Why God, Why not Gods?

The limit to the number of gods is set only by the creativity of the human imagination since the god concept has no other basis.
The limit to the number of gods is set only by the creativity of the human imagination since the god concept has no other basis.
You're fully entitled to your opinion. But to state outright that your opinion is fact is quite impolite and arrogant.
Polytheism generally assumes that gods are like cogs in a wheel. Monotheism [whether Hindu, Zoroastrian, Christian, Muslim or religious Judaic] assumes that God is the wheel.

I think this sums it up quite nicely.

Consider a situation where there are many Gods. It would seem that none of them are all-powerful, therefore not being gods, just more advanced species than we are. IF there were more than one all-powerful God, it must therefore be true that they never contradict each other. Or you'd get an unstoppable force hitting an immovable object. So then, logically, there must be a pattern of behavior which prevents overlap. Then, this pattern is the supreme God as it dictates the others.

Simply put, our universe is orderly. Therefore, the God which preserves the order in our universe, preventing the chaos which would otherwise ensue, is the supreme God, and the others are subordinates.

If many gods would be merely a more advanced species, so would 1 god.
A pattern is not a god.
If there are many gods with 1 more powerful than the others, 1 of the others might become more powerful.
We always talk about a Single God who is hypothesized to be the creator of everything except himself.
But, won't it be possible that it could be more than 1 God?
2,3,4,5,.........infinity Gods out there?

I find that both answers are possible at the same time. Also, in the singular absolution where all Gods unite into God, God is not a man sitting around alone and bored, nor a woman doing the same thing. God is the formless union of both sexes.

If many gods would be merely a more advanced species, so would 1 god.
A pattern is not a god.
If there are many gods with 1 more powerful than the others, 1 of the others might become more powerful.

It's not a matter of number. It's a matter of power.

I was operating under the assumption that the word "God" implied omnipotence. If so, multiple gods must never(logically) be in conflict.

If omnipotence is not implied, then I will concede that a single non-omnipotent "God" falls under my definition of an advanced species, not God.
What about sihk and Hindu people there are millions of them around the world, The owner of your local corner store is most likely a polytheist go and ask him about it.

I just asked god if there is more than one god and he said no there is just him, god/allah is the creator everything else is the created and the concieved, he is the truth and has always been.

So yeah what he said I guess, maybe he is seen as a different entity and being all together when people behold the different aspects and spectrum of emotion and diversity int he universe. Like people think oh the god of war because theres war, the god of fertility because of children, god of good harvests for chinese rice field workers who want a nice yield. They are just all faces of the same head.

That reminds me not many people know this but for hundreds of years and still in mainland rural china all of the people are polytheist, more than half a billion of them i would guess are all a mix of Daoist/Buddhist/Confucian
They all prey to the god of this for this, and the god of that for that it really is endless. Like how they all go into the rice field temple hut things and pray to the god of rice growing ^_^. I seen it tons of times people have the chinese all wrong and stereotyped in a slightly incorrect light. Chinese culture is basicaly built upon prayers, rituals feng shui organisation even the modern business buildings are consulted over by tai chi masters aand little old monks waving bells about to free up the stagnant Qi int he rooms, making sure no Sharp edges are facing toward the building giving a negative rushed impact on the business. The people of china are highly polytheist maybe even more so than people in non muslim india/west Asia.

There are alot more polytheists than you might think, What would you class a buddhist as? or a daoist, they are both yet neither at the same time. Also there is no seperation between buddhism/Daoism etc in china if you ask a chinese man if he is a buddhist or daoist he will be a bit confused because he would see no seperation from the two, only 2 sides to one coin like the earlier example with the heads I made.

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The word God has a type of retarded shround surrounding it, like the aura of an inbred platipuss or how ever you spell the name.

When people hear "god" they always think omni-this omni=that already giving god traits and allignments with certain morals and powers accoring to the bible or Qu.ran. Like he is superman with his trademark signature moves, laser beam eyes, flight, icey breath and xray vision etc. super god has the power of omni-everything and a huge penis. ahaha.

