why dont they talk???

Well, the technological growth over the past one hundred years has been amazing. It partly has to do with the ongoing developments that were carried over from the discoveries and work started during the Industrial Revolution. Many products were improved upon and developed into even better products and so on. However, if you are interested in reading about possible "alien technology" being "seeded" into twentieth century society, I recommend reading Col. Philip J. Corso's book "The Day After Roswell."

Witch trial? Really. *eye roll*

How about all of this "Give me space brothers, or give me death" BS that you're all spewing over here?

I guess it doesn't matter that the "witch trial" answers completely and entirely all of the questions regarding your "space brothers" and their intentions right? You know, all of the questions that you guys are stiiiiiiiiiill asking? Clue up or shut up I believe has been said to me before, so I'll just throw that one right back at cha guys. I'm not trying to be pissy, but really, I think that anyone who describes the demonic theory as a witch trial isn't really aware of what the theory means and how it's presented. I think that you probably just blow off anything "religious" as BS without looking into it. Hmmmm....there's a word for that isn't there? Close-minded, narrow-minded, paradigm, something along those lines. Don't be afraid, open your mind! I promise it won't hurt a bit.

"Go Jesus, go! Go Jesus, go!"

I finally get to be the cheerleader that I always wanted to be but could not, as I was not a fluff chick.
Likewise Lori....you are so open-minded you're a closed-mind. What humanity doesn't need is fanaticism or extremism in any form. Surely you would agree that extremism in any form is bad...... Nazism...... fascism.... communism ...religious fanaticism. Why 'spew', as you would so eloquently put it, all this drivel which is so 'alien' to everything which consumes and cuncerns everyday life? Why do you so fervently need to be sensationalist? When you embark on such rhetorical tirades you only alienate people. What we as good 'Christian' or moral people should be primarily concerned with is leading good, honest lives, not prophesising such utterly carried exclamations. What is your defence against the 'anti-christ', the demonic? Throwing Holy Water at them? A state of sacred mantra, 24-hours-7-days-a-week-52-weeks-a-year? What is your answer? Whole conversion to your mindset?

And please don't latch on to my references to Nazism, fascism and communism as a defense. They were purely illustratory.

Is there a little guy with a really pissed-off and tired face? I think he would perfectly fit my mood. I thought such bombass and drivel went down with the fall of C17th Puritanism. Ahh well poor old Hawthorne and Miller are relevent after all. My English Literature teacher must have a point...eeeeeuuuucchhhhhh!!!
Likewise Lori....you are so open-minded you're a closed-mind. What humanity doesn't need is fanaticism or extremism in any form. Surely you would agree that extremism in any form is bad...... Nazism...... fascism.... communism ...religious fanaticism. Why 'spew', as you would so eloquently put it, all this drivel which is so 'alien' to everything which consumes and cuncerns everyday life? Why do you so fervently need to be sensationalist? When you embark on such rhetorical tirades you only alienate people. What we as good 'Christian' or moral people should be primarily concerned with is leading good, honest lives, not prophesising such utterly carried exclamations. What is your defence against the 'anti-christ', the demonic? Throwing Holy Water at them? A state of sacred mantra, 24-hours-7-days-a-week-52-weeks-a-year? What is your answer? Whole conversion to your mindset?

And please don't latch on to my references to Nazism, fascism and communism as a defense. They were purely illustratory.

Is there a little guy with a really pissed-off and tired face? I think he would perfectly fit my mood. I thought such bombass and drivel went down with the fall of C17th Puritanism. Ahh well poor old Hawthorne and Miller are relevent after all. My English Literature teacher must have a point...eeeeeuuuucchhhhhh!!!
We're a zoo to them. That's pretty funny. :D Yea, "we'll make great pets."

Actually, they don't talk cause they don't have to, cause they speak telepathically, cause they're angels (of the fallen variety). Gee, that was easy.

Oh, and there is no "physical" evidence of them for the same reason. They plant some here and there, just to keep the wonder perpetuated, but there is no physical evidence because THEY'RE NOT PHYSICAL. That's why they disappear and appear at will, float through walls, and their space ships are often seen doing the same things, or changing shape, or one splitting into many or vice versa. It's all a flippin' movie people. It's an illusion. They are demons!

You may think I'm a nut, but I'm fastened to the strongest bolt in the universe.

[This message has been edited by Lori (edited March 01, 2000).]
Their reason for non contact can be many different things of course, but look at it this way, if we as earthlings were to venture off into space and come upon a planet with a very early civilization on it, would you simply land and announce, Take Me To Your Leader? No, I don't think we would. We would probably keep a low profile, and if possible, not even let that civilization recognize that we are even there. If the whole "government sold us out for the technology theory" is true, then it was likely part of the agreement. In exchange for some of their technology, they can continue to examine humans as long as they keep an extremely low profile, and don't let anything that can prove your existence fall into the wrong hands. I do think, however, that they will eventually want the population at large to recognize their existence at some point. We know that they have been here since at least 1947, so 53 years is quite a long time to keep quiet. Then again, 53 years to them, could be the equivalent of a year to us.