Why is the Jesus from church commercials so different than the Bible?

Most church commercials show Jesus as a friendly, approachable figure. However, in the Bible he is very harsh, cold, and disconcerting. It seems to me that someone got carried away in the marketing department.
M*W: That seems to be the evangelical marketing trend. Churches appear to be so competitive with each other, because their member lists are dwindling (worldwide). Just like any other business, if they don't have enough customers, they'll have to shut their doors. If Jesus existed, he would be selling himself. The fact that Jesus now requires a marketing and sales firm to give him a 'come hither' image, shows me he never was real.
M*W: That seems to be the evangelical marketing trend. Churches appear to be so competitive with each other, because their member lists are dwindling (worldwide). Just like any other business, if they don't have enough customers, they'll have to shut their doors. If Jesus existed, he would be selling himself. The fact that Jesus now requires a marketing and sales firm to give him a 'come hither' image, shows me he never was real.

You are overlooking the fact that the sales team is opening up lucrative overseas markets. Look at Africa !
You are overlooking the fact that the sales team is opening up lucrative overseas markets. Look at Africa !
M*W: Let's not forget South America, too. What else have they got to do with their time? They are both religiously superstitious. They both hold onto their primitive belief systems but call it christianity. If christianity is going to sell, the dealers have to go "market, to market," to sell a fat lie.
M*W: Let's not forget South America, too. What else have they got to do with their time? They are both religiously superstitious. They both hold onto their primitive belief systems but call it christianity. If christianity is going to sell, the dealers have to go "market, to market," to sell a fat lie.

I have just seen in the Vatican Bulletin that sales figures are up fio the third quarter in successioin. Father Peter Cunahan has been awarded the salesman of the year autographed picture of the Pope.
You are overlooking the fact that the sales team is opening up lucrative overseas markets. Look at Africa !

They are mostly poor people, very poor people. They have witchcraft too, the witch doctors are killing albino children to use in potions. Look it up on BBC web site if you dont believe me.

If they go to help in Africa then what is the big deal. Just a big deal if you have emotional ties like some people posting here seem to. Without mentioning any names of course.
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"I like your Christ; I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."
~ Mohandas Gandhi
Napolean Bonaparte:

Part 1

Alright, the question I want this topic to be on is what kind of empire will Christ's kingdom be of?

I read this fascinating excerpt from "Jesus Among Other God's" where Napoleon Bonaparte speaks on the type of empire Christ came to build:

Part 2

Yet, in an extraordinarily staggering statement about Jesus Christ, Napoleon said something that is almost unexcelled by any political leader. I quote it at length because of its incredible insight. I only wish I had it with me when I met with these generals. Napoleon expressed these thoughts while he was exiled on the rock of St. Helena. There, the conqueror of civilized Europe had time to reflect on the measure of his accomplishments. He called Count Montholon to his side and asked him, "Can you tell me who Jesus Christ was?" The count declined to respond. Napoleon countered:


Well then, I will tell you. Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne and I myself have founded great empires; but upon what did these creations of our genius depend? Upon force. Jesus alone founded His empire upon love, and to this very day millions will die for Him.... I think I understand something of human nature; and I tell you, all these were men, and I am a man: none else is like Him; Jesus Christ was more than man.... I have inspired multitudes with such an enthusiastic devotion that they would have died for me.... but to do this it was necessary that I should be visibly present with the electric influence of my looks, my words, of my voice. When I saw men and spoke to them, I lighted up the flame of self-devotion in their hearts.... Christ alone has succeeded in so raising the mind of man toward the unseen, that it becomes insensible to the barriers of time and space. Across a chasm of eighteen hundred years, Jesus Christ makes a demand which is beyond all others to satisfy; He asks for that which a philosopher may seek in vain at the hands of his friends, or a father of his children, or a bride of her spouse, or a man of his brother. He asks for the human heart; He will have it entirely to Himself. He demands it unconditionally; and forthwith His demand is granted. Wonderful! In defiance of time and space, the soul of man, with all its powers and faculties, becomes an annexation to the empire of Christ. All who sincerely believe in Him, experience that remarkable, supernatural love toward Him. This phenomenon is accountable; it is altogether beyond the scope of man's creative powers. Time, the great destroyer, is powerless to extinguish this sacred flame; time can neither exhaust its strength nor put a limit to its range. This is it, which strikes me most; I have often thought of it. This is which proves to me quite convincingly the Divinity of Jesus Christ.

Christians don't pretend to be divine(they make mistakes, Ghandi didn't seem to understand this) they are just joe bloggs trying to live according to Jesus Christ teachings, the only Son of God.
They are mostly poor people, very poor people. They have witchcraft too, the witch doctors are killing albino children to use in potions. Look it up on BBC web site if you dont believe me.

If they go to help in Africa then what is the big deal. Just a big deal if you have emotional ties like some people posting here seem to. Without mentioning any names of course.

