yes the moon rotates. The center of rotation is just outside its own axis.
But what if it did or didn't rotate? I would wonder about it, then look for the causes.

Imagine the tidal forces, how huge they are, and though relatively weak in the larger scope of things, the rotation of an asymmetrical mass would be for eons constantly dragging the oceans around, until finally equilibrium would be achieved (or close to equilibrium).
Which does not mean anything wrt the distribution of solar system bodies, just that the craters that existed on the north side got covered over by the debris from a huge impact.
The experts have a different opinion:

The reasons for this global dichotomy and abrupt boundary are unknown (some speculate that they are due to a very large impact shortly after Mars' accretion). Mars Global Surveyor has produced a nice 3D map of Mars that clearly shows these features.

The Scientists figure out our place in Milky Way but only in a two-dimensional fashion, see diagrams attached. The dark matter comet hypothesis predicts a more northerly position compared to the average in the adjacent spiral arms. This is assuming that dark matter comets are MSMH debris released during supernova events.

That map appears to be inaccurate Phlog.
The hyraces aren't mentioned...
(Maybe it's out of date).
No, you are missing the point. The hyraxes, or higher axes, do of course refer to the higher, or northern axis of rotation of the system. So the hyraxes come from the north.
Oh dear, you all seem to have reached your point of maximum scientific debate and have resorted to childishness instead.


Yeah, anyway, the dark matter comet hypothesis also fits with the high distribution of small island groups in the southern hemisphere, caused by smaller dmc impact events. The formation of the UK is now open for debate, with the ancient rocks of the lizard peninsula in Cornwall sitting along side younger rocks. The gravity hill on the central Isle Of Man suggests a smaller northerly dmc impact event imo.

The dark matter comet hypothesis also ties in with the work of Shaviv and his Ice Age Epochs and Milky Way Spiral Arm Passages, although I don't agree with all his ideas, the main diagram of ice age epochs with passage through the spiral arms is very enlightening.

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The latest conclusions on the Antarctic mountains beneath the ice nows looks questionable with the new insight of dark matter comets:

"This research really solves the mystery of how you can have young-looking mountains in the middle of an old continent," said US principal investigator Dr Robin Bell from the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University.

"In this case, the original Gamburtsevs probably completely eroded away only to come back, phoenix-like. They've had two lives," she told BBC News.
This statement now looks increasingly dubious imo.
A proposal is likely to go to funding agencies soon to drill into the mountains to retrieve rock samples. These samples would confirm the model being put forward in the Nature publication. The search also goes on for a suitable place in the range to drill for ancient ice.

By examining bubbles of air trapped in compacted snow, it is possible for researchers to glean details about past environmental conditions, including temperature and the concentration of gases in the atmosphere such as carbon dioxide.

Somewhere in the Gamburtsev region there ought to be a location where ices can be retrieved that are more than a million years old. This would be at least 200,000 years older than the most ancient Antarctic ice cores currently in the possession of scientists.

To some extent, however, the AGAP survey has actually depressed this quest. The radar data has indicated the base of the sheet has been severely disrupted by water that has been freshly frozen, layer upon layer, on to the bottom of the ice column.

Surely there is now no mystery. The continents were created by the dark matter comet impacts on the other side of the globe. Magma outflows over millennia would have created a series of domes of rock. Erosion from wind and water then sculps them into the jagged ridges we see today. Am I missing something obvious?? The mountain ranges are generally located at the centre of the landmass as expected, as in the case of Antarctica. The Himalayas would have been similarly created. Maybe the Indian plate pushes them up slightly, but that's it.

These domes of magma outflows over millennia are similar to the Deccan Traps in India which were created 60 and 68 million years ago. The dinosaur extinction event by a dark matter comet can now be explained in full.

The bulk of the volcanic eruption occurred at the Western Ghats (near Mumbai) some 65 million years ago. This series of eruptions may have lasted less than 30,000 years in total..

The release of volcanic gases, particularly sulfur dioxide, during the formation of the traps contributed to contemporary climate change. Data point to an average fall in temperature of 2 °C in this period.

Due to the volcanic gases and subsequent temperature drop, the formation of the traps is seen as a major stressor on biodiversity at the time. This is confirmed by a mass extinction topping 17 families per million years (about 15 families per million years above the average). Sudden cooling due to sulfurous volcanic gases released by the formation of the traps and localised gas concentrations may have been enough to drive a less significant mass extinction, but the impact of the meteoroid that formed the Chicxulub Crater (which would have made a sunlight blocking dust cloud that killed much of the plants and reduced global temperature, called an impact winter) made this one of the most pronounced mass extinctions in the Phanerozoic.

