WHy God Sucks

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There are many reasons god sucks here are a few of them feel free to post your own reasons.
1. He doesn't exist
2. What kind of name is god for a god
3.He let his son face a horrible death
4.If he's not the boss or you don't play his way you lose
5. He makes people kill other people
6. he won't let you wack off or have sex with whoever you want
7. he'll be responsible for the end of the world
8. If he's so great why is it when people talk him are thrown in the nut house
9.His book is the most boring book ever written
10.He makes people attack proven facts or inhibit technological advancement
11. He makes the streets filled with poor and homeless children by denying abortions
Blind one

1. He doesn't exist
2. What kind of name is god for a god
3.He let his son face a horrible death
4.If he's not the boss or you don't play his way you lose
5. He makes people kill other people
6. he won't let you wack off or have sex with whoever you want
7. he'll be responsible for the end of the world
8. If he's so great why is it when people talk him are thrown in the nut house
9.His book is the most boring book ever written
10.He makes people attack proven facts or inhibit technological advancement
11. He makes the streets filled with poor and homeless children by denying abortions

In response to the above...

1. He does exist
2. What kind of name is shady reaper.
3. He did it because we are His greatest creation and because of His holiness and purity...unfortunatly He felt that because of the great corruption of sin...He also felt that it would take His greatest gift/love to redeem man.....even you.
4. He's the creator....His right.
5. He makes no one kill no one...we have free will...just as you've choosen your ignorant path to love sin more than God...He will not make you love Him....free will.
6. What is contrary to His nature is sin/evil.
7. The world will not end...only evil will end.
8. When an unsaved man tries to understand God, without doing it thrue His Son....satan causes that man to hate (like you), satan causes deception (like you do)....etc.
9. Its only boring to the ignorant and the lost...like you.
10. If your referring to science...science proves with every archeological dig....the bible to be even more true...not once ...not one time....have they ever prove otherwise....(excuse spelling).
11. Its wrong to kill babies...duh!....and by the way how many have you feed?


"What comes out your mouth lies in your heart".

you wrote:
"If your referring to science...science proves with every archeological dig....the bible to be even more true...not once ...not one time...."

Name 2 I think 1 will be a stretch but you seem pretty certain so go ahead and name them. Or if that's too hard name 1 scientific study/proof that would even hint that your god is more then a figment of your imagination or at best a myth.

You also said:
"have they ever prove otherwise....(excuse spelling)."

The claims are being made by christains hence the burden of proof lies with you lot.
1. that's my opinion and I can have it and it will stay that way until you can prove otherwise without using the bible or other fictional stories
2. but i am not actually a shady reaper where as god is supposedly a god
3. i think if he sat down and thought about it he could have come up with a better way
4. just cause you invent a game doesn't give you the right to constantly make up new rules whenever the hell you please
5. ever heard of manifest destiny or a holy war
6. God is just mad that he never got any
7. fine then he will be responsible for the end evil
8. But god talked to noah did he hate and have deception after talking to him
9. no it's only boring to people who know what entertainment is
10. I was mostly refering to things like evolution or say that the sun doesn't revolve around the earth
11. But they are not babies till they are born did you ever think that god put abortion into his manifest destiny doesn't he decide when people live and die mostly so wouldn't he decide if he wanted an unborn fetus dead or just a clump of cells. I have fed none that's not my job I watch out for myself how about god watches out for his " Children"
hey Shady_reaper

I don't believe in any god too.

But not believing in a god doesn't give you the right to talk about others religion the way you do...

Other people believe in a God, and you can't say something about it until you really know what the religion is all about.

And probably you don't know where it's all about, else you wouldn't say such stupid things as:
"He makes people kill other people."

Do something else when you want to f*ck someone, but not with their religion.
And when will you do it, don't do it with such bad motivations and opinions.

You're sick, and you don't know where you're talking about.
Go do your homework Shady_reaper.
Why Christianity Sucks

Hi Shady, welcome to sciforums.

So here are some alterations/adjustments/corrections to your suggestions.

The title of the topic indicates that you assume a god exists since you have assigned him a positive attribute, i.e. ability to suck, and he would have to exist to be able to do that. Perhaps a better title would have been ‘Why Christianity Sucks’, because their god is really just a concept of fiction.

1. He doesn't exist
That is indeed the most credible conclusion based on what we know however you can’t prove it. So you have made an unsupported claim in the same way that Christians make unsupported claims when they say a god does exist.

