Why doesnt God reveal Himself?

Crunchy Cat said:

You have an interesting point. I appreciate you taking the time to share
it. Neildo's answer to the question directly correlates to 'God' being in a self-
chosen strategic bind; however, perhaps there is more to it. If both 'God'
and 'Satan' are capable of miracle events then 'God' has set a firm expectation that the first one will from 'Satan' and that is how to recognize him....

It is a moot point. The last two thousand years were chock full of Miracles. Saint Vincent Ferrer of the 14th Century made Jesus look like a small player... an amateur. Saint Bernard of the 11th Century was just as Miraculous as Jesus and had a larger and longer Ministry. If Satan was first, then he came out of his closet a very long time ago.
He is saying that God would forever limit His ability to Intervene in Human Affairs. He is saying that God effectively gave the initiative to Satan. As long as Satan can refrain from resorting to Miracle, he keeps God in a Stategic Bind where God cannot use miracles either.

What 'good answer' should make such an Idiot of God?

It is a moot point. The last two thousand years were chock full of Miracles. Saint Vincent Ferrer of the 14th Century made Jesus look like a small player... an amateur. Saint Bernard of the 11th Century was just as Miraculous as Jesus and had a larger and longer Ministry. If Satan was first, then he came out of his closet a very long time ago.

The mircles of saints as well as the mircles of Jesus aren't all that "godly". Sure, heal a sick person here, heal a sick person there, revive a few dead ones, turn water into wine etc. That's all stuff we can at least do to this day or are either not much of a "miracle" as opposed to a little fancy party trick even if it were true magic, it's basically baby miracles compared to the powers that would be shown by God.

What I take from Revelations is that YOU WILL KNOW the godly powers when you see them. It won't be simple revivals of dead people, but some pretty astounding world-wide events that doesn't even compare to the mere miracles of Jesus and those saints. That's why people didn't fear those saints because it wasn't powerful stuff, otherwise they would have though those saints to be the devil himself. Awesome powers are shown all the time by various people, but in no way do we think they're God incarnates. This is why those saints are in no way Satan from Revelations.

But the point still stands, if Revelations is indeed the "Word of God", then if God ever does show himself and does "godly" miracles as opposed to mere fancy tricks, people will think he is Satan because of the timeline of events given in Revelations. Basically people will do to God what they did to Jesus. People didn't believe Jesus to be the King of the Jews or the Messiah so they killed him. People won't believe God because in the Bible, God himself said that Satan will be the first to arrive and do those godly miracles, so people will turn on him as well because of his own words. I mean if the Bible is the Word of God, their followers have nothing to do but follow that, no? I mean hey, God can't make a mistake, can he? So does one go against God's words and believe that who they see is in fact God, when it's funny that God's own words says many will mistake that figure for God. Oh what a fun decision to have to make. :rolleyes:

So basically God himself is in a predicament. Either he has to wait until Satan shows himself before he can show himself and step in so he can keep his words true in the Bible, or if he does show himself, it means God wrote false words in that Revelations is not true, or God does or does not show himself because the Bible is completely man-made and is just flat out nothing but lies so we're all waiting for an event which will never happen. And the other predicament is that Satan IS here and those saints you mentioned are in fact Satan himself which means Catholics are worshipping Satan (which I wouldn't doubt the possibility, heh) due to them being made saints. And if Satan is here in those old forms of those saints, then still the rest of the chain of events in Revelations really needs to hurry the heck up. 2012?

Now my bet is on Revelations, and most of the Bible, being complete man-written crap in that none of those events will happen in regards to "the almighty creator of all God". So that means God can show himself and actually has in the many mass sightings that have happened in the past which we ourselves unfortunately missed. Maybe he'll show himself again soon or may not, who knows. I personally don't believe God has, or ever will, show himself to us because we're just one of the billions of simple lifeforms in this universe. The arrogance of mankind thinking we're "gods children" as if we're the #1 special lifeform out there is ridiculous. We're no more special to him than any other form of life so there'd be much more important things to do than come visit Earth out of the billions of other planets in this universe all to prove his existance for the weak-willed when his existance is all around us in plain sight.

