Why is questioning religion forbidden?

spidergoat said:
From this:

To this:
at the speed of hypocracy.

If you are so dumb that you dont know the difference between questioning and converting to other religion, then i really advice you to have some Aspirin, it might help !! :D
Q25 said:
yes we are,xianity and the bible is supposedly the word of God.
Isnt Quran also the word of your Allah/God?

Yes, the Noble Quran is the word of God, but the question was flawed, the question was: is God afraid of being questioned ?? this is flawed question because you are NOT questioning God himself, are you ??
Hastein said:
That is why Muslims preserved records of the Hellenic world and learned about ancient gods, philosophy, and science while Christian crusaders were burning books and killing heathens.

Exactly !! in fact, the first word revealed from God in the Noble Quran was IQRA = READ.
Bells said:
one of them actually told me that if I didn't convert I'd go to hell. I grinned back at her and told her that hell was exactly where I wanted to go since I worshipped Satan.

I like to just smile snidely and tell them that I'm glad, because that's where all my favorite rock bands are going.
Hastein said:
Questioning becomes amounted to insult and schools are forced to teach 'creation' alongside 'evolution'.

Good lord, I'm glad that's not genuinely the case. I'm not sure where you got this idea from, the creationists lost that battle when it came to the supreme court in the 80s.
Questioning of religion is generally frowned upon for two reasons:

(1) The faithful cannot conceive of the question; it escapes the reality of faith
(2) The skeptics don't understand the questions they ask

An analogy would be to walk up to any parent seen spanking or perceived to be physically disciplining a child, ignoring any circumstance that might have brought it on, and asking them why they're abusing their children.

The analogy goes so far that you might wish to imagine yourself at Niagra Falls, like that bad scene in Superman. Suddenly your child scampers to the fence and starts to go over. Dashing with that superhuman, parental speed, you snatch your child back from the edge shortly before he falls. Then a loudmouthed woman comes up and starts yelling at you about whiplash and brain damage and shouts that someone should call the police. And as you try to explain, another witness out for the feeding frenzy also joins the arbitrary condemnation. You ask the crowd what they would have said if you let the child fall, and they say you should not have let the child get away from you. So you single out one guy who you saw giving a parent shit earlier in the day for keeping their kid on a leash and say, "Which do you prefer? Leashing children or having to grab them back from the edge sometime?" Whereupon the police arrive, determine that a hundred witnesses who say you unnecessarily tried to give the child whiplash can't be wrong, and cart you off to jail.

At what point do you choose to survey the crowd and find out how many of them have children?

It's almost like the skeptics, in questioning religion, let the dumbest people in the world set the terms of the debate.

Why not walk up to the most prominent, well-respected black man you know and ask him, "Why are you nigger rapists allowed to carry on in society?"

The question may not have anything to do with reality, and yet someone's angry before they even ask.

Why is questioning religion "forbidden"? Because answering the questions is forbidden. If you're one of those skeptics with legitimate issues, you're likely screwed because your fellow skeptics have wrecked the trail before you. The faithful already know that the skeptics won't understand, anyway. Not only do the holy books say so, but the skeptics make a point of proving it by asking certain questions in the first place.

On Edit: See this topic as an example; I'm unsure what to say, but it seems roughly tantamount to being at a symposium of famous cinema directors: Lucas, Spielberg, Coppola, &c. And you get up to ask your question in front of ten great directors and hundreds of students and serious fans, and you ask, "When working with women, do you prefer them to wear white underwear, or does a scene like Hooper did with the yellow polka-dots in Poltergeist add to the aesthetic or mise en scene?" Or, to put the issue into real-life (well, the Hollywood-across-the-Pond version of it, anyway), did you hear about Sean Connery going off on a reporter for asking stupid questions?
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Historically, religion is a matter of social and ethical stability within a certain group of people. The things that ensure stability, are to be tabooed, and as such, religion is tabooed too.
The actual question is: "Why is questioning taboos forbidden?"
Because it would endanger social and ethical stability.
The strive for stability is the expression of the survival instinct.
The Life and Times of Muhammad

How did Muhammad react to Muslims who will question the religion of Islam?