2. What kind of name is god for a god
This is just pure arrogance on the part of Christians and in fact by any mono-theist religion. It is the idea that there is only one god so the name and the entity become the same. It is of course insulting to everyone else in the world who support poly-theistic concepts.

3.He let his son face a horrible death
Yes very bizarre and fully consistent with many other biblical macabre and violent allegations.

4.If he's not the boss or you don't play his way you lose
Yes the mark of the true evil tyrant.

5. He makes people kill other people
Not sure what you had in mind here but certainly at the time of the Crusades Christians felt quite justified in murdering innocent people if they refused to convert to Christianity.

6. he won't let you wack off or have sex with whoever you want
Ah the moral high ground. This is largely based on feelings of guilt experienced by pious Christians – personal pleasure being not in their god’s best interest.

7. he'll be responsible for the end of the world
Basic sales tactic to make you buy early before it is too late.

8. If he's so great why is it when people talk him are thrown in the nut house
Not sure what you had in mind here – but certainly many fundamentalists are dangerous to society and perhaps should be incarcerated.

9.His book is the most boring book ever written
There are certainly many other far more enjoyable books of fiction available.

10.He makes people attack proven facts or inhibit technological advancement
Yes probably the greatest evil advanced by Christianity. Christianity can only survive if its followers remain ignorant of truth and new knowledge. Any instigative thinking would threaten the established rule of as totalitarian regime such as Christianity.

11. He makes the streets filled with poor and homeless children by denying abortions
Oh and many other cruelties. If such a god truly loved and wanted to care for humanity he could have created a far better environment. Christians claim that their god is a personal god, and that he cares for each individual. But there are plenty of incidents where people have prayed very hard in moments of dire need, only to suffer terrible agonies and death.

Cris that was great and humurous which was the point of this post not to be a jerk and totally denounce other peoples rerligion they are allowed to believe whatever they want it's in the first ammendment. I hope other people understand t6his as a joke and their own jokes or reasons that god sucks to it.
I wish i knew where I was talking about Kned. Do you know where your talking about? And why is it that no one gets he makes people kill other people I am talking about manifest destiny, jihads, and holy wars( like the crusades).
new reason why god sucks

This is a new reason why god sucks

He is a hate monger because he sends gays to hell for being gay and that is just intolerance
A couple of notes

And probably you don't know where it's all about, else you wouldn't say such stupid things as:
"He makes people kill other people."

Do something else when you want to f*ck someone, but not with their religion.
And when will you do it, don't do it with such bad motivations and opinions.

1) Read the Old Testament. God makes his chosen people kill a whole lot of other people. In the modern day, certain murderers still feel compelled to cite God, and to make arguments justifying themselves no less coherent than the babblings in defense of Inquisitions, Witch Trials, whipping carts, &c.

2) The exceptional hypocisy of your words is jaw-dropping. Christianity fucks with everyone. Not just their religions, not just their manner of living, but their very lives. Oh, poor Christians: don't lord your religion over the people like in Oregon and Colorado; don't doubt God by insisting that someone needs to change from what God made them. Furthermore, what's so bad about the motivation of sparing the world of superstitious grief?


Such hateful words! I don't see Shady exercising hate, except perhaps toward a God most deserving of it; if this is how God chose to interact with Shady, then Shady's opinions are valid. And can you ever do better than, "Did not, did too!"? Really, all you've accomplished is a jealous, bratty restatement of your faith (I would cite a specific point here, but the whole thing reeks of it). As far as I can tell, the only reason you think you're right is because you decided to believe it. I admit, it's a lot easier and more expedient a path than actually figuring out what it is you're believing. And you're right: disagreeing with you is so Satanically deceptive :rolleyes:

Come on, guys: people have just spilled it in the short form--Why God Sucks in as direct of sentences as possible; this seemingly harsh approach is sometimes necessary, since y'all seem to get lost in the more detailed rhetoric. Certainly you can comphrehend what they're saying well enough to do better than that?

Tiassa :cool:
Go Cris ...

Hiya Cris ...

Been busy, nice to be back. Thanks for "religiously" (pardon the pun) stating the obvious!

Take care
To you

Cris, Tiassa and People like you.

What is a Christian?

The word Christian, means “Christ like”. Which means...to be a mirror image of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Unfortunately, there are many who say, “I am a Christian” but are not.

I would like to talk about 3 types of people in this world...the Deceived, Tares and Christians.

