Why I Despise Religion


A Man of Taste and Decency
Registered Senior Member
I'm back, [deleted].

Anyways ...


8 year old girl in New Jersey, has this rare digestive disorder, so she can't eat wheat. So, when she made her First Communion, they gave her a Eucharist made of rice. This violates some piece of Scripture or Church tradition, and they're revoked her Communion.

To which I say ...

Way to go, you [deleted]. Rather than rooting out the [deleted] who've turned the House of God into Neverland Ranch, you're going to make a little kid despise you for the rest of her life. Congratulations. Seriously. I mean, nothing says "all-loving creator" like a [deleted] who's going to give a kid a disease, and then refuse her communion. Really ... much better she die than violate some [deleted] trivia so [deleted] petty, I'm figuring the Heartbreakers are playin' the Vatican.
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Dear Starof8

Since you believe it is all false anyway, it is easy for you to believe that none of the details matter. The Catholic Church does believe that the details matter.

And the Church has said that the little Girl can take the Wine. So what is everybody steaming about? Obviously we have a PTA Mother who wants to fight the World because otherwise life would be simply too boring to bear. There are some people who aren't happy until they make those mountains out of molehills.

You know, taking the Wine is ordinarily seen as a Special Privelege. She should be happy. But happy has no drama, and so she prefers to make the Church her enemy. That's why I hate People. Religion is fine; its people I can't stand.

It is unfortunate that ignorance blinds your better judgement.

The Bible has never given any one any right whatsoever to violate/approve any Communion.

If you were at all sensible, you would bash Catholic tradition, not religion.
Leo Volont said:
Dear Starof8

Since you believe it is all false anyway, it is easy for you to believe that none of the details matter. The Catholic Church does believe that the details matter.
And the Church has said that the little Girl can take the Wine. That's why I hate People. Religion is fine; its people I can't stand.
none of the details do matter to starofeight, but they matter to the young girl, you frigging you moron.
yes she can take the wine, but to her part is not as good as the whole is it.
that's like saying only half of your body can goto heaven, she's, only an eight year old kid.
she may not see it like an adult.
and everybody on this forum, does not like you. your a nasty, sick, sociapathic, arsehole.
I for one wish you'd just leave, as you have nothing worth saying.
the Church has said that the little Girl can take the Wine

Err what do the child protection agencies have to say about it?

"You can't give the baby booze!" Reeves.
Dee Cee
TheMatrixIsReal said:
Hahahahahahahahahaha, a religious person talking about ignorance, hahahahahahahahahaha. Wow, that's the best laugh I've had all week, thanks.
This only shows how ignorant you are.

Sure people, not just atheist people, can think someone is ignorant.

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§our§tar: StarOfEight

It is unfortunate that ignorance blinds your better judgement.

The Bible has never given any one any right whatsoever to violate/approve any Communion.

If you were at all sensible, you would bash Catholic tradition, not religion.
M*W: Tradition is what makes Catholicism understandable and tolerable. Catholic tradition is a way of life, and it's a way of educating religious principles. Bottom line, it's the religion that sucks.
Why does the idea of God, creator and master of the entire universe, only allowing people who have munched on a little crumb of bread and sipped some wine/grape juice in a strategic fashion into Heaven <i>not</i> strike more people as ludicrous?

Communion, circumcision, baptism -- how much could these things possibly bear on the quality of one's life or beliefs? They might instill some sense of solace in people who believe God is a big, angry control freak waiting to catch them on a technicality, but that's about it. Oh yeah, and some medical sources say circumcision makes for a cleaner dong (not to mention less laughing and pointing in the high school gym locker room). Also, I suppose if one brought along some shampoo, baptism might be good for a hairwashing.

To be frank, if God rejects otherwise good people because they didn't take communion or chop the tips of their penises off, then I have one thing to say to God -- lighten up, G.

The act of communion may be important to this little girl, but perhaps a better question is "Why are these beliefs important to this little girl in the first place?" Well, most likely because some adult told her they should be. Children aren't born fearing they will burn in Hell if they don't have a little ritual snack in church. That's a product of religious education.
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The wine and bread are symbolic of the blood and body of the Christian deity. The only way it coud not be symbolic if they had the actual blood and flesh of JC. Since it is all symbology surely any reasonable substitute should be acceptable since it is not the actual substances that are important but the symbolism. That Catholicsm insists on irrelevant details, as Leo states, is a good sign of the irrelevance of Catholicsm and that they seem to have missed the point of their own ceremonies.
Cris: The wine and bread are symbolic of the blood and body of the Christian deity. The only way it coud not be symbolic if they had the actual blood and flesh of JC. Since it is all symbology surely any reasonable substitute should be acceptable since it is not the actual substances that are important but the symbolism. That Catholicsm insists on irrelevant details, as Leo states, is a good sign of the irrelevance of Catholicsm and that they seem to have missed the point of their own ceremonies.
M*W: But Catholics believe in the literal transubstantiation of the bread and wine into the actual, real and true, body and blood of Christ, nothing less. So as an ex-Catholic, I recall how the priest quotes what nobody ever heard Jesus say "this IS my body..." and "this IS my blood...". And all good catholics are to believe in the switcheroo miracle of the bread and wine. Since then I've limited my intake of the body of Christ, but I'll drink the blood of Jesus anyday, and I believe in the truee miracle of the transubstantiation of the actual blood of Jesus into the White Zinfindel grape. And, heck! I'll do it in memory of anyone you want me to! How's that for a religion?
StarEight, and others, unless if you're willing to argue from what the Church believes, its specific doctrine and practice, it all comes to nought. The Catholic church believes that Christ is truly present within the host after the priest has said "this is the body of Christ", that someone can worship the host without incurring idolatry. Now neither you nor I have the ability to make the claim that Christ is truly present without an authority equal to that of Christ. So unless if you have this authority, why should the Church make this claim; it has only received from Christ and Tradition that the Eucharist should be bread and wine?
Okinrus - thanks. Catholicism, it seems, is more unbelievable than I thought.
Okinrus - thanks. Catholicism, it seems, is more unbelievable than I thought.
Most theists and Christians believe that God is omnipresent. Christ being present within the bread and wine would only mean that Christ has a fuller, embodied, and substantial presence, allowing us to worship. Of course, no one goes from words to belief like this; I'm just pointing out that it is not all that strange.