They could save millions of lives if the changed their teaching on contraception. Children are dying of AIDS because condoms are forbidden to adults. I don't buy the they-are-sinners argument.
"I like your Christ; I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."
~ Mohandas Gandhi

I agree with Ghandi to a large extent.
It's because many Christians,especially conservative ones focus too much on the idealogy of judgement,punishment,salvation,bastardizing "false" religions that they lose focus on the teachings attributed to Jesus that correlate to other spiritual teachings..the unconditional love part,being selfless,universal brother/sisterhood.
Alas..leave it up to the ignorance of humanity to embrace the idealogies created by unknown authors who claim "Jesus said this and said that" to serve the need to separate and divide from one another.
The problem that I see that is glaringly obvious is that the NT stresses the sin of man and mans' imperfection but conservative types then quickly overlook that it was men subject to sin who wrote the bible.Even the NT in it's present form testifies that in many instances Jesus was disapointed with the apostles losing faith quickly. Guess who was in charge at the moment he died on the cross?..yep..men prone to sin,ignorance and bias.
Boy, just imagine what a let-down the real Jesus (if there was a real Jesus at all) would be to christians if they could see him.

People have fallen prey to the preachers who distorted his life from the very moment they discovered that they had an audience.
They could save millions of lives if the changed their teaching on contraception. Children are dying of AIDS because condoms are forbidden to adults. I don't buy the they-are-sinners argument.

That is complete fantasy. I dont know of any religions that hand out condoms as part of services or whatever. The message is monogamy for married people and couples. That alone would save millions of lives but obviously people are not listening because i suppose that you are aware of how aids is spread.

Also there are not many people using condoms in U.S or for that matter Europe and condoms are available on every other street. Teen pregnancies and STDs are pretty high so your argument is same old trick.
That is complete fantasy. I dont know of any religions that hand out condoms as part of services or whatever. The message is monogamy for married people and couples. That alone would save millions of lives but obviously people are not listening because i suppose that you are aware of how aids is spread.

Also there are not many people using condoms in U.S or for that matter Europe and condoms are available on every other street. Teen pregnancies and STDs are pretty high so your argument is same old trick.

That is incorrect. Condoms are available to Africans from outside source, particularly those with an interest in health issues rather than religion. The Catho;ic Church forbids their use.

Of course there are people in the US and Europe but you know that AIDS is spreading in these places but not nearly in such numbers as in Africa.

It's wrong of you to talk of tricks, new or old, in relation to what I am saying. If you wishto challenge my knowledge of Roman Catholicism. which I detest. feel free to do so. I can provide you with a lomg list of other teachings which cause great suffering and distress in the world.

Just be aware that I have no quarrels with individual Catholics. omly the stupid old men in the Vatican.
Why would i discuss Roman Catholic policies or people in the Vatican? I am not Catholic. If i agree with something and the Catholic church does no then it doesnt matter to me. I dont even know who is in the Vatican. I never fit into organized religious beliefs but i dont mind them.

I should just not respond to these posts or threads even if i think something is incorrect.

You just miss the point. B]Most[/B] Africans are NOT Roman Catholic so you are talking about a very small minority.

I have already stated. If they do not follow the more important part about monogamy then why would they listen about condoms. I dont have an answer as to how to solve this problem. The thing to do with a disease such as this is to quarantine but that was fought by many groups. It was looked as not PC but how else would you deal with a communicable disease such as this? I have read this was the reason it was not done in U.S.

Also there are not many people using condoms in U.S or for that matter Europe and condoms are available on every other street. Teen pregnancies and STDs are very high.

I have another question about this in a broader scope but it is too weird, maybe a little stupid too but i checked on it and it is a valid question but i am hesitant to raise it.
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That is incorrect. Condoms are available to Africans from outside source, particularly those with an interest in health issues rather than religion. The Catho;ic Church forbids their use.

Of course there are people in the US and Europe but you know that AIDS is spreading in these places but not nearly in such numbers as in Africa.

It's wrong of you to talk of tricks, new or old, in relation to what I am saying. If you wishto challenge my knowledge of Roman Catholicism. which I detest. feel free to do so. I can provide you with a lomg list of other teachings which cause great suffering and distress in the world.

Just be aware that I have no quarrels with individual Catholics. omly the stupid old men in the Vatican.
M*W: I just read a paper by a student at Stanford that addresses the HIV/AIDS and religions issue and thought you would be interested in reading it. In a nutshell, there are more christians with HIV/AIDS in africa than in any other religion.

I hope this link works, but in case it doesn't, I'll email you a copy.

http://www.stanford.edu/class/e297c/AIDS and Religion in Africa.doc
M*W: I just read a paper by a student at Stanford that addresses the HIV/AIDS and religions issue and thought you would be interested in reading it. In a nutshell, there are more christians with HIV/AIDS in africa than in any other religion.

I hope this link works, but in case it doesn't, I'll email you a copy.

http://www.stanford.edu/class/e297c/AIDS and Religion in Africa.doc

I know John 99, as a champion of the truth, will be keen to read it. The only obstacle to his doing so is if it lacks an imprimatur.
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Myles, whatever M*W has been telling you via PM about M*E has little meaning. Trust John, you may as well call me a Buddhist or a Monk.

What i posted in this thread regarding this subject are based on common sense and not simply an persons emotional baggage or a college paper or even that of someone who has has an understanding of this topic on par with what you would read at the check out line of supermarket tabloids.

It i becoming painfully obvious (for you) that you also have an emotional link but for me there is NONE. I dont bad mouth any religion's so i dont jump on the band wagon, my personal view is one of recognizing the human element and the fact that this is all part of human condition and of history itself.