why is pride one of the seven deadly sins?

1-humans are naturally flawed, there's a limit to the pride they're supposed to have.

2-pride makes admitting what's right harder, and doing what's wrong easier.

3-in essence..pride usually drifts towards arrogance then appreciating one's own worth, humbly.

but who put those seven sins thingy?:D
REPLY: I myself would not call pride sinful. But much of what is called sinful I consider normal human behavior. I do think pride can, sometimes,can cause a person to say or do things that harm others unduly.
A simple example of this would be a bully beating up or humiliating someone to show off his power and being proud of it.
I also can think of many people who have done or accomplished things they have good reason to be proud of themselves for. A fireman who risks his life to save another would be such an example. Or the pride a person may take in making a sacrifice such as giving money to a person in need.
These are just simple examples. I think there is both good and bad pride. The pride a craftsman takes in a job well done is a good thing. The pride an evil man or woman takes in harming others is a bad thing. These are my thoughts on pride. ...fellowtraveler
I just don't understand. How is pride sinful?
Not that I am in the sin camp, but pride, the kind of pride they are talking about, keeps one from noticing what is really going on. For example, you get into an argument with a girl/boyfriend or friend or spouse about something you did. Pride will resist noticing that, in fact, what you did was messed up. Your image of yourself is more important that the truth, other people's feelings and probably learning in general.

The problem with having pride as a sin is that people will think this means you can't feel good about yourself or what you've done.

But I do get the idea.

Of course certain religious people, and hell non-religious people, have used this judgment of pride to manipulate people.

Who do you think you are to question me, or God, or the church, or your elders or whatever?

When in fact the questioning was not about pride, but really a valid concern, question or pointing out of injustice.
Because Pride means you are a prick.


the possible positive outcome of pride is that it motivates you to stick to your values due to a wish to maintain your self worth. a person should find better motivation to be a good person. its also motivates people to do stupid shit.

also was surprised no one said pride comes before a fall.
Nope, everyone missed the mark on this one. The reason pride is listed as one of the deadly sins is simple and quite plain to someone who it truly religious. It means the person who is prideful will think in terms of "I did this" without having been allowed to or helped by God. Therefore they are denying God - and that's what makes it deadly.

Please note that I have no desire to get into any form of religious debate with anyone - I just wanted to provide the correct answer to the question asked.
Is is amusing that having a strong self image is considered good, while pride is often considered a negative personality trait.

There is not much difference in the two definitions of this personality trait.

Note that it is the behavior associated with the trait that can be viewed as good or bad.

A bully proud of (or whose self image is enhanced by) beating up some helpless person is bad. A skilled craftwman proud of (or whose self image is enhanced by) a job well done is good.
Is is amusing that having a strong self image is considered good, while pride is often considered a negative personality trait.
the thing about pride is that the self image is illusory, hence being strong about it simply strengthens one's grip on nescience.
Also, from an external and non-religious standpoint, prideful just appears ungraceful to most. It seems as compensation for lack of actual ability.
If you work hard and achieve things that lazy bums do not; it is your right to be proud and to have self confidence . When some folks are wasting your time and you are doing a good project and at the end you get 100% ; you should feel a certain pride specially when some are getting 10% or 25 5 and they wasted their time drinking and making silly jokes .
Is is amusing that having a strong self image is considered good, while pride is often considered a negative personality trait.

There is not much difference in the two definitions of this personality trait.

Note that it is the behavior associated with the trait that can be viewed as good or bad.

A bully proud of (or whose self image is enhanced by) beating up some helpless person is bad. A skilled craftwman proud of (or whose self image is enhanced by) a job well done is good.
M*W: I would change the words "strong self image" to "positive self image."
I just don't understand. How is pride sinful?

REPLY: I am a bit surprised at the number of responders who see pride per se so negatively. I thought most people took pride in a job well done. A well prepared meal, a quality plumbing repair, any task you know you gave it your best and the results were what you had worked for. A job well done. Is this not a large part of why we do the tasks we do. I don`t mean we go out and make a big deal out of it. But do we not all or most of us get a good feeling when someone tells us, WELL DONE, NOW THAT WAS A FINE MEAL, things like that just make you glow inside somewhat and you stand a little taller, FEEL BETTER. And I see nothing wrong with this sort of pride. ...fellowtraveler
Pride is a sin because it gives you self-esteem. Religion can't have that..

Correct. The reason why religions don't want that is because pride is a psychological satiator... and that takes need/power away from brokers of psychological satiation (i.e. religions).
Correct. The reason why religions don't want that is because pride is a psychological satiator... and that takes need/power away from brokers of psychological satiation (i.e. religions).

the reason religions don't want that is because pride is a substandard psychological satiator ...... and that takes away the possibility of more developed states of psychological satiation.
I just don't understand. How is pride sinful?

Because people being faulty should not be prideful.

Being prideful blocks one from seeing their faults.

Being prideful blocks one from being corrected.

Being prideful makes one their own master. But having a faulty master is a sure path to ones own destruction.

Thats why pride comes before destruction.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days