why dont they talk???


Registered Senior Member
why dont the aliens talk to the public, besides the idea that mabe the gov is hidding them.ad the histeria....... what are there intentions.....and why do they keep them silent...

thats all i got

Maybe they owe money and don't want to be found.

It's all very large.
I think they're just pissed off at us, what with all the bad press and all.
Sulky bastards....they ought to grow up!
Tell you what, after reading some of the things that I have read in the various forms here, I'd think twice before being frendly to this planet.
Some think they are Satans demonds, and others think we should simply blow them away.
Read Religion, etc.
If they are real, I can understand why they
don't care to know us, or reveal themselves to us.
One of the reasons I question Rosewell is I
don't think if I were them I'd allow a ship to be held here and let idots like us study their advanced technology. I'd dam well come back and get it regardless of the price to be paid.
Lot of theories for that one. My theory of the moment is: They don't want to approach us at our own level, as they may see it as being non-conducive to the type of relations they would want to have. It is possible that they would rather wait until we get to the level upon which we could better approach them, and be able to 'handle' our end of relations with them. At this present time, I highly doubt we could hold up our own end of relations with them in any small sense.

But with any theory, who really knows. I wonder what my next theory on the matter will be.
Think about it, if your studying Snowtiggers,fitting them with trakers and taking blood and fur samples even stealing their young to be put in zoo's, would you in any way give half a rats ass about what they thought? nope. You wouldn't concern yourself with an inferer beings feelings.

trust me, they ain't my guys :D


well i already knew all that

i was wondering if anyone had any ideas which wernt so simple.....

thats all i got

Yeah, complicated answers are so much better. God forbid that a rose should just be rose.


All significant changes in this universe should take place on the natural evolution way. Any deviation from this rule can case a disaster.

Can you give me an example (from our history) of any advantage for primitive community, which comes from the contacts with higher organized civilization?

Maybe it’s sounds silly, but in my opinion we will be able to possess the present ET’s technology when we can respect other civilizations.
In other words: to find out the rules of time travel and to recognize other dimensions we have to change our approach to the science from atomized to holistic approach. Then we recognize the proper way of our activity and I am sure we also recognize the destructiveness of violating of balanced systems.

I think that they exactly know what is the safe scope of information, which can be shared with us – exactly the same which is in your possession now.



[This message has been edited by Ivan Kruk (edited January 12, 2000).]
Ivan-I don't think our 'respect for other civilzations' has anything to do with technological progress. We invented the light bulb way back when the US was using 'gunboat diplomacy', England was lording herself over her colonies, Germany was stomping Otto vonBismark around, and pretty much the entire Orient was convinced that the western world was some sort of land of devils that was to be tricked and humiliated at any expense. Compare the scientific advances of that age to the ones of this age. Talk about standing on the shoulders of giants. Understanding other civilizations does not make technology move, it only helps it move faster.

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.
Like Einstien said,
We are not ready for the kind of technology we yearn for until after WW111. We need to learn a really good lesson about life and how precious it is before we start hyperjumping all over the place. Man still does not respect life. Until we learn to do that,we will have to remain in a holding pattern with technological advancements.

It only takes one idiot standing over a button to sour life.
(e.g. we meet aliens - they share tech. - idiot gets hold of deathray gun...)

Haveyou tak'n something up against me?

By the Bye What is "LLAMO" sapose to mean in doood talk?


Man still does not respect life. Until we learn to do that,we will have to remain in a holding pattern with technological advancements.

How true! Love can move us forward in many directions.

I truly believe that man needs to get up to speed spiritually, first.
I don't believe lack of love is holding us back. I do, however, agree that it's a good thing nobody curently has a death ray. I think. I hope. Wait a minute,...666, what's that you've got there? OH MY GOD! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

* :eek:zap! :eek:*

The monkey made me do it!!!
I swear!!! No realy I do!!!
DO you want to hear?

My life could have been black and white, but I had to color it.
Maybe I was too brief with my explanation.
Of-course there is not any direct relations between technological progress and respect for other civilizations, but there is indirect such relation. Let me explain:
The present science generally focus on details: we are reading genetic code, chopping atoms to small and small particles and etc. But such approach causing that we are loosing our general view of a whole system (earth) and relations between all subsystems ( mankind, nations, economy, culture, atmosphere, oceans and seas, vegetation, animals and other). Small example: we are close to invite the medicine against cancer, but ask yourself why the cancer is so big problem now? (the number of people with cancer still growing). Next question: What the technology development has to do with the quality of humans life? Do you all feel more happy or more satisfy with your live than your fathers did? And last question:
“Understanding other civilizations does not make technology move, it only helps it move faster.”
What for the faster move of technology is desired, if it doesn’t make our live better?
Simply say: when we are focusing only on details we are loosing our way. What the interest can ET have with sharing with us their technology, if we cannot understand all impacts of such knowledge to our live.
I believe that the knowledge required to galactic travels has quite different nature than ours now. And that such knowledge says : the best thing, we can do with closed system (like earth now) is to leave it alone with it’s natural evolution way of growing.
Maybe it’s not in the way but, let see how close to God conception is modern physics and mathematics now and thus how close is holistic science to the ethical notions.


Theres a Salem Witch Trial situation happening, only it's ET's and not witches who are on trial. See:


I think this might keep them quiet and a little reluctant to show themselves if they are around. :eek:
because we would freak. i mean, imagine you coming into contact with one of them (be they 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 feet tall, gray, big-headed, black, pupilless eyes and jointless beings)wouldn't you go berserk?! i thought that i would want to meet them, even be abducted at one point, but then it hit me how scared i'd be. now it's probably true what some people say about the government exchanging our security for their technology, the government probably told them to keep quiet too, that way only our government could secretly and safely keep this super-tech.
It appears that all contact with such "Aliens" is on their terms not ours. If they have contacted any Government, then that or those Governments have remained silent for whatever reasons (valid or not)that they chose to. If "Aliens" had desired to contact the general public en masse they most likely couldn't be stopped from doing so. This begs the question you've asked already as to the silence. We can only assume that for the time being this is advantageous to them as well as any Governments in contact with them. While this covertness is uncomfortable to many, it's the standard modus operandi for many governing bodies seen or not seen.
Do any of you find it strange that we have
advanced more within the last 100 years than
in thousands of years?100 years ago we were
still riding horses and buggys.Think about it,space travel,computers,communications,
and so on.The government always has the best
technology years before we do,and yes its because of military use,but our rapid growth
was quick and sudden compared to how much
we evolved in the history of man.Hmmmmm.
m-cyber digital enity
"ufo's hide in the clouds" :p

[This message has been edited by m-cyber (edited February 19, 2000).]