Why is jesus a liar?


Registered Member
Jesus makes a claim that he is The Way, The Truth, and The Life at John 14:6. So if he is shown to not be the Truth then his other claims are also disproved and shown to be lies.

Matt 1:1&6 say that jesus is the descendant of Davis.In Matt.22.45 jesus says that he is not of the descendant of David but the same jesus says in Rev.22:16 that he is the descendant of David.
Jesus says at Matt 5:17 that he has come to fulfill the law and that not one dot or iota will change from the law jehovah established.
In Isaiah 65:16 Jehovah says: “When you make a promise you must do it in my name.”
But Jesus says in Matthew 5:34 & 37 “But I tell not to swear by anything when you make a promise.” “When you make a promise, say only “Yes” or “No.” Anything else comes from the devil.”

Luke 6:27: “And now I say to you who are listening to me, Love your enemies.” But the same Jesus says just the contrary at Luke 19:27: “Now bring me the enemies who didn’t want me to be their king. Slaughter them infront of me.”

So jesus is shown to speak many untruths. So someone who claims to be embodiement of Truth and is shown to be Untruthful must be considered the embodiement of Untruth. It just so happens that jesus speaks about this being, Satan, also:
John 8:44
"You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire. He was a murderer from the beginning and has never taken a stand upon truth, because there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie he is only doing what is natural to him, because he is liar and the father of all lies." Then, cunningly, he lies again to cover what he had said "But i tell the truth and that is why you don't believe me."
Maybe Jesus was misquoted. He wasn't the actual writer of those passages.
Originally posted by antichrist=peace
Jesus makes a claim that he is The Way, The Truth, and The Life at John 14:6. So if he is shown to not be the Truth then his other claims are also disproved and shown to be lies.

Matt 1:1&6 say that jesus is the descendant of Davis.In Matt.22.45 jesus says that he is not of the descendant of David but the same jesus says in Rev.22:16 that he is the descendant of David.

Jesus is true God and true man "In the beggining was the Word, the word was with God, and the word was God"..."and the word BECAME flesh, and dwelt among us" etc. "we beheld his glory, glory as is the only son of the Father"- John..

Jesus is true God and true man, his flesh is a lineage from David, yet his divinity is of God, understand this simple fact kid before making false comments.....aight?

Originally posted by antichrist=peace

Jesus says at Matt 5:17 that he has come to fulfill the law and that not one dot or iota will change from the law jehovah established.
In Isaiah 65:16 Jehovah says: “When you make a promise you must do it in my name.”
But Jesus says in Matthew 5:34 & 37 “But I tell not to swear by anything when you make a promise.” “When you make a promise, say only “Yes” or “No.” Anything else comes from the devil.”


Your mind needs some sort of therapy.."To swear" is translated from hebrew as to curse, to blaspheme while making a promise...For instance, if your father told you to clean the room and want you to make a promise, then you refused at first but gave in knopwing that "you have to" so you say "FINE! DAMN IT! Alright Ill clean the room if thats what you want"....

Jesus is simply saying that when you make a promise, make it a "yes" or a "No" dont say "maybe" or "Im not sure" because that is a sign of lies, which is of the devil..."For thou art hot, nor cold, nor warm, nor lukewarm, Ill began to vomit thee out of my mouth". Dont say "Maybe I will help her" or "Maybe I should love my neighbors"...say "YEWS! I will love my neighbor", thats what it means, that is doing it in the name of Jesus, TO BE HONEST AND SINCERE, NOT LUKEWARM LIKE THAT OF THE DEVIL...

Originally posted by antichrist=peace

Luke 6:27: “And now I say to you who are listening to me, Love your enemies.” But the same Jesus says just the contrary at Luke 19:27: “Now bring me the enemies who didn’t want me to be their king. Slaughter them infront of me.”

This is a parable of the king and the servant, AS REALITY STATES, thats how human kings really are...BUT THIS PARABLE IS REFFERED TO THOSE WHO OFFEND GOD THE FATHER (NOT JESUS FOR HE IS THE SON OF THE FATHER). We are created n the image of God...
Yes God is loving to the just, but God shows justice to those who are immoral...what do you propose? that criminals, rapist, and killers must go unpunished? "FOR THE SAME MEASURE YOU GIVE, IT SHALL BE MEASURED BACK UNTO YOU".....

