Why is (perceived?) religious inconsistency upsetting?

Are you saying that you know perfect people?

Some people seem perfect to me.

And why do you feel the need to trust people in this regard?

Is it about having faith in people instead of god?

From whom else can I learn about God, if not from people?

Reading scriptures for myself and trying to figure things out for myself seems to be practical solipsism, an undue faith in one's own powers.
What truth?

And are you trying to be sarcastic and patronizing or are you really this dense?

M*W set up a trap. Anyone who would want to oppose her would have to directly or indirectly make the claim that they are God.

Yep, M*W is still looking for God!
Some people seem perfect to me.

That's impossible.

From whom else can I learn about God, if not from people?

Reading scriptures for myself and trying to figure things out for myself seems to be practical solipsism, an undue faith in one's own powers.

You can learn about god from god.
M*W set up a trap. Anyone who would want to oppose her would have to directly or indirectly make the claim that they are God.

Yep, M*W is still looking for God!

I think you're overestimating her capabilities.

I also think that the same personality traits which allowed her to become indoctrinated are still very much in place. She's just moved to the other side of the table.
You can learn about God and Creation from yourself.

You can learn about god from most everthing, but many aren't inclined to. But if you read someones autobiography, and appreciate their accomplisments, does that mean you know them? Its kind of an indirect way of knowing or knowing about them. I think the most direct way is to invite them into your life on a personal level.
You can learn about god from most everthing, but many aren't inclined to. But if you read someones autobiography, and appreciate their accomplisments, does that mean you know them? Its kind of an indirect way of knowing or knowing about them. I think the most direct way is to invite them into your life on a personal level.

You invited God over for a cup of tea or what? And He came?
SAM said:
Its quite simple, its because atheists too have an ideal view of religion.
The opposite, among the atheists I know - including the religious ones, so it's not an alienation feature.

It's because atheists more often have a pragmatic view of religion - with an eye on its political and economic power, real world agenda, etc.

Power that overtly, formally, and publicly defends its independence from, even denial of, reason, is very dangerous.

it might also be because many atheists are authorities on religion ironically.

Atheist understand relgion the way music critics understand music.
They have absolutely no idea of he essence of religion, which is why they
are atheist.

...that's how they argue against it and make their case. i don't think in this case they get angry or upset, but they get excited.

They can't argue against religion because they don't know about religion.
Their so-called arguments agianst religion is purely based on " i can't see God
therefore he doesn't exist".
Just check out debates, they get caned regularly.
How they try and come out on top is by trying to make jokes.

They have no idea of the essence of religion, so don't be fooled into thinking they do. :)

Really? Why would it be impossible that some people seem perfect to me?

i guess it depends on what your definition of perfect is. i equate perfection with eternal life and sinlessness. they would have to be free of fault and disease.

In that case, how do you know you are not simply being delusional, imagining things?

cause it all meant too much.
You invited God over for a cup of tea or what? And He came?

i called him out so to speak. i wasn't willing to take anyone's word for it, not even his, so i challenged him. i told him that if he was in fact god that it shouldn't be a problem for him to prove his existence to me, and he did.

Atheist understand relgion the way music critics understand music.
They have absolutely no idea of he essence of religion, which is why they
are atheist.

that's an awesome analogy. :)

They can't argue against religion because they don't know about religion.
Their so-called arguments agianst religion is purely based on " i can't see God
therefore he doesn't exist".
Just check out debates, they get caned regularly.
How they try and come out on top is by trying to make jokes.

They have no idea of the essence of religion, so don't be fooled into thinking they do. :)


they know tons about religion, they just don't know god.
I think you're overestimating her capabilities.

I also think that the same personality traits which allowed her to become indoctrinated are still very much in place. She's just moved to the other side of the table.
M*W: Absolutely not. I have fully lost those personality traits that allowed me to become indoctinated. I have totally deconverted. It's impossible to go back. Are you saying that certain personality traits are keeping the belief you have that there is a god? Please explain. You might have hit on something we've all been trying to figure out. If there are personality traits that allow one to become indoctrinated, seems there would be personality traits that allow one to become unindoctrinated. Surely there is a medication for it.
In that case, how do you know you are not simply being delusional, imagining things?

cause it all meant too much.


i called him out so to speak. i wasn't willing to take anyone's word for it, not even his, so i challenged him. i told him that if he was in fact god that it shouldn't be a problem for him to prove his existence to me, and he did.


Given that you replied that your image of God is:

i think of god (the father/creator) as the law/force by which things are created and exist.

You have called out "the law/force by which things are created and exist", and you told this "law/force by which things are created and exist" that he (') should prove his (?) existence to you.
And you have a personal relationship with "the law/force by which things are created and exist"?

Given that you replied that your image of God is:

You have called out "the law/force by which things are created and exist", and you told this "law/force by which things are created and exist" that he (') should prove his (?) existence to you.
And you have a personal relationship with "the law/force by which things are created and exist"?

yeah. god apparently has a spirit too that communicates. and i've had an experience with what i believe was an angel. i think that because whatever it was wasn't used to being in a physical body.

there is what the bible calls the father...law maker/creator. but there is also a spirit. then there's jesus...the physical manifestation.
M*W: Absolutely not. I have fully lost those personality traits that allowed me to become indoctinated. I have totally deconverted. It's impossible to go back. Are you saying that certain personality traits are keeping the belief you have that there is a god? Please explain. You might have hit on something we've all been trying to figure out. If there are personality traits that allow one to become indoctrinated, seems there would be personality traits that allow one to become unindoctrinated. Surely there is a medication for it.

i could be wrong but you seem codependent. like you're always looking for buy in and validation.

i've told you before that i think the catalyst for your unindoctrination was a message/impression from the holy spirit.
Why is (perceived?) religious inconsistency upsetting?
Or why/under what circumstances it is not upsetting?

Believers, who can't even agree on their own scriptures, often because they haven't read their own scriptures, are trying to tell the rest of us how to live by their morals and standards. Of course, believers have no morals whatsoever and they cause conflict to the point of fighting and killing others over their beliefs.

Being upset over this is mild. We are appalled, abhorred and aghast. And, I haven't even got past the 'A's yet.
Yep, absolutely agree that finding out the truth is exciting.

In my case, though, I was an athiest and through that same slow process came to realise that God and Creation ARE the truth.

So, I COULD, if I were judgemental, regard YOU as the grossly informed. But I try not to judge others as this is spiritually damaging.

Jahina, I'm interested how you came to the conclusion. Would you mind posting in this topic "Why do you believe?"
