Why doesnt God reveal Himself?


Sustained Winds at Mach One
Registered Senior Member
Its a question we all wonder. Why doesnt He reveal himself to humanity to ensure the fact that He does exist and it would eliminate the doubt there is about God?
Hypercane said:
Its a question we all wonder. Why doesnt He reveal himself to humanity to ensure the fact that He does exist and it would eliminate the doubt there is about God?

You see, that is one of the problems when the World's Media is controlled by a Zionist/Masonic nest of Conspirators. God reveals Himself all the time, but no one is allowed to hear about it.

Our Lady the Blessed Virgin had been appointed long ago by God as Queen of Heaven. For the last several thousand years we have actually been living in Her Dispensation. She appears all the time. There have been about 20 Major Apparitions in the last 200 years -- with each Apparition sometimes making multiple Appearances.

What should be the best known Apparition -- Our Lady of Fatima, was accompanied by the most spectacular Miracle in Human History, seen over 500 square miles. It converted a Nation that had been bent on a Socialist Revolution, becoming staunchly Catholic. But the Zionist/Masonic Media joined shoulder to shoulder and prevented the Word from becoming popularly known outside Portugal.
God isn't allowed to show himself because of Revelations in the Bible. If the Bible is indeed the Word of God, God basically backed himself into a corner and can't show himself. The first entity to arrive and show god-like powers, it is supposed to be Satan. So if God shows himself first, people will think he's Satan, heh, so what can he do? We have to wait until Satan first arrives before God can show himself. Well, that's if all that is true in the first place.

- N
Neildo said:
God isn't allowed to show himself because of Revelations in the Bible. If the Bible is indeed the Word of God, God basically backed himself into a corner and can't show himself. The first entity to arrive and show god-like powers, it is supposed to be Satan. So if God shows himself first, people will think he's Satan, heh, so what can he do? We have to wait until Satan first arrives before God can show himself. Well, that's if all that is true in the first place.

- N
It's described in the Bible that before Christ comes the man of sin will be revealed - the son of perdition. He will sit in God's temple and claim to be God.

This isn't because the Bible say so. The bible say so because it is so.

All that's left before the man of sin is revealed is that the man who is still hindering him is taken out of the way.

Because of that, he cannot enter until it is time (unlawfulness is allready running - but as a secret).

When the man who is hindering is taken out of the way, the man without law will appear (man of sin), and his appearence is a work of Satan and is done with great power, false signs and wonders.

God will allow delusion to get power over them though, and they will believe lies cause they didn't want to receive the love of truth that could have saved them and they will be doomed, all of those that didn't believe the truth, but choose to follow unrighteousness.

This is using my own words, since I wanted it to be more clear. I was looking at Bible 2000 - swedish translation while writing this, so it should be truthful.

I've also compared it to your own english translation, but I've mostly used that as a reference to single words and concepts (like "man of sin" and "son of perdition").
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I don't think God needs to show himself. I think God has already demonstrated his power of creation in a very impressive way, by concieving his son Jesus in a virgin womb. To let his son Jesus live and create miracles. Show us the way. Die for our sins on the cross and then resurrect him. If you believe the words and stories in the bible, then faith is all you really need in a skeptical world. If God really wanted to show himself, he will. If not, just keep the faith! You'll have the answers at the moment of your death!

Yob Atta
Neildo said:
God isn't allowed to show himself because of Revelations in the Bible.

So beautiful in its simplicity. I wish I had an award to give you.

Applause, applause!

Philocrazy ... how do you actually like that pronounced? Because there's a really cool way and a ... discordant (to my ear) way.
tiassa said:
Philocrazy ... how do you actually like that pronounced? Because there's a really cool way and a ... discordant (to my ear) way.
I would like it pronounced like democracy (fillocracy) - not fillo crazy.

Or...maybe like "file o' crazy"...

That's my oppinion, I'm sure Philocrazy has some kind of pronounciation allready assigned to his alias though.
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Neildo said:
God isn't allowed to show himself because of Revelations in the Bible. If the Bible is indeed the Word of God, God basically backed himself into a corner and can't show himself. The first entity to arrive and show god-like powers, it is supposed to be Satan. So if God shows himself first, people will think he's Satan, heh, so what can he do? We have to wait until Satan first arrives before God can show himself. Well, that's if all that is true in the first place.

