Why I Despise Religion

That's a true story.
For those that say "Blame the church not god" I would like to point out that the church claims it's authority from god and what evidence do they have that the church is incorrect in that assumption?
Assuming that what your sister-in-law said is true, she should have reported the incident to his superiors.

For those that say "Blame the church not god" I would like to point out that the church claims it's authority from god and what evidence do they have that the church is incorrect in that assumption?
Why should I trust their word over that of organised religion?
Who is at fault over this sort of behavior seems more a matter of opinion than a matter of fact.
I don't see how one man acting outside of the Church relates to the Church as a whole. We, for the most part, trust the authority that is given to police officers, even though they occasionally act outside of their authority.
TheMatrixIsReal said:
Beseless lol.
Oh, oooops....

An ignorant person can think the rest of the world are the ignorant ones, but it doesn't make him any less ignorant. When you think about it, a belief in any form is inherently ignorant, because it requires an 'acceptance of something as true', which denies the possibility that it could be wrong.
That may just be true...maybe that's why everyone is so careful at what they believe in. Because they have to accept it too.

I'd like you to further that thought if you want.

When you think about it, a belief in any form is inherently ignorant, because it requires an 'acceptance of something as true', which denies the possibility that it could be wrong.

Unless the belief is based on a proof which makes your assertion false.
StarOfEight said:
Right, and if you'd actually read my intial post, you'd see I said "some Scripture or Church tradition," and let's not pretend that the Old Testament is anything but a repository of petty hatreds and justifcations for stoning.

As I said:

The Bible has never given any one any right whatsoever to violate/approve any Communion.

Hence the accusation against Scripture is revealed to be invalid, leaving us with the accusation against "Church tradition". Now if you have a problem with Catholic tradition, I don't see why that is at all a valid reason for you to "despise religion".

It is like hating all educators because your teacher believes that a lot of homework is a good thing.
I don't follow you. If I believe something because it has been proven true then how can that belief be from ignorance?
DeeCee said:
Hey Star

Here's a little story you may be interested in.

When my sister in law was young and stupid she had the misfortune to fall in love with a young man who thought he was in love with her (not my brother I hasten to add). Nature proceeded as nature does and after a night of thoughtless passion she found herself pregnant. The young man ran for his life and sister in law was expelled from the devout catholic familiy she had been brought up in (those bridges have now thankfully been mended). It seems that getting pregnant without having some fool mumble superstitious nonsense at you and your man first is a bad thing. So she's 17 alone in shitty social housing with her first child. None of her family chose to be present at the birth and she was left relying on the charity of friends and handouts from the state.
A day or two after she gets home from the hospital the local parish priest appears unannounced on her doorstep and invites himself in. Michelle (for thats her name) tells me that she had just brewed herself a cup of tea and has it in her hand as she opens the door. Priest strolls past her into the house. Flustered she asks him,
"Father would you like a cup of tea?"
She recounts his answer verbatim and this his what he said.
"I will not drink your tea and you will get down on your knees and pray for the bastard you spawned"
There is little more to tell. She threw her cup at the priest, told him to "fuck off" and ended forever any association with the church.

That's a true story.
For those that say "Blame the church not god" I would like to point out that the church claims it's authority from god and what evidence do they have that the church is incorrect in that assumption?
Why should I trust their word over that of organised religion?
Who is at fault over this sort of behavior seems more a matter of opinion than a matter of fact.

Dee Cee

That is a troubling story nonetheless, but blaming God is unjustified.

Surely, you do not blame the car company when a drunk driver gets in an accident.

Unless you are able to present some manner of testimony from the Gospel to substantiate your accusation against God, your quarrel remains with those who presumed to throw the first stone, and not with the Almighty.
Assuming that what your sister-in-law said is true, she should have reported the incident to his superiors.

It's true I can assure you. As for the superiors, Well when your an unmarried mother of 17 whose just thrown hot tea over a priest I imagine the idea of approaching members of the church for assistance with her complaint would require more courage than she had. That is supposition but it sounds reasonable. I'll have to ask her but I suspect I'll get one of those "Why the hell do you think!" type answers.
BTW I know she told her mother about it. Mum said the priest was right and she should be ashamed of her behavior!
Go figure.

don't see how one man acting outside of the Church relates to the Church as a whole.

He was in uniform and he did tell her to pray. I can only presume that he believed God was in his corner and who's to say that he was wrong? He was the priest after all.

Surely, you do not blame the car company when a drunk driver gets in an accident.

You suggesting God should interview more carefully?
I always assumed that priests were more than just Gods crew members I thought they were supposed to be more like shepherds.
BTW from start to finish how long does it take to 'qualify' for the preisthood?
The priest in question was an old Irish fella who had been in the parish for many years and Michelle knew him by name. I don't know if thats relevant but I throw it in none the less.

your quarrel remains with those who presumed to throw the first stone, and not with the Almighty.

So God couldn't have stopped him?
So much for omnipotence.
Dee Cee
DeeCee said:
don't see how one man acting outside of the Church relates to the Church as a whole.

He was in uniform and he did tell her to pray. I can only presume that he believed God was in his corner and who's to say that he was wrong? He was the priest after all.

I believe you are missing the point of my initial post.

The Church recieves it's authority FROM the Bible. Unless you are able to provide Scriptural background that supports the priest/Church's actions, your quarrel is NOT with God.

You suggesting God should interview more carefully?
I always assumed that priests were more than just Gods crew members I thought they were supposed to be more like shepherds.
BTW from start to finish how long does it take to 'qualify' for the preisthood?
The priest in question was an old Irish fella who had been in the parish for many years and Michelle knew him by name. I don't know if thats relevant but I throw it in none the less.