Because of its magnitude, scientists formerly speculated that the gases released during the formation of the Deccan Traps played a role in the Cretaceous–Tertiary extinction event, which included the extinction of the non-avian dinosaurs. The current consensus among the scientific community is that the extinction was triggered by the Chicxulub impact event in Central America.

The dark matter comet hypothesis gives the Chicxulub impact event a new burst of high energy which would have caused the Deccan Traps and the release of deadly fumes which engulfed the entire Earth.

Dark Matter Comets have been thought of before it seems Ghostly Asteroids Offer Dark Clues To Missing Matter

Astronomers have lost thousands of comets. A University of Melbourne physicist thinks they may still be there, just invisible and some of them potentially on a collision course with Earth.
Dr Robert Foot suggests that many of the missing comets could be made of an exotic material called 'mirror matter', a new type of invisible matter that a small group of physicists believe could be the elusive 'dark matter'. Dark matter is considered the cosmic scaffolding that makes up most of the universe, but nobody can identify it.

"If mirror matter exists, then there should exist also mirror stars, mirror planets, even mirror life. Over the last few years almost every astrophysical and experimental prediction of the theory has actually been observed by observations and experiments," says Foot.

"Most tantalysing of all, is evidence that our planet is frequently bombarded by asteroids made of mirror matter, causing puzzling events such as the devastating Siberian explosion in 1908 and similar, but smaller recent events in Jordan and Spain," he says.

Foot has outlined his theories and those of other mirror matter proponents in a new book, Shadowlands-quest for mirror matter in the Universe.

The theory of mirror matter has been around for decades. The case of the missing comets has baffled scientists for nearly as long.
Dark Matter Comets have been thought of before it seems Ghostly Asteroids Offer Dark Clues To Missing Matter
There's more evidence for the validity of the Dark Matter Comet Hypothesis:

Magnetic poles may once have been at equator (Apr 2010)

DID the Earth's magnetic poles once lie near the equator? That could explain puzzling changes in the magnetism of rocks millions of years ago.

The Earth's magnetic poles are aligned along roughly the same axis as its rotational poles. Geologists have assumed this was also true in the past, so they use volcanic rocks, which when they formed took on an imprint of the direction and strength of the Earth's magnetic field, to infer the rocks' original latitude and to trace continental motions over the past billion years.

But doing this for rocks in North America and eastern Europe is turning up a conundrum. In both regions, there appear to be rocks that were at the equator at some points between 550 and 600 million years ago and near the poles for other parts of this time period.

There appear to be rocks that moved from the poles to the equator several times in 50 million years
That would imply that the ancient continents sped across the surface at more than 45 centimetres a year - twice as fast as the top speed of plate tectonics - then returned at a similarly impossible clip. That speed is also too fast to be explained by a phenomenon called true polar wander, in which the Earth's entire crust and mantle reorient, moving a different geographic region to the north pole.

Instead, Alexandra Abrajevitch at Kochi University in Japan and Rob Van der Voo of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor suggest the magnetic pole itself shifted by 90 degrees, so that it lined up along the equator (Earth & Planetary Science Letters, DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.02.038).

The planet's magnetic field is generated by the motion of molten iron flowing around a superhot, solid iron core. Changes in the thickness, viscosity and conductivity of the outer core in the past could have led to convection patterns that caused the magnetic pole to tilt.

David Stevenson of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena says an equatorial pole is possible but says it is not clear what would cause the field to point at a single longitude long enough to leave a magnetic signature in the rocks. ”

This is most important part imo:

“ There appear to be rocks that moved from the poles to the equator several times in 50 million years
That would imply that the ancient continents sped across the surface at more than 45 centimetres a year - twice as fast as the top speed of plate tectonics - then returned at a similarly impossible clip[/b]. That speed is also too fast to be explained by a phenomenon called true polar wander, in which the Earth's entire crust and mantle reorient, moving a different geographic region to the north pole.
I predict that the recently deployed GRAIL probes will detect the supermagnetic effect of buried dark matter comets within the moon. Unique locations on the face of the moon towards the Earth should deflect the probes enough to detect a 'lunar flyby anomaly'.