And just as a quick sidenote, the reason why I said "the almighty creator of all God" as opposed to "God" is because I believe that most religious myths and events to be true, but many parts are written due to ignorant misunderstandings of our primitive selves and rather have to deal with demi-gods (other intellegent life), not the almighty creator of all god, just as we appear to natives or the same in regards to the exploration of the Americas. So the events of Revelations may very well happen (or has), which I doubt, but if they do (or has), it will be something completely different from what we expect since it'll involve those demi-gods as opposed to the almighty creator of all God. I believe the almighty creator of all God to be an entity we'll never meet or understand except for our religious philosophies.

- N
Leo Volont said:
It is a moot point. The last two thousand years were chock full of Miracles. Saint Vincent Ferrer of the 14th Century made Jesus look like a small player... an amateur. Saint Bernard of the 11th Century was just as Miraculous as Jesus and had a larger and longer Ministry. If Satan was first, then he came out of his closet a very long time ago.

That's one interpreation, in which case Revelation would have come and
passed. Another interpretation would be that all the 'miracles' that supposedly
happened, never really did.
Maybe he can't because he's from a different dimension, and maybe he already did by

sending himself down in human form(jesus). Just a thought. :)
Yes, thats a good thought.........although I don't believe He can't come here, as you said he already has and everything is well under control.
He has sent His Spirit to us, and sent gifts to men...theses are men born with special gifts to hear from God, starting with Prophets, Apostles, Evanglists, Teachers, and Pastors.

It's written; " God created the worlds... and stretched them out."
Worlds in this case may not only mean the planets.....but also the dimensions.
Just as the planets (worlds) have been "stretched out" or seperated by space, the dimensions may be seperated by something else - the element of time.
It's possible they operate at a different speed.

Two other scriptures to think about that may hint at this;

"There is a great chasim fixed, and neither can they cross it to you, or you to them" ....after them rich man lifted his eyes in hell and saw Lazaras comforted in the bosom of Abraham, and asked for a single drop of water.

"A day with the Lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years is as a day."
The non-existent can't possibly show itself, it is only a figmant of primitive imagination that created the gods, therefore, figmants of primitive imagination can't manifest itself.

I guess you probably answer your own questions concerning the existance of God at the moment you pass on!

Yob Atta :)
Godless: The non-existent can't possibly show itself, it is only a figmant of primitive imagination that created the gods, therefore, figmants of primitive imagination can't manifest itself.
M*W: Ya know, Godless, I've always contemplated about our species during its evolution. Could there have been a time when the human brain was developing that the spiritual molecule DMT could have manifested in our evolving brains?

It just seems peculiar that "religions" of the dying demigod savior sort of developed within the same time period, both pre-biblically and post-biblically, and that may have taken thousands of years.

Whadda you think?
It just seems peculiar that "religions" of the dying demigod savior sort of developed within the same time period, both pre-biblically and post-biblically, and that may have taken thousands of years.

It's a question they're unlikely to answer because it just makes it all more reasonable that most of it may be true. Granted not by the original god almighty, creator of all, but something powerful. Various peoples from different regions all over having similar beliefs at similar times. That is in no way a coincedence, and if so, one hell of one.

Your answer about DMT chemicals evolving in the brain is probably the only answer that could come close to explaining everyone having the same sightings, beliefs, and all that, at similar times in various regions of the world. However, that still doesn't account for native Americans and other civilizations there as their belief systems happened later and they're of the same origins as everyone else so shouldn't their belief systems be just as old? It could be that their beliefs started later once they used DMT extract from plants as they're notorious for, but they still evolved from the same people as everyone else so the evolving DMT in their brain should have given them hallucinations to have their religious sightings from the very beginging like the rest to have their religion established, not after they experimented with plants. That is, unless they didn't evolve from the same people so their religion wasn't established at the same time because the DMT had yet evolved in their brains due to being a late species, so to speak, but then where'd they come from? Heh, so complicated to make that theory seem true. So ya know what, it must mean the simpler one of all that religious stuff being true! :p

- N
M*W: Ya know, Godless, I've always contemplated about our species during its evolution. Could there have been a time when the human brain was developing that the spiritual molecule DMT could have manifested in our evolving brains?

M*W, have you ever heard of Dr. Julian Jaynes? Here's his theory;

Mind you it's a long read but well worth your while, I'll post several sites:

http://www.cosmoetica.com/B103-DES58.htm This is a book review.

http://julianjaynessociety.tripod.com/essays.html A good source of Reference of Dr Jayne's theory.

http://www.buildfreedom.com/otherside.htm Very informative site, on the origins of counsciseness and origins of religion.