- N

Its been two thousand years. We have had scores of Saints with Christ-like Powers. If Satan was the first, then he has long since come and gone.
Norman said:
I don't think God needs to show himself. I think God has already demonstrated his power of creation in a very impressive way, by concieving his son Jesus in a virgin womb. To let his son Jesus live and create miracles....

Yob Atta

The Reign of Miracles had not been intended to ever end. It was only when Humanity turned on the Messiah and murdered Him that this High Dispensation was taken from us. We saw what penalties God imposed on Adam and Eve for poaching an apple from a section of the Garden forbidden to them. They violated a rule roughly equivalent to "Stay Off the Grass". But look at what Humanity did when they Murdered the Son of God. Do you really think we would not be punished?

But Our Lady the Blessed Virgin has been extending some small rays of Grace into this Darkness of our Condemnation. This Grace has brought us the Miracles of the Saints. The Saints -- too many to be ignored by History, but compared to the Dispensation that the Messianic Era had originally Promised -- it has been like two thousand miles of pitch black night illuminated by a candle here and there every fifty or so miles.
Neildo said:
God isn't allowed to show himself because of Revelations in the Bible. If the Bible is indeed the Word of God, God basically backed himself into a corner and can't show himself. The first entity to arrive and show god-like powers, it is supposed to be Satan. So if God shows himself first, people will think he's Satan, heh, so what can he do? We have to wait until Satan first arrives before God can show himself. Well, that's if all that is true in the first place.

- N

That's a really good answer!
Crunchy Cat said:
That's a really good answer!

He is saying that God would forever limit His ability to Intervene in Human Affairs. He is saying that God effectively gave the initiative to Satan. As long as Satan can refrain from resorting to Miracle, he keeps God in a Stategic Bind where God cannot use miracles either.

What 'good answer' should make such an Idiot of God?
Leo Volont said:
He is saying that God would forever limit His ability to Intervene in Human Affairs. He is saying that God effectively gave the initiative to Satan. As long as Satan can refrain from resorting to Miracle, he keeps God in a Stategic Bind where God cannot use miracles either.

What 'good answer' should make such an Idiot of God?


You have an interesting point. I appreciate you taking the time to share
it. Neildo's answer to the question directly correlates to 'God' being in a self-
chosen strategic bind; however, perhaps there is more to it. If both 'God'
and 'Satan' are capable of miracle events then 'God' has set a firm expectation
that the first one will from 'Satan' and that is how to recognize him. When
you have two supernatural beings side by side, then it could be hard to tell
them a part unless a means to do so was present (which appears to be the
case here). Similarly, perhaps the book of Revelation is not a guarantee?
Maybe it's a conditional statement. IF 'Satan' (does this) THEN (this is
what will happen). Maybe there is a piece that was never stated in the
bible... an ELSE portion of the statement. Consider:

IF 'Satan' (does this) THEN (this is what will happen)
ELSE (something else will happen)

That something else could possibly be 'Satan' being forgiven and being brought
back into the family.
Why doesn't God show himself ?.....well here's my thoughts on the subject.
Theses days are still the time of Satan's kingdom on the earth.
When Jesus was tempted of Satan, Satan offered Him all the kingdoms of the earth, and Jesus never denied they were his to offer.
The world as it is today is "Satan's Eden", with the darkness so great it appears to be light. This is that "Evil day" spoken of in the bible, but God has allowed it to happen to serve His greater purpose.
Those who chose Him now, (he who seeks to save his life shall lose it, but they who lose thier life for the word of God's sake shall save it), and are led by His Spirit, are His called the Sons of God, His Sons and Daughters.
They are tried and tested, like gold tried in the fire......
This is for the development of their character.
Also, God is like a very rich man choosing a bride.
He wants to find true love, but many women would want Him only for His money.
( In that day seven women will take hold of one man and say "let us eat our own bread- and wear our own appearal, only let let us be called by your name to take away our reproach" )
So He hides Himself from these, only to reveal Himself to whom He will.
There is coming a day, and now is in the hearts of men, when His kingdom shall be set up on this earth and will be in plain sight for all to see.
Then His Saints shall rule with a "Rod of Iron".
Sins and transgressions will be dealt with swiftly and harshly, rain and blessings withheld. (A child shall die one hundred years old, and a sinner one hundred years old shall be acursed).
Those who live righteous shall be granted the right to eat of the fruits of the tree of life, (the words of a righteous man are as the fruits of the tree of life) and drink of the water of life freely.
But for now God hides himself in simplicity, and reveals Himself in the same....to whom He will.