The first, the Deceived. In other words those that know not God. Just as there is a God there is also the adversary Satan and his fallen angels. They go about creating deception in all hearts that know not God. God is a package deal...with one comes the other. Think not, that Satan and the fallen , sit around twiddling their thumbs. They whisper in all hearts, spreading lies, deceit, twisted truths, pretend to be images, that people worship or put their hopes in (i.e. mary, aliens). Give thoughts of the past to make people think reincarnation. These are just a few examples. There are many more. Many. Think about this...If Satan is...what religion/faith would He try to make mankind hate the most? Obviously, the one that was the correct path to God. Right? Now think what is the correct path to God? The bible says... quoting Jesus...”I am the way, the truth and the life no man cometh to the Father but by me”. So, Jesus being the correct path and if a follower is called a Christian.........is Christianity the most hated religion? ....think about it.
Read in this forum the thoughts of what people think about Christians and watch the replies that this post gets or better yet...go to any atheists chat room and ask them what religion do atheists hate most?...you’ll see...maybe.

The second one is the “Imitator”. Bible describes these People as “Tares”. It describes two plants, one wheat and the other tares. Wheat produce a product, provides substance and as a purpose. Tares, look like wheat and grow like wheat but produce no substance and has no purpose. It only steals the nutrients from the wheat, takes up useless space, only causes the owner problems. Bottom line is, a Tare causes nothing but problems for the wheat, worker and owner.
This causes problems to those who know not God. The unbeliever sees nothing but contradiction and in turn, labels them all bad. This is terrible too because we true believers should be better examples, stand out more then we do and most important...die to ourselves, live Christ’s example and love God with all our hearts. This is our free choice...we make it willingly and the only way a unbeliever can understand this is...to follow “ALL” the teachings of Jesus. Most don’t do it. Some think they do it. Others do it and fall each day but never give up.

Third a true Christian...This is a person who learned the true meaning of Sin and understands the conclusion of it and thou he as accepted the Son of God as His personal savior from this conclusion. He falls short of being worthy daily.

Which are you?
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What am I

Lyndale I am right. If what you say about SAtan is true than all the christians are the decieved. They are the ones who hate all other beliefs which would mean that christians are only the wrong ones. You know what I think it's great for something to get buy pretending to be something else we all do that we have our public face and our private I just love it when someone comes to take a bite out of me and they suddenly realize i'm a fake. AS for the true christians they are guilty of one of the seven deadly sins. Pride. Show me someone with more pride than a cristian and i'll show you god.
Re: What am I

Originally posted by Shady_Reaper
Lyndale I am right. If what you say about SAtan is true than all the christians are the decieved. They are the ones who hate all other beliefs which would mean that christians are only the wrong ones. You know what I think it's great for something to get buy pretending to be something else we all do that we have our public face and our private I just love it when someone comes to take a bite out of me and they suddenly realize i'm a fake. AS for the true christians they are guilty of one of the seven deadly sins. Pride. Show me someone with more pride than a cristian and i'll show you god.

We/I should not hate no person. We do not approve of any religion, that does not follow the example thrue the Son of God. I did not come to take a bite out of anyone. I came to make sure you were properly informed of what a christian is and what a christian isn't. As for your last comment,...pride, lies, deceit, etc. effect's all people...there are the forgiven and the unforgiven...and no this isn't a license to sin.

NOTE: To further prove the hate factor, concerning "satan makes people hate christians the most"....read..."The Bible is bullshi*" in this christian forum...it also proves my point. Just as you did Shady.

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Lyndale, you describe Tares as follows:
The second one is the “Imitator”. Bible describes these People as “Tares”. It describes two plants, one wheat and the other tares. Wheat produce a product, provides substance and as a purpose. Tares, look like wheat and grow like wheat but produce no substance and has no purpose. It only steals the nutrients from the wheat, takes up useless space, only causes the owner problems. Bottom line is, a Tare causes nothing but problems for the wheat, worker and owner.

I would argue this:
The various Christian institutions produce nothing (other than more beleivers)
They steal nutrients from the wheat (i.e. the various churches rely on the contribution of it's members and government tax exemption)
They cause the owner problems (the small vocal minority of christians are constantly trying to tell the rest of us how we can and should live through coersion, legislation, and violence)

Also, Christians are always speaking about we all have free will in the eyes of God. I would equate your type of free will to this...you can disagree with me (i.e. not accept the word of God as truth), but then I'll torture you for as long as I can (i.e. sending one to hell).

Next, you say that it is wrong to kill babies (duh), but I remember a few passages in the Old Testament where God directly and specifically commanded his believers to kill non-believers, including and especially their children...so I guess it's ok when you are commanded by God to kill babies.