Narrated 'Ali: I relate the traditions of Allah's Apostle to you for I would rather fall from the sky than attribute something to him falsely. But when I tell you a thing which is between you and me, then no doubt, war is guile. I heard Allah's Apostle (Muhammad) saying, "In the last days of this world there will appear some young foolish people who will use (in their claim) the best speech of all people (i.e. the Qur'an) and they will abandon Islam as an arrow going through the game. Their belief will not go beyond their throats (i.e. they will have practically no belief), so wherever you meet them, kill them, for he who kills them shall get a reward on the Day of Resurrection." Source Sahih Bukhari Vol. 4, Book 56, No. 808 source

P.S. The quotation came from a book of Muhammad's sayings which was collected by Bukhari.

Kind Regards,
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Isnt amazing that you guys go to some weak fake hadith to prove your hate, why you dont quote from the Quran ?????????? After All, no one can dispute the authenticity of the Noble Quran, I know why you dont quote from the Quran, because there is nothing there to quote which serves your HATE AND LIES !!! :p
I grinned back at her and told her that hell was exactly where I wanted to go since I worshipped Satan. You should have seen them move out of my doorway, sprint down my driveway and do the ten yard dash down the road away from my house. Was most amusing.
That's a BRILLIANT comeback! :p

Good lord, I'm glad that's not genuinely the case. I'm not sure where you got this idea from, the creationists lost that battle when it came to the supreme court in the 80s.
There is still fighting to keep Creationism out of school. They try to put disclaimers on books saying that evolution is JUST a theory, and there is a lot of controversy surroudning it. And they try to give Creationism equal time.
We have won battles, but we haven't won the war.

Believing was more usefull than knowing the truth. Its like if some maniacal murderer spilt some milk, you just let it go rather than yelling at him to clean it up, its not worth it.
That's a nice comparison, Dr. Lou.
Some people do not know why they believe what they believe. If you have no foundation then of course you will fear water. The reason that Christians and most other religious groups try so hard to persuade others to join their religion is because they know or believe that if a person does not follow their faith then they are not going to heaven when they die. If you knew that an airplane had a bomb on it would you let someone you knew ride on it to their death. Ps. the war is still being fought every day.
Proud_Muslim said:
In fact, the Prophet of Islam (Peace be upon him ) said:

'' Thinking and wondering in Allah's creation is indeed a form of worship ''

Really? What if that "wondering" includes the logical deduction that Allah does not exist?

It is the way you put your questions that upset people not the questions themselves.

Nope. It's the questions.

... there is NO separation between the Mosque and the State.

Does that make Allah king?

This question is flawed because you are not asking God himself, are you ??

I'll ask him right now, ok?

What do you know! he didn't respond!
I wonder if he's out?

Proud_Muslim said:
This is FLAWED, you CANT fear what you love !! We love Allah almighty, how can we fear what we love !!!!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:

... but the Almighty doesn't love you in return, because he has no humanity.

You've stated this before, so please don't cotest it. If you do, I willquote you for your benefit.
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You make Islam look so good, PM. I am absolutely touched. Your incredible love surely spreads to everybody in this forum. You're right.

Everybody just shut up and listen to what PM has to say. He is incredibly caring, bases all his statements on fact, and has such a kind heart.

Propagand-ize to us, PM! Show us some muslim love!

You've stated this before, so please don't cotest it. If you do, I willquote you for your benefit.

Would cotest mean that the testing can be conducted by both males and females together? I would therefore contest your use of the word cotest.

Or is that one of those imaginary words you spoke about?
Questioning religion forbidden by whom?

I don't know of any religions that forbid questioning by "believers." Christianity has the principle of the "dark night of the soul," an implicit recognition that everyone questions religion at some time or other.

If the question is "Why do religious people react negatively when the nonreligious question religion," here's the answer:

Atheists, agnostics, and sometimes other religions (or even sects of the same religion) tend to ask questions about religion rhetorically. They are not asking questions to get answers, they are asking questions to make a point, or to prove you and what you believe wrong. It's natural to argue back.

If you feel compelled to question religion, ask yourself one question: If someone answered your questions, would you suddenly change your beliefs? If the answer is no, then your questions are not constructive, and you have your answer about why you get a negative response. If the answer is yes, you might just need to rephrase your questions. I'm sure you would find plenty of religious people willing to try to answer them.