Why I don't believe aliens are visiting us.

The basis for my entire stance in this topic is the fact that there is no hard proof FOR alien visitation.

There is so much speculation on the topic that an entire subculture has evolved from the controversy. This subculture feeds on itself, drawing conclusions from speculations, inferring things from cyclical reasoning and blatantly ignoring any fact that obstructs their fantasy.

I don't believe in alien visitation because I see nothing that eliminates every concievable possibility other than it. I see lights on videos, blotches on old paintings, dark shadows on old films... I see no definite proof that what I am seeing is alien in nature, nor do I see anything that can ONLY be explained by alien visitation.

I am open to the possibility, I truly am.

We must not pile up inconclusive data and pretend that it points anywhere. I have seen nothing remotely conclusive, only second and third hand reports of phenomena that is in some cases mundane and in other cases dubious. There are 12 million sightings, and I have yet to encounter a believer who thinks that each of the 32 sightings a day for the last 1000 years are genuine. Even if only 20% are real sightings, that is still 6.4 every day for the last 1000 years. Despite this; no evidence whatsoever. No pictures of aliens, no videotape of them running around, no landing marks, no trash, equipment, bodies, microorganisms... nothing.

So, on one hand, I have a HUGE pile of questionable evidence (eyewitness reports, etc...). But, nothing I can point to and put under a microscope. I have seen lots of hoaxes within this pool of data, and many mundane, yet credible explanations.

On the other hand, I have the unyielding weight of science.

Science wins, hands down. You show me how it IS possible (not how it 'might'), or show me that it IS happening (not something you can't identify'). Anything hort of that is PURE speculation.

I second your opinion to the fullest 242 9999, I would even like to point to some of the most recent finds in planetary astronomy that makes life and certainly intelligent life a bit less probable to be out there in abondance.
Since 1995 astronomers have found in nearby starsystems over 20 planets, these are all of Jovian mass (about the size and mass of Jupiter). The strange thing was however that these giants were found to orbit their stars much closer then our Jupiter does. Some even closer then our Mercury !
This find forced an update on the models that described the formation of a starsystem. The giant planets had to be formed in the outer reaches of their starsystem because the energy output of their star would disrupt any planet formation of that size. Then these giants migrated to the inner parts of their starsystem, thereby sweeping away any small earth-like planets in their path. If this mechanism is more the rule then the exception, it strongly reduces the amount of habital planets for life to originate out there ! Then we may praise ourself very lucky that Jupiter stayed far away from us and left Earth alone to foster its precious load...

"If I have been able to see further, it was only because I stood on the shoulders of giants."
Isaac Newton
I also agree with your post there is no proof that what we are dealing with is extraterrestrial. However, I do not agree with your statement that science wins hands down. Science is our crutch , we have been WRONG so many times in the past and many genuine phenomenon such as UFO's remain unexplained. What we learn through scientific study is not set in stone same goes with our theories please don't put the cart in front of the horse its because of maistream science that we know nothing of this phenomenon because 1. Its a classified subject and 2. There has not been a major effort to study the field which does not make sense by the very definition of science.
It's a flippin' movie, people. It's a facade. The phenomenon is a spiritual one, which is why there is no physical evidence to speak of, and which is why, given the enormous number of abductions, we don't see non-stop UFO traffic in the sky, or bodies floating around in mid-air. I myself don't deny that it is probable, given what we know about the size of our universe, that life exists elsewhere. Though there's an article on the exo site right now stating that scientists and astronomers are saying the exact opposite. I do not however think that the phenomenon that is occurring now on this planet has anything to do with such "alien" beings. These creatures are either demons themselves, or are the nephilim, the giants, the watchers, that are spoken of in the Bible, and are demonically influenced. The events of this time on earth are foretold in their entirety in the Bible, and in Revelations more specifically. The entire purpose of the alien phenomenon is to attempt to cover up the end-times events, such as the rapture, the antichrist, and God's wrath. It is the ONLY logical explanation. I keep saying that, and yet, many refuse to check into it simply because the theory is Biblically based, and many discount the theory based solely on that one aspect. And yet, I keep coming out here, and no one STILL has any better answers, and are STILL asking the same questions. Check into it. It all fits; every last little bit of it.