There are wolves in sheep's clothing.

Obviously calling oneself a priest or a Christian doesn't make one so.

Regardless of how many years the priest had under his belt, a lack of Scriptural authority in his actions condemns him.

your quarrel remains with those who presumed to throw the first stone, and not with the Almighty.

So God couldn't have stopped him?
So much for omnipotence.
Dee Cee

Why do you make that sarcastic remark? If God did stop him then you would suddenly change your tone and be screaming that He was taking away free will. That is not to say that God couldn't have, but that He did not want to.
§outh§tar said:
As I said:

Hence the accusation against Scripture is revealed to be invalid, leaving us with the accusation against "Church tradition". Now if you have a problem with Catholic tradition, I don't see why that is at all a valid reason for you to "despise religion".

It is like hating all educators because your teacher believes that a lot of homework is a good thing.

To repeat, this idiocy would fit in nicely with the that the Old Testament's endless compendium of hatreds and justifcations for stonings. Is refusing a girl Communion on account of a digestive disorder anymore petty or hateful than shunning somebody on account of a skin disorder?
Quote JustARide:
"Why does the idea of God, creator and master of the entire universe, only allowing people who have munched on a little crumb of bread and sipped some wine/grape juice in a strategic fashion into Heaven not strike more people as ludicrous?"

Thanks JustARide, `Nuff said. Like the creator of infinity has nothing better to do? Why do Christians believe their god is so stuck in the detail? Do they consider themselves special?

I can wholed heartedly agree with you, after reading what I just have, no wonder theres so many sick fucks in the church.

Ie:"Whosoever ... hath any blemish, let him not approach to offer the bread of his God. For whatsoever man he be that hath a blemish, he shall not approach: a blind man, or a lame, or he that hath a flat nose, or any thing superfluous, Or a man that is brokenfooted, or brokenhanded, Or crookbackt, or a dwarf, or that hath a blemish in his eye, or be scurvy, or scabbed, or hath his stones broken; No man that hath a blemish of the seed of Aaron the priest shall come nigh to offer the offerings of the LORD made by fire: he hath a blemish; he shall not come nigh to offer the bread of his God. ... Only he shall not go in unto the vail, nor come nigh unto the altar, because he hath a blemish; that he profane not my sanctuaries." Lev.21:17-23 the little girl is better of without them.
StarOfEight said:
To repeat, this idiocy would fit in nicely with the that the Old Testament's endless compendium of hatreds and justifcations for stonings. Is refusing a girl Communion on account of a digestive disorder anymore petty or hateful than shunning somebody on account of a skin disorder?

Perhaps you are missing the point.

Unless you can find Scripture that supports the priest's actions, your quarrel is NOT with the Bible/God/religion.. but with the priest.

Meaning the priest was acting on his own accord and NOT under God's direction.
Part of the function of religeon is to give order to peoples lives. This element is now obsolete thanks to better law keeps etc.

It once occurred to me when I was younger that religion (in the case of Cristianity) is much like a virus. It lives in our culture, has a reproductive system ("spread the way"), a defence mechanism (the only path to heaven is through the son, amounst others), and it adapts and evolves under the same rules as physical creatures.

I was thrilled to read about the concept of memes as you can imagine.

I have no objection to religions like zen etc. but the rest are now just a waste of energy.
It's true I can assure you.
The story seems somewhat incomplete to me. Parish priests don't know my house address, and it would be unthinkable of them to come heckle me. Most priests would probably be overjoyed that she did not have an abortion.

As for the superiors, Well when your an unmarried mother of 17 whose just thrown hot tea over a priest I imagine the idea of approaching members of the church for assistance with her complaint would require more courage than she had.
It seems unbelievable that a priest would take the time to visit her to call her baby a bastard. Sure, the priest might say so under his breath or something. So I think the whole story has been exagerated a bit.

That is supposition but it sounds reasonable. I'll have to ask her but I suspect I'll get one of those "Why the hell do you think!" type answers.
BTW I know she told her mother about it. Mum said the priest was right and she should be ashamed of her behavior!
Perhaps the mother told the priest to go to her or something?

You suggesting God should interview more carefully?
I always assumed that priests were more than just Gods crew members I thought they were supposed to be more like shepherds.
Yes, they are supposed to be shepherds, but I know priests who have engaged in worst behavior.

BTW from start to finish how long does it take to 'qualify' for the preisthood?
I think they have to receive a vocation along with spending time in the seminary. I'm not sure of the exact time, but I think four years.
There is little more to tell. She threw her cup at the priest, told him to "fuck off" and ended forever any association with the church.

Good for her!! Sad part is she didn't kick him on the ass on his way out!.


The Matrix is Real:
I find that to be a hypothetical possibility. I dont believe it, but I dont rule out that im wrong. I have realized that there are 3 things in this world
Opinion - Could be a theory or just observation. "This pen looks blue"
Fact - Any opinion that is widely accepted. "This pen is blue"
Truth - The absolution that disregards any Fact or Opinion and is considered to be the ultimate meaning to "existance". "This pen appears to be blue. People say its blue. But that doesnt change the fact that this pen is red"

Now Truth can be defined many ways. I put it as what is beyond everything. The ultimate or something. So there can be 2 possibilities. Truth exists because there is something else outside our world and/or senses. Turth doesnt exists because there is nothing else outside our world. I never realy cared if truth exists or not, but I still think about it anyways.

I dont know "much" about Catholic so i wont say anything on that...