Maybe god isnt all of those things, maybe he is some I will ask him and post back wha he says soon but I want to read more threads havent been on the forum in awhile, plus I already asked him one thing today dont want to bug him too much.

That he's supposed to be omni-present points to him not being a being, but rather nature itself. So, strip away the personification and I can see it making sense. Not the bible though, it's far too recent and too screwed-up already, just the bare concept of 'god'.
And that should answer the OP as well.
The word God has a type of retarded shround surrounding it, like the aura of an inbred platipuss ......

kind of self creating based on additional phenomenon to put into 'his' job description

or how ever you spell the name.
platypus (don't worry about spelling, the good ones will catch the 'goods')

When people hear "god" they always think omni-this omni=that already giving god traits and allignments with certain morals and powers accoring to the bible or Qu.ran. Like he is superman with his trademark signature moves, laser beam eyes, flight, icey breath and xray vision etc. super god has the power of omni-everything and a huge penis. ahaha.

Bill Gates; the 'creator' of Microsoft (with his disciples or course)

Confucius the teacher and creator of many 'words of wisdom' (he too is still alive in what he gave)

Jesus; self explanitory (he is still within mankind, yet abused by many, in name)

Darwin; shared an observation of the 'tree of life': simply proven when each observe how knowledge has always evolved

Then Krishna; who i guess from having 16k gopis without giving up his 'essence' yet please all of them; must be a god! (giggle giggle; but that could account for him being blue, perhaps?)

Each 'contributor' is a god of his wake within the period of their time to experience.

Maybe god isnt all of those things, maybe he is some I will ask him and post back wha he says soon

why wait to inquire?

would, all mass, energy and time, include all renditions and beliefs?

If we learning God (of existence) then without believing of a God as an isolated entity, we can know him (everything created (existing)) (lots to learn, appreciate)

but I want to read more threads havent been on the forum in awhile, plus I already asked him one thing today dont want to bug him too much.


welcome to the party

'good fight, without whiskey'
kind of self creating based on additional phenomenon to put into 'his' job description

platypus (don't worry about spelling, the good ones will catch the 'goods')

Bill Gates; the 'creator' of Microsoft (with his disciples or course)

Confucius the teacher and creator of many 'words of wisdom' (he too is still alive in what he gave)

Jesus; self explanitory (he is still within mankind, yet abused by many, in name)

Darwin; shared an observation of the 'tree of life': simply proven when each observe how knowledge has always evolved

Then Krishna; who i guess from having 16k gopis without giving up his 'essence' yet please all of them; must be a god! (giggle giggle; but that could account for him being blue, perhaps?)

Each 'contributor' is a god of his wake within the period of their time to experience.

why wait to inquire?

would, all mass, energy and time, include all renditions and beliefs?

If we learning God (of existence) then without believing of a God as an isolated entity, we can know him (everything created (existing)) (lots to
learn, appreciate)

welcome to the party

'good fight, without whiskey'

Firstly thanks for making me use my brain wiht a nice reply with pearls of wisdom.

"platypus" I thought that was it but then I thought no it has a wierd spelling it does not read how it sounds. Are you sure thas it? I dont wish to look it up lol not tha important ^_^.

I like bill gates he does good deed's.

Maybe not the creator of many words but the conjure, one thing though I disslike how he was not so much diss honest but he never told his true beliefs about the things he knew. I prefer Lao tzi to be honest Sun tzu is also a favorite of mine.

I have to ask this quickly because it' the thing I wanted to know most in your next reply, what exactly do you mean by "include all renditions and beliefs" how are you incorperating that with mas etc etc..?

Oh and I asked he does not know everything that will happen here on earth already. otherwise this is pointless, he has the power to know but chooses not to. he can do anything he wants. He can sit back and watch and mix paths of people he chooses to create a destiny. Do you want to know anything else? do you have a question to ask.

This is a complex question .
We all keep on guessing .
Happy and healthy guessing for all......!.