WHy God Sucks

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Why does the government deserve bad things for the things it does to other countries?

Well, because it wasn't approved by the people?
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
By that logic the middle east "deserves" payback for 9/11. It doesn't matter what part of the middle east, just as long as lots of middle easterners die.

Yea, well, you're being a bit more vague than just a country itself, which is what I started off on...

..but you're on the right track. That's how people think for the large part. I am not saying I agree with it, obviously, but we get the flack for the crap our government pulls. It's unavoidable for the most part. People aren't as well versed in common sense as perhaps we would like to consider ourselves - so although some things make sense to us, some people don't apply the equation correctly, and just generalize and point fingers.
Most governments won't even tell their people anything. "seeking approval from the people" is probably america's only weakness.
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
Most governments won't even tell their people anything. "seeking approval from the people" is probably america's only weakness.

Which raises a question:
How much of our current population would point a gun at our government, more-so than it currently does, if they only knew just *half* of the unknown deeds our government pulled on others? :bugeye:
Well, because it wasn't approved by the people?

What relevence does that have?

Can you prove the existence of some Karmic force of "deserving bad things"?
Originally posted by Mushukyou
Which raises a question:
How much of our current population would point a gun at our government, more-so than it currently does, if they only knew just *half* of the unknown deeds our government pulled on others? :bugeye:
Probably more, who cares, the population is dumb.
I have a question, if iraq or afghanistan or whoever were as strong as america and america were as weak as them do you think there even would BE an america right now? Of course not, because the governments of those countries do whatever the hell they want and don't care if they look bad to the public.

What does this have to do with god's suckitude?:bugeye:
Originally posted by Xev
What relevence does that have?

Can you prove the existence of some Karmic force of "deserving bad things"?

I'm not sure what you're getting at here, bro....
but if a government does something unjustly to another place, the blame falls on them... the people that attacked us on Sept. 11th were returning the kindness we offered them. (the kindness our government offered them in the past).

We, "America", were to pay for the doings of our government that acted without our approval.
That is what I meant - nothing more.
How did you interpret it?
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
Probably more, who cares, the population is dumb.
I have a question, if iraq or afghanistan or whoever were as strong as america and america were as weak as them do you think there even would BE an america right now? Of course not, because the governments of those countries do whatever the hell they want and don't care if they look bad to the public.

What does this have to do with god's suckitude?:bugeye:

Well, so you think other countries would really act like we are currently if they had the power? I dunno man, there's a lot of differences in morals and ethics out there.

The reason for this thread? Cause I started it and I should be shot. :)
God's suckitude plays no part, except in the eyes of our minister... er... I mean president.
Originally posted by Mushukyou
Well, so you think other countries would really act like we are currently if they had the power?
No, like I said they would be about 10 times MORE active in violently taking over the world.
I'm not sure what you're getting at here, bro....
but if a government does something unjustly to another place, the blame falls on them... the people that attacked us on Sept. 11th were returning the kindness we offered them. (the kindness our government offered them in the past).

Huh? This doesn't even make logical sense. Are you saying that a government isn't responsible for just actions - only for unjust actions?

What is "something unjust" anyway?
Originally posted by Xev

Huh? This doesn't even make logical sense. Are you saying that a government isn't responsible for just actions - only for unjust actions?

What is "something unjust" anyway?

What the heck are you talking about?! hahah
I never said that!
Man, get off the crack!
That's the only string of argument I can find in your posts. Your theory seems to be:

The US government does things with which I disagree, therefore the US government deserves to be hurt, punished, taught a lesson, whatever.
Originally posted by Xev
That's the only string of argument I can find in your posts. Your theory seems to be:

The US government does things with which I disagree, therefore the US government deserves to be hurt, punished, taught a lesson, whatever.

No, what I said was:
The government does things that the American people don't exactly know about on a large basis and would potentially disagree with, which is what led to Sept. 11th attack.

The government is also responsible for many other feats which, if the people of this country knew about, would be even less pleased with their performance.

The government is now led by an appointed dictator named Bush who is bent on war, even though I feel it's pretty obvious the anti-war protestants are in the majority - adding to that his statement that he will not listen to anti-war protestants nor let them sway him from doing what he feels he wants to do.

