why is pride one of the seven deadly sins?


the reason religions don't want that is because pride is a substandard psychological satiator ...... and that takes away the possibility of more developed states of psychological satiation.

That's probably the most honest answer I've ever seen from you :) (whether or not you realized what you implied).
That's probably the most honest answer I've ever seen from you :) (whether or not you realized what you implied).

Its probably your pride that makes you think ideas that are reconcilable with your personal values are synonymous with honesty ...... and its probably your imagination that makes you think my answer is reconcilable with your values
Pride is a sin because it involves losing sight of one's insignificance compared with the Deity slighted, and thereby becoming resistant to the influence of the Deity's self=appointed representatives.

It is a deadly sin because its influence leads to its own multiplication and spread - the proud create advantages for pride in others, and punish the humble thereby.
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