Originally posted by antichrist=peace

So jesus is shown to speak many untruths. So someone who claims to be embodiement of Truth and is shown to be Untruthful must be considered the embodiement of Untruth. It just so happens that jesus speaks about this being, Satan, also:
John 8:44
"You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire. He was a murderer from the beginning and has never taken a stand upon truth, because there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie he is only doing what is natural to him, because he is liar and the father of all lies." Then, cunningly, he lies again to cover what he had said "But i tell the truth and that is why you don't believe me."


note; since I terminated your pathetic attempts to destroy the truth, ANYMORE OF THOSE SO-CALLED BIBLE CONTRADICTIONS? I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR IT KID...:D
More Lies

John 20:17 “Jesus told Mary Magdalene “do not hold on to me, because I have not yet gone back up to the father.”
John 20:27 “Jesus said to Thomas, the unbeliever (before having gone back to his father), “Put your finger here, and look at my hands; then reach out your hand and put it on my side. Stop your doubting, and believe!”

According to the bible jehovah god made all kinds of animals and birds in genesis 1:24 before he makes humans. But the same jehovah continues to say in genesis 2:18-19 “It is not good for the man to live alone. I will make a suitable companion to help him. So he took some soil from the ground and formed all the animals and all the birds.”

Now the question is whether jehovah made first man and then animals or animals first and then man??? Or in others words what happened there in the beginning REALLY!!!
Whatsupyall's post, edited and modified to be user-friendly

Originally posted by whatsupyall
Jesus is of the one true God and true man "In the beginning was the Word, the word was with God, and the word was God...and the word BECAME flesh, and dwelt among us" etc. "we beheld his glory, glory as is the only son of the Father"- John..

Jesus is true God and true man, his flesh is a lineage from David, yet his divinity is of God.

Please refine your arguments before you make them public. "To swear" is translated from hebrew as "to curse, to blaspheme while making a promise"...For instance, if your father told you to clean the room and want you to make a promise, then you refused at first but gave in knowing that "you have to" so you say "FINE! DAMN IT! Alright I'll clean the room if that's what you want"....

Jesus is simply saying that when you make a promise, make it a "yes" or a "No" don't say "maybe" or "Im not sure" because that is a sign of lies, which is highly inadvisable. "For thou art hot, nor cold, nor warm, nor lukewarm, I'll begin to vomit thee out of my mouth". Don't say "Maybe I will help her" or "Maybe I should love my neighbors"...say "YES! I will love my neighbor", thats what it means, that is doing it in the name of Jesus, TO BE HONEST AND SINCERE, NOT LUKEWARM LIKE SOME QUESTIONABLE CHARACTERS I KNOW...

This is a parable of the king and the servant, AS REALITY STATES, thats how human kings really are...BUT THIS PARABLE IS REFERRING TO THOSE WHO OFFEND GOD THE FATHER (NOT JESUS FOR HE IS THE SON OF THE FATHER). We are created in the image of God...
Yes God is loving to the just, but God shows justice to those who are immoral...what do you propose? That criminals, rapist, and killers must go unpunished? "FOR THE SAME MEASURE YOU GIVE, IT SHALL BE MEASURED BACK UNTO YOU".....

Please refrain from taking things out of context, and I highly encourage you to spend some time studying the scriptures.

note: If you have any more intellectually stimulating topics, I am eager to hear them. Thanks.

-love, whatsupyall :)

Whew that was quite a task :p
** Perhaps you should ask God, if he intrigues you so, anyway how does Satan equal peace?

Awright great job. That was a pleasure to read. Perhaps whatsup will learn from your excellent example on how courtesy is not diificult to achieve.
Scripture is Inspired Word of God

Every word of Scripture must be consistent due to the omni-science of God. That means there can be no errors. And if there are errors then he knows it.

Whatsup said that jesus is the God. That means he is omniscient-all knowing. But jesus himself says there is something that he doesn't know.
Matt 24:36 "Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels nor the son, but only the father."