You may think I'm a nut, but I'm fastened to the strongest bolt in the universe.
Well, Lori, I really think you are in the same boat with the alien believers here. You both are taking scant and inconclusive data and drawing notions from it that the evidence does not clearly suggest. All I am saying is that the evidence isn't telling us much of anything about what UFO's are.


"Science is our crutch , we have been WRONG so many times in the past and many genuine phenomenon such as UFO's remain unexplained."

Indeed we have been wrong. But in EVERY CASE that we have uncovered our folly, science has played the pivotal role. Science is not a place where we PUT truth, it is a method by which we FIND truth. It is self correcting and self analitical.

"What we learn through scientific study is not set in stone same goes with our theories..."

Amen... if that fact ever changes, the entire system crashes. EVERY theory is suspect.

Science doesn't claim to be 100% certian of anything... EVER. This honesty makes science more reliable than any other system of finding truth. It is a modest and rigorous method of sharpening a hypothesis through decades of testing... all to seek out the most reliable truths.

Not a whole lot to contribute, but as to human vs. alien technology:

* Anyone offer their opinion on the donut contrail from "pulse-amplification" engines? I've seen a couple of photographs at Parascope, and someone may have linked to images out of Exosci, but I don't have a link to offer right now.

* Also--there's a famous Ufo pic out of Oregon, I think, that looks a little like a "Kaiser helmet" with the spike in the top and the bowl-shaped hat. Anyone recall the SR-71 Blackbird? Have you ever looked straight down the nose of that plane and imagined a former version with only one tail? Suddenly, you have a Kaiser-helmet Ufo in a grainy b&w pic.

I'd reassert contemporary interpretation (angels, zeppelins, &c.) throughout time, but I don't think that demonstrates anything in either direction.

Tiassa :cool:

The whole business with the fossilized dinosaur eggs was a joke the paleontologists haven't seen yet. (Good Omens, Gaiman & Pratchett)
alright... not if you think that there is absolutel no life anywere else in the universe... i will think that you have the weekest mind out of anyone.... and wbout the e.ts not being able to go past the light becuase of the energy level, you are also a weekminded fool, just like those scientist that beilieve life can only exist in a Co2 envirement, and yet you always say that life can evolve into anything... well life could most likely evolve to adapt to its own atmospohere, dont you think????

and i jsut got dump.. so i am pissed ast the most beatiful girl in the universe!

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages.

-dexter (nimrod242 :aol sn)
Dexter, I have to give you a little leeway here because you 'jsut got dump'. I understand how you would be 'pissed ast the most beatiful girl in the universe!', I mean, who wouldn't be?

I believe that life either has, will or does exist currently. When one looks at the sheer size of the universe and the enormity of time, how could life be unique to this tiny globe alone? Although, this is a deduction from what I know, and doesn't stem from any actual proof. Still, for what it's worth I think that aliens are out there somewhere. I just see no proof that they are HERE.

"...and wbout the e.ts not being able to go past the light becuase of the energy level, you are also a weekminded fool"

Well, I am not the person having difficulty adjusting to the truth. From what source are you concluding that we can exceed the speed of light? There is nothing... NOTHING that humans have done that in ANY WAY shows us that we can exceed the speed of light. WE CAN'T DO IT, AND NOTHING SAYS THAT WE CAN!!! If I'm wrong, PLEASE post a link to the contrary. But until I see some evidence, don't paint me out to be an "earth-is-flat" kinda guy. I'm going with the most up to date scientific data that we have. Show me something else, or keep your insults to yourself.

Sorry you 'jsut got dump'...

well its like this.... i am just stateing that if you think that there is only one way to go... not being able to go past the speed of light, for one... it is completely possible that you cant go the speed of light.. i am just saying that most likely you can... and most likely aliens are here visiting us.... but perhaps not. ive said it before and i'll say it again. anything is totally possible, the christians could be right.. or a blade of grass on your lawn could be the god of the entire universe.. its it totally possible... is there anything that is a fact that contidicts that???? NO

and about me being dumped.... its alright... i'm still young, but if anyof you could see her.. damnnn but i have a pic on the internet now if any of you would like to see my sexy body, i'll e--mail it to you!!!


when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages.

-dexter (nimrod242 :aol sn)