We will very well get our asses handed to us if we continue, in my opinion.

Also, it really pisses me off that we think we have the right to change other country's foreign policies.

Our government is nothing but a "big brother" over the entire world, and it's getting old and lame.
Originally posted by Shady_Reaper
There are many reasons god sucks here are a few of them feel free to post your own reasons.
1. He doesn't exist
2. What kind of name is god for a god
3.He let his son face a horrible death
4.If he's not the boss or you don't play his way you lose
5. He makes people kill other people
6. he won't let you wack off or have sex with whoever you want
7. he'll be responsible for the end of the world
8. If he's so great why is it when people talk him are thrown in the nut house
9.His book is the most boring book ever written
10.He makes people attack proven facts or inhibit technological advancement
11. He makes the streets filled with poor and homeless children by denying abortions

1. No shit.
2. His name is Yahweh (assuming you are referring to the chirstian god).
3. He is a malevolent sadistic asshole according to the bible.
4. ditto
5. ditto.
6. ditto
7. ditto
8. People, in general, are dumbasses.
9. There are worse books. At least god will "smear crap in your face" if you don't do what he says, as the bible says.
10. see #8.
11. See #4 and #8.

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After searching and searching for such a long time, I have finally found some websites that totally and completely describes what God and religion are really like. These websites that I found tells the complete and 100% truth about God and religion. They are, by far, the most truthful descriptions of God and religion that I have ever read. They are brilliant. They say it all about God and religion. If you want to know the accurate, honest, 100% truth about God and religion and what they are really like, go to those websites addresses. Those websites addresses are:

A quote from Tiassa...

"If Jesus weeps, it's because he's tired of bleeding for such senselessness as you preach."

I don't know whether you intended it to be Tiassa, but IMO that is a powerful quote. In a sense it is also quite a heartbreaking quote because there is a lot of truth in that statement because it is a big problem with a lot of christians. Although not always the case, I don't think I have met a more judgemental group of people, when it was explicitly stated that we should not Judge. And our attitude in general very rarely falls under the "Love your Neighbours" Category. There are a lot of bad "Christians" out there who have no right to call themselves Christians at all and have missed the point entirely.

A question to the Athiests on this forum (Be honest now :) )......

If any of you hate christians, is it because of what it is written that a christian should be, or is it because of what this "christian" actually is?
Silvertusk said:
A question to the Athiests on this forum (Be honest now :)
If any of you hate christians, is it because of what it is written that a christian should be, or is it because of what this "christian" actually is?
firstly theres no hatred, so on that premise the question cant be answered, why are you assuming theres hatred, we are not here to fight to the death, we are here to have a civilised debate.( and yes I know we all shout and cuss, but we are'nt going to kill each other.)
however I will try to answer you question, for a start no christian is a true christian ( this would be impossible to follow)but they all claim to be which makes them hypocrites see here and here.
they can be whatever they want to be, but they should'nt try teach us morality if theres is suspect.
so it's a bit of both.
audible said:
firstly theres no hatred, so on that premise the question cant be answered, why are you assuming theres hatred, we are not here to fight to the death, we are here to have a civilised debate.( and yes I know we all shout and cuss, but we are'nt going to kill each other.)
however I will try to answer you question, for a start no christian is a true christian ( this would be impossible to follow)but they all claim to be which makes them hypocrites see here and here.
they can be whatever they want to be, but they should'nt try teach us morality if theres is suspect.
so it's a bit of both.

Cheers for the answer.

I am not assuming hatred, I just asked if there was any Athiests out there on this forum that did hate Christians, what were you reasons. If there aren't any on here then fair enough.

But I disagree that a christian cannot be a true christian. A christian is a follower of Christ. The aim is of course to be Christ-Like. No one can actually achieve that but the important thing is in the "try" part of that equation. And also as important IMO to recognise your shortcomings in achieving that goal. A "Christian" who judges people and is intolerant of other beliefs, including Athiestic ones, and feels right in doing so is not a true christian. A christian who tries not to judge people and tries to be tolerant and loving is a true Christian. They might not always succeed, but at least they are trying and are aware of their shortcomings. Which is why I asked the question really, because a great deal of "christians" fall into the first category.
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