First of all jesus says there is something which he doesn't know. This disproves his and whatsups claim to be God. Secondly at John 10:30 jesus says that he and his father are one. How then can he say that there is something which his father knows but he does not. These inconsistencies, lies, go to show that the claims of almightiness made by jesus are completely unfounded. And because of the nature of Scripture there must be a reason for the inconsistencies. The reason is that this being is the anti-god or devil. He speaks nothing but lies.

Antichrist or Antijesus is the one who will kill this devil and restore Truth. By destoying the divisions caused by the three religions of judaiam, christianity and, islam, Man will again unite and Peace will reign.
Anti, but that first bible quote does not make sense in your context. J was merely saying that no one will know the time, he didn't say that he himself didn't know either.

And where exactly did you hear that the bible was written directly by god? I thought it was written by people.

*suddenly has a vision of a horde of quills tap dancing on paper*

Re: Scripture is Inspired Word of God

Originally posted by antichrist=peace

Whatsup said that jesus is the God. That means he is omniscient-all knowing. But jesus himself says there is something that he doesn't know.
Matt 24:36 "Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels nor the son, but only the father."

First of all jesus says there is something which he doesn't know. This disproves his and whatsups claim to be God. Secondly at John 10:30 jesus says that he and his father are one. How then can he say that there is something which his father knows but he does not. These inconsistencies, lies, go to show that the claims of almightiness made by jesus are completely unfounded. And because of the nature of Scripture there must be a reason for the inconsistencies. The reason is that this being is the anti-god or devil. He speaks nothing but lies.

Antichrist or Antijesus is the one who will kill this devil and restore Truth. By destoying the divisions caused by the three religions of judaiam, christianity and, islam, Man will again unite and Peace will reign.

Listen, Jesus is true God and true man...If being in fleesh makes Him all-knowing, THEN HE WOULD NOT BE TRUE MAN TO BEGIN WITH....HE CAME INTO THIS WORLD ABIDING THE HUMAN LAWS....He was baptized, obedient to his earthly mother, did fasting, etc..
How could God be obedient to a human being and be baptized? ONCE AGAIN BECAUSE HE IS TRUE GOD AND TRUE MAN...It shows during the crucifixion, when he exclaimed "Father! Why has thou forsaken me!"...THIS IS HOW IS IT LIKE BEING TRUE MAN, he felt pain like you and me, the wholre reason why he came down to earth is that HE PRACTICES WHAT HE PREACH..GOD TOLD US TO BE GOOD, AND JESUS HAVE SHOWED US....
Re: More Lies

Originally posted by antichrist=peace
John 20:17 “Jesus told Mary Magdalene “do not hold on to me, because I have not yet gone back up to the father.”
John 20:27 “Jesus said to Thomas, the unbeliever (before having gone back to his father), “Put your finger here, and look at my hands; then reach out your hand and put it on my side. Stop your doubting, and believe!”

?????? Im sorry but I see no contradiction here......

Originally posted by antichrist=peace

According to the bible jehovah god made all kinds of animals and birds in genesis 1:24 before he makes humans. But the same jehovah continues to say in genesis 2:18-19 “It is not good for the man to live alone. I will make a suitable companion to help him. So he took some soil from the ground and formed all the animals and all the birds.”

Now the question is whether jehovah made first man and then animals or animals first and then man??? Or in others words what happened there in the beginning REALLY!!!

God made animals and creatures before and after human exist. Take evolution for instance, existing animals evolve, AND THEY HAPPEN TO EVOLVE AT A SIZE, INSTINCTS, THAT HUMANS CAN HANDLE. The biggest creatures we have are whales, and elephants, both harmless and are designed for us. We can swim next to some whales, we can tame killer whales, and the same for elephant. We can also tame tigers and lions! Which are the deadliest predators. Crocodiles, snakes, we can all keep...If dinosaurs didnt evolve to the animals we have now, do you think we can tame a 50 foot predator with a brain as small as a peanut? LOL, SUCH CREATURES AS THIS COULDNT BE DESIGNED FOR HUMANS...

Nature is a design. Take the insects for example, they have their defense mechanisms for survival, some camouflaged to the surroundings, and you cant find them at all! Some insects look exactly like leaves, thus predators cant find them...Etc.

