Why is bigamy/polygamy illegal?


Valued Senior Member

I understand the faithful who believe bigamy / polygamy is inadmissible in the face of God.
But the states with secular leadership, why consider bigamy / polygamy illegal?
I personally have nothing against if the option of my fellow citizens is bigamy / polygamy.
If they believe they are happier if they live in bigamy / polygamy, it is not my business to forbid it.
What do you think,is fair to be punished by law bigamy / polygamy?

Even though it may be illegal in some places it is still practised. In Utah for example, Mormons are polygamous and I'm pretty certain that polygamy is illegal in the state.
The biggest reason I can see is property issues and rights. If John owns a car, then marries Susan, who is already married to J.D., then J.D. marries Molly, does Molly have an equal right to John's car at all times? If Susan divorces this group, can she sue for the car?

Sounds like a big giant pain in the ass to me.
Even if nothing else, making it illegal cuts down *tremendously* on the number of police responses to "domestic disturbances." :D
Polygamous marriages are illegal for the same reason that same-sex marriages are illegal: because some busybodies feel the need to control relationships between consenting adults.
some people are FOR polygami, but, do they floolish and act like they don't know, the very most important part, if you will marrie more than one, you have to be exactly ecaul to both of them, exactly, and if you give a gift to a one, you should give one like it to the other, and tell them, to do not tell the other won that he gave her a gift, that was an example, also, he must have money, and can support, and that they accept each other, if he cant do that, then just to marry one. people who want polygamy, well, many of them, don't see this part, they think, it's, a relegion duty, while it's defferently not. one is ennuf, also, our prophet mohamed, married many women, one from each tribe, to unite the arabian tribes, so, that became what is called "sunna" to marry, but, 4 women, but, with so many strict rules, those that i said, and maybe others.
Even though it may be illegal in some places it is still practised. In Utah for example,

Living together a la Hugh Hefner and his GFs, doesn't equal legal recognition by the law. The orthodox Mormon polygamists are not polygamist by law, because they weren't married by a lawful person but by their own priesthood.

But for extra fun and because of the above, Utah law makes living together illegal. There is a law on the books against unlawful cohabitation (to cut down on polygamists). I guess Hefner could be charged with polygamy if he lived in Utah...
In Utah for example, Mormons are polygamous and I'm pretty certain that polygamy is illegal in the state.

That's only very small splinter cults of Mormon fundamentalists (most of whom are actually located in Arizona). Mainstream Mormonism ditched polygamy well over 100 years ago. I've known plenty of Mormons, and never once encountered a polygamist (or even, a Mormon who wasn't strongly and overtly against polygamy).

We're probably nearing the point now where African and Muslim polygamists are a bigger population in the US than Mormon polygamists.
We're probably nearing the point now where African and Muslim polygamists are a bigger population in the US than Mormon polygamists.

Here is a good one. let's say an Arab has 3 wives, legally in an Arab country. Then he migrates to the US, bringing all his 3 wives. Now what is the legal status of them? Obviously the state will recognize only 1 wife, making the other 2 just GFs....
Here is a good one. let's say an Arab has 3 wives, legally in an Arab country. Then he migrates to the US, bringing all his 3 wives. Now what is the legal status of them? Obviously the state will recognize only 1 wife, making the other 2 just GFs....

He'd probably be forced to divorce two.

The simplest point about multiple spouses is simple genetics, how long before everyone has the same moustache and calls each other cousin?

There is also the important nature that not everyone is lucky enough to be an Adonis or Venus like model, they'd likely not have the chance of a family if all the eligible spouses were taken.

Also there is the important point about finances, not everybody has en-massed a vast fortune to composite for their libido, so allowing multiple spouses would potentially cause larger poverty stricken families, especially if each have children.
(The governments that pay welfare would obviously prefer people to be a bit more intelligent in regards to having children and not burden the coffers with potentially unwanted or unnecessary children.)

Lastly, Who's number one and who's number two?
There is also the important nature that not everyone is lucky enough to be an Adonis or Venus like model, they'd likely not have the chance of a family if all the eligible spouses were taken.

For this, the solution is simple:gay marriage. :D

Colloquially, at least—that is, in consideration of the fact that I know nobody who is genuinely "happily married", unless they express their genuine happiness by complaining about their marriage and denigrating their spouse all the time—I find polygamy indicative of mental illness.

Really, for all I hear married peers complain about their spouses, I can't imagine why anyone would want more than one. Hell, I don't even want the traditional one right now.

I mean, hey, I get it:

• She doesn't like my friends.
• He loves his boat more than me.
• Can't go to the concert; the ball and chain won't let me.
• He won't put the toilet seat down.
• Does her ass look big in those jeans? Anything I say will start a fight.
• That's what he calls lawn care.
• She thinks I'm having an affair with any woman I know.
• He's banging the slut from the office! I know it!
• I don't know, maybe once a month if I'm lucky?
• He's always bugging me for sex!
• She contradicts me in front of the kids.
• He leaves all the parenting to me.
• (&c.)
• (&c.)
• (and so on)
• (and so on)​

Sounds like fucking bliss to me. I know! I want to do that five times over. And all at once!

What the hell do you play for the first dance at your latest wedding reception?

Well, you've got to be crazy, baby
To want a guy like me.
Yeah, you've got to be out of your mind—

(Icehouse, "Crazy")

Is it fair to punish them by law? Sure, why not: Recognize the marriages. That's punishment enough.

No, seriously though, I think people who want polygamous marriages are crazy.
Include that under "&c."

Emil said:

And you forgot the mothers in law!

Point. I suppose if I'd ever bothered to get married, I would probably remember that.

We'll just include that under "&c."