Finally you say the Bible is truth, so then you would agree to the following "Truths":
1. (Lev. 11:10) Eating Shellfish is an abomination
2. (Lev. 25:44) Owning slaves is allowed by God, provided they are from another state.
3. (Ex. 21:7) Selling one's daughter into slavery is sacntioned by God
4. (Ex.35:2) Working on the Sabath is an offense punishable by death, in God's eyes.

Sorry, my study of the Bible is limited, but I'm sure I could come up with more. I'm sure you will now claim I am Satan and that no one should believe my lies, but it seems a little reasonable that people would be resistant to beleifs that take the above into account. I think that Christians have some beliefs and sometimes participate to better their communities, but when you refuse to allow respect for anyone else's beliefs it becomes difficult to appreciate those things.
Lyndale since everyone hate the KKK and nazis and other hate mongers does that mean Satan is doing it and that means hating blacks, jews, and homosexuals will send you to heaven. And why doesn't god have a problem with incest because that is really wrong. Also I would like to say that Christians need to get over the bible as a true story even the fricken pope has said it is not true it is just a book to teach lessons much like a book of fables full of ficticious stories to illustrate a point. The pope the head of all this crap has admitted the bible is ficticious. So get over the freakin bible you bible freaks
You didn't understand what I said.

Originally posted by spencer
Lyndale, you describe Tares as follows:

I would argue this:
The various Christian institutions produce nothing (other than more beleivers)
They steal nutrients from the wheat (i.e. the various churches rely on the contribution of it's members and government tax exemption)
They cause the owner problems (the small vocal minority of christians are constantly trying to tell the rest of us how we can and should live through coersion, legislation, and violence)

Also, Christians are always speaking about we all have free will in the eyes of God. I would equate your type of free will to this...you can disagree with me (i.e. not accept the word of God as truth), but then I'll torture you for as long as I can (i.e. sending one to hell).

Next, you say that it is wrong to kill babies (duh), but I remember a few passages in the Old Testament where God directly and specifically commanded his believers to kill non-believers, including and especially their children...so I guess it's ok when you are commanded by God to kill babies.

Finally you say the Bible is truth, so then you would agree to the following "Truths":
1. (Lev. 11:10) Eating Shellfish is an abomination
2. (Lev. 25:44) Owning slaves is allowed by God, provided they are from another state.
3. (Ex. 21:7) Selling one's daughter into slavery is sacntioned by God
4. (Ex.35:2) Working on the Sabath is an offense punishable by death, in God's eyes.

Sorry, my study of the Bible is limited, but I'm sure I could come up with more. I'm sure you will now claim I am Satan and that no one should believe my lies, but it seems a little reasonable that people would be resistant to beleifs that take the above into account. I think that Christians have some beliefs and sometimes participate to better their communities, but when you refuse to allow respect for anyone else's beliefs it becomes difficult to appreciate those things.

Your reply shows you did not understand what I said.
Originally posted by Shady_Reaper
Lyndale since everyone hate the KKK and nazis and other hate mongers does that mean Satan is doing it and that means hating blacks, jews, and homosexuals will send you to heaven. And why doesn't god have a problem with incest because that is really wrong. Also I would like to say that Christians need to get over the bible as a true story even the fricken pope has said it is not true it is just a book to teach lessons much like a book of fables full of ficticious stories to illustrate a point. The pope the head of all this crap has admitted the bible is ficticious. So get over the freakin bible you bible freaks

We do not hate no one...we hate the sin. The only way to heaven is through the Son of God...Jesus. Incest is wrong. The Pope is a leader of an occult. They do not seek heaven through the Son of God. This is the only thing He is the head of ....a clear path to deception. This is a large group of tares.<remember the meaning of Tares?
Sin is anything contrary, to the nature of God and before you go posting what is contrary or not ...concerning the nature of God...at least find out what it is or isn't through the Son. Otherwise your attempts are futile.

so you are saying that the occult who weilds the bible as their only weapon and basicly created the bible and thus the story of the son are wrong because they don't care about jesus. Well what happened to all the people before jesus. did they all just go to hell. And why don't we pronounce it hesus?Well since satan cause hate then we hate the sin of the KKK etc. because of satan. And that means that sinning is the way into heaven. SO I call out to all who will listen sin, sin to your hearts content, sinning is the only way to heaven. If you want to go to hell be an upstanding model citizen and worship jesus and god and all that crap
Yes incest is wrong that is my point. But Adam and eve had children who did they have children with? Their brothers sisters. and evn after all that inbreeding their came a great flood and noah was the only and his family was all that was left more incest right their. according to the bible we are the product of thousands of years of inbreeding.
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