When StarofEight and others attempted to argue their point, they somehow missed the point that the Church considers it a sacrament. It cannot be any ol' substance and the priest doesn't have the authority to "command" Christ be present in candybars and other substances. Theologically, however, there does not seem to be a problem with ricecakes. Canon law, however, has closed the scope of public revelation; I don't even the Pope, if he wanted to, could make this allowance.
Leo Volont said:
Dear Starof8

Since you believe it is all false anyway, it is easy for you to believe that none of the details matter. The Catholic Church does believe that the details matter.

And the Church has said that the little Girl can take the Wine. So what is everybody steaming about? Obviously we have a PTA Mother who wants to fight the World because otherwise life would be simply too boring to bear. There are some people who aren't happy until they make those mountains out of molehills.

You know, taking the Wine is ordinarily seen as a Special Privelege. She should be happy. But happy has no drama, and so she prefers to make the Church her enemy. That's why I hate People. Religion is fine; its people I can't stand.

The fuck are you even talking about? Wine has nothing to do with this ... it's the Host. And while it's easy to take shots at soccer moms ... if the girl eats wheat, she might get cancer. That's making a mountain out of a molehill? Really? Okay ... thanks for playing.
§outh§tar said:

It is unfortunate that ignorance blinds your better judgement.

The Bible has never given any one any right whatsoever to violate/approve any Communion.

If you were at all sensible, you would bash Catholic tradition, not religion.

Right, and if you'd actually read my intial post, you'd see I said "some Scripture or Church tradition," and let's not pretend that the Old Testament is anything but a repository of petty hatreds and justifcations for stoning.
DeeCee said:
the Church has said that the little Girl can take the Wine

Err what do the child protection agencies have to say about it?

"You can't give the baby booze!" Reeves.
Dee Cee

A few things ... when you recieve Communiom, it's a sip of wine. That won't harm a kid, and although I'm not sure, I believe that there are exemptions in drinking age statues for kids at religious ceremonies, with their parents ... in other words, for Communion, or Passover ... well, I think it's pass over at any rate. And again, this was never about the wine, but about the Eucharist.
Hey Star

Here's a little story you may be interested in.

When my sister in law was young and stupid she had the misfortune to fall in love with a young man who thought he was in love with her (not my brother I hasten to add). Nature proceeded as nature does and after a night of thoughtless passion she found herself pregnant. The young man ran for his life and sister in law was expelled from the devout catholic familiy she had been brought up in (those bridges have now thankfully been mended). It seems that getting pregnant without having some fool mumble superstitious nonsense at you and your man first is a bad thing. So she's 17 alone in shitty social housing with her first child. None of her family chose to be present at the birth and she was left relying on the charity of friends and handouts from the state.
A day or two after she gets home from the hospital the local parish priest appears unannounced on her doorstep and invites himself in. Michelle (for thats her name) tells me that she had just brewed herself a cup of tea and has it in her hand as she opens the door. Priest strolls past her into the house. Flustered she asks him,
"Father would you like a cup of tea?"
She recounts his answer verbatim and this his what he said.
"I will not drink your tea and you will get down on your knees and pray for the bastard you spawned"
There is little more to tell. She threw her cup at the priest, told him to "fuck off" and ended forever any association with the church.

That's a true story.
For those that say "Blame the church not god" I would like to point out that the church claims it's authority from god and what evidence do they have that the church is incorrect in that assumption?
Why should I trust their word over that of organised religion?
Who is at fault over this sort of behavior seems more a matter of opinion than a matter of fact.

Dee Cee
TheMatrixIsReal said:
How would you know if I'm ignorant or not, you don't even know me? Are you saying I'm ignorant because I laughed at the guy? Sorry buddy but that's not ignorance, if it's anything it's "making fun of other people" or at the worst "being an asshole". I have no problem with being insulted, but if you’re going to do it at least get it right. By the way, whoever said I was atheist, another baseless assumption. And I'm the ignorant one? Lol I'm eating this up, keep it coming.
Well, I wouldn't call it a beseless assumption.

You were ignorant to the fact that anyone could think someone is ignorant, not just "other people than religious people" - if you want to take it the long way.

Sure you were an asshole too, but that's another story.