"Do not worry about the clothes you wear, the food you eat...Look at the birds of the air, they niether toil nor spin. Yet your heavenly father feeds them, how much worth are you than they?"- Jesus..
After saying these, there are the Pharisees who says "I dont believe you are the King of the Jews!"...But Jesus replied "If you donot believe me, then believe in what I do...
Jesus doesnt really care if you say "Im a christian" or "I think Jesus is God"...If you believe in what he do, which is believing in love, patience, kindness, generousity, etc. (the virtues), then you already have fulfilled God's will...
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Re: Re: More Lies

Originally posted by whatsupyall
If dinosaurs didnt evolve to the animals we have now, do you think we can tame a 50 foot predator with a brain as small as a peanut? LOL, SUCH CREATURES AS THIS COULDNT BE DESIGNED FOR HUMANS...

Well, you're correct that humans wouldn't be around had dinosaurs persisted...no mammal had much chance against them.

But they didn't evolve into present animals, they were wiped out 65 million years ago, with a large percentage of everything else.

If you must have a godly hand in everything to make you feel comfortable, you could imagine that God smited them with a big rock. He has a history of taking out living things with big events.
to whatsup's first quote: I must say I agree with him. There is no contradiction.

As to the next...?????? Have any evidence to prove that nature is designed for mankind? Mankind simply has more brains than animals, so man can kill, eat, rape, do whatever they want to them. That's about it...I see no design there.

The specific abilities of the animals seem to have been evolved by virtue of natural selection. At least that's where scientific research and physical evidence points. The intelligent design thing has no backing whatsoever save religious texts.

Whatsup says jesus is true god and true man. If this is true he must be both of these. If he is true man then he can feel pain, he can serve his mother, certainly but if he is also true god then he must have the attributes of god just as he has the attributes of man. He does say i and my father are one. He doesnt say, In heaven i and my father are one but on earth not. Phillip says to jesus at John 14:6 "Show us the father." and jesus replies "How long i have been with you and you have not come to know me. He who has seen me has seen the father." So for whatsup to say that jesus was not god on earth is to call jesus a liar which is what i have stated from the beginning. Either way he is a liar. Because according to jesus he who has seen him has seen the father so jesus should know everything the father knows, afterall they are one. But jesus does not know. This makes him both not omniscient and a liar.

In John 20:17 jesus tells Mary magdalene that he cant be touched because he has not gone back to the father. Jesus goes back to the father forty days later. But only eight days after he tells mary this he tells Thomas to touch him. If he tells one person that he cant be touched until he returns to the father and before returning to the father he tells another person to touch him that constitutes a lie.

Whatsup said many things about animals but he didnt comment on the blatant contradiction made in bible. In gen 1 jehovah makes animals first and later man and woman and in gen 2 jehovah makes man first then animals then woman. Another proof that no truth can be found in bible.

Lady-Dissension, religious non-conformity, is the tool of satan.
Luke 12:49-53: “It is fire that I have come to spread over the earth, and what better wish can I have than that it should be kindled? There is a baptism I must needs be baptised with, and how distressed I am for its accomplishment! Do you think that I have come to bring peace on the earth? No, believe me, I have come to bring dissension.”
So all denominations are the seat of satan because each has enmity towards the other. Just as the three religions of judaism, christianity, and islam are the seat of satan with their hatred towards each other. Just look at the "holy city".

I welcome whatsups rebuttals but i hope others can come to their own conclusions and not stand in his shadows. Please think for yourSelf and respond.;)

What scriptures are you reading? A blind man can see the errors in the bible! For you to say that there are no errors is not only wrong but shows your own ignorance in making a statement such as this. I suggest that you stop listening to those who claim to know scripture and find out for yourself. If you took the time to really read and understand the bible, you might find the errors listed in it.

One thing you must remember. God does not mislead. He does not make errors. Man added the errors in the bible. If you read the book then you will find that you are required to seek truth. To seek knowledge. Don't take someone else’s explanation for things that make no sense. Like 1+1+1=1. There is only One God and He does not deceive.
Here's a nice contradiction:

Go says, do not have impure thoughts about girls while masturbating.

He also says, do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

I would simply love it if I found out a girl was having impure thoughts about me while masturbating.

Where does this become a sin???

God also says somwhere that when a woman is not married she belongs to her Father, when she gets married she belongs to her husband. Where is the part where she belongs to herself?
This is nothing short of sexism.