Why dogs like to roll in shit and carcasses?

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i dont know if this has been said before in this thread, but i would just like to comment that regardless of the reasons why dog roll on carcasses and shit, they invariably do, and that is absolutely disgusting and retarded. not to mention that a day after you showered them, even if you leave them inside, they start to stink again like magic. and of course, to crown it, they eat shit. and they love it. bird shit is a specially desired little treat it seems... and then they come drool on you, lick your hands, try to lick your face


they are cute alright, they do cute things sometimes, but why anyone would want a dog as a pet is beyond me
This is a scientific research forum, not a forum dedicated to senseless and silly human anthropomorphic criticism about canidae behavior that apparently you have no understanding of and little regard for.
By "poopy" I meant that they are animals that like to roll in and eat poop. Probably for excellent reasons. You know. As a way for communicating and conveying social hierarchy among the pack. Is there something unscientific about that? Maybe you ought not be so quick and judgmental to say who has no understanding of what. You big poopy head.
moderator comment

Modhat is on.


this is your friendly biology & genetics subforum moderator.

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have a very nice day,

Your friendly biology & genetics subforum moderator.
This is not a scientific research forum.

I only post here because my research grant mandates that I must.
If this isn't a scientific research forum then why is all the cutting edge scientific research taking place? And where the hell is all the funding going?
Yes. I know that you're bitter because you work with stem cells and thus can't get funding from the American government, but you made your bed, lie in it.

Now, I've got some scientific research to get to. I'm almost ready with that paper on false authoritative asshats who can't tell the difference between science and a hole in their head. I can't decide whether I should submit it to Science, Nature, or Sciforums... Sciforums is the most exclusive scientific journal, with the most widespread user base... But the others are easier to publish in with less stringent peer review...
Decisions, decisions...
Submit it to PLOS one (not to be confused with PLOS biology). It's 'semi'-peer reviewed and the reviewing procedure takes a month or less. Superfast.

You can get all kind of crap...i mean...good stuff in there.
This is a scientific research forum, not a forum dedicated to senseless and silly human anthropomorphic criticism about canidae behavior that apparently you have no understanding of and little regard for.

my post wwas meant as a side COMMENT, unrelated to the discussion, but related to the subject, and my criticism is not towards the habits of the dogs, but to people who bring them into their homes.

you don't have to take on me your frustration for being owned all over this thread you know?... this is just a discussion board after all, your career isn't over... don't get sweaty tits over it
rolling in shit

I have two basset hounds. I have found that when i put flea drops on them the male will roll in other dogs shit. much to the dismay of my husband.
I therefore think he does it to mask the smell of the drops. he is picky about the shit he rolls in. the fresher the better and it has to be a bigger dogs poo too. hope this helps
My 2 cents

All I can contribute, is that my dog smiles from ear to ear when rolling in anything dead. He seems to relish every moment of it, as if savoring the very stench that invokes near vomiting from me. And then he climbs onto my lap, and tries to share it with me (from the kindness of his heart). I'm no scientist, but I think they love the smells of these things, and want to wear it proudly. the way people flaunt fine perfumes. My dog (Frank) absolutely hates it when I put something good smelling on him. They like different odors than we do, because different things excite them. We don't go around sniffing other peoples asses, because; 1) it just isn't acceptable in MOST circles. 2) we don't have the olfactory for it. Dogs can be likened to teenagers though, in the fact that if they like a smell, they drench themselves in it. I've never had a dog that stealthily hunts. They chase! And they make a lot of noise doing it, so I don't buy the evolutionary 'sneaky hunter' argument.
Dogs roll in shit and carcasses for the same reason that lions roll in shit and carcasses. They do this in order to disguise their scent, so their prey will not be able to detect them as easily.
I know. I've owned dogs all my life... and never has one of them eaten shit or rolled around in shit.

They've killed animals... but they don't roll on them. They just keep them close by. While I'm sure some of that stuff has happened, once on a very seldom basis, I still wonder if the people who post this stuff have ever actually owned any dogs.
I know. once on a very seldom basis, I still wonder if the people who post this stuff have ever actually owned any dogs.

You know shit. I know dozens of dogs by name because I go to a dogpark twice a day. Most of them if there is a fresh kill roll in it like crazy. Small dog, big dog, all kind. I cleaned up dear, owl, fox and racoon carcasses in the last 3 years.(somebody had to do it)

My new theory is that they might want to claim it this way.

Try to socialize your dogs and take them out occasionally. They would love it...

P.S.: Dearshit is also a favorite rolling material....
Mod note:

Okay, that’s it. :rolleyes:

This thread became stupid years ago when it degenerated into a slanging match. It’s a mixture of information, disinformation and a whole lot of egos butting heads. It has become entirely too long to manage and there’s nothing more to be said that hasn’t already been said somewhere in the 230+ posts, so I’m closing it.
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