Why doesn't God just show himself?

Medicine Woman said:
DoctorNO said:
That is not my question. My question concerns the "What". What you told me concerns only the "Who". Again WHAT is your definition of "God"?
M*W: For the 19th million time, my perception of god is a powerful force of pure positive energy that indwells in all creation. There is no "WHO" of God. God is not a separate entity with the ability to think or judge or sit on a cloud with a long white beard and strike us down with lightning bolts when we sin.
Oh I see. May the force be with you. Reply: "And also with you". :D

Is this force of pure positive energy capable of thought? Is it intelligent? Or is it just a mindless force? Just like sound, light & heat.

Medicine Woman said:
M*W: I know what "agnostic" means. So what is your point? You don't believe in any God, but you abide by Christian values. Not believing in any "God" sounds like "atheism" to me.
I dont think you truly understand the difference between athiesm & agnosticism. Both does not believe in any God. But athiesm goes one step further. It declares with finality that there is no God.

Medicine Woman said:
Since you do not have a concept of "God," I don't expect you to understand my answer.
As I told wesmorris, my concept of "God" is a super intelligent being that is immortal, invulnerable, and has uncontestable powers. This concept can hold true for a super powerful space alien. It can hold true for a futuristically evolved human. It can hold true for your concept of pure energy. It can hold true for the concept of Jesus.

Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Since poor health is generally inherited, better health over time WILL improve our genetics in the long run. In fact, our genetics have been improved in the past 100 years. In evolutionary time, that's a millisecond. Our diet has improved, our stature has grown. We're much taller now that say they were in Caesar's day. Can you imagine someone with the persona of Julius Caesar and his legions being only about 4 ft. tall? Today, it would be like fighting with children! Even 100 years ago, people weren't more than about 5 ft. tall. Have you ever gone to a museum that had clothes of the time? Like the Romanoff family, their clothes were not as big as their reputation!
Height is the only noticeable improvement in the last 10,000 years. We are still lightyears from hopefully developing godlike powers. Especially not if things like cloning are forbidden in society.

Medicine Woman said:
M*W: I like William. He was made a mockery of, but I think he knows it. There is something cute about him in a weird sort of way, but I think sincerity emanates from him. He's a smart boy, studying mechanical engineering at a top school in CA. He's comical, and he makes people laugh. Laughter is good. Laughter heals. I think TV is finally realizing that there are more "average" people out there than superstars. There's absolutely nothing wrong with "average" people.

Nothing wrong with average people. But there is nothing great in it either. And in order to improve the race something great has to happen. And william is below average. Hey I like the guy too! It is the reason why we preserve the weak. And the weak ensures humanity is kept on average.
"Height is the only noticeable improvement in the last 10,000 years. We are still lightyears from hopefully developing godlike powers. Especially not if things like cloning are forbidden in society."

I think it depends on how u look at it and how far back in time that u want 2 compare the present 2. I read once that when spanish settlers ran into natives they were belived 2 be 4 leged gods just because of the weapons they had and how the looked riding a horse and the fact that they had never seen a horse b4. Just think what people would belive if we went back in time with our current tecnology.

P.s. what are your thoughts on cloning?
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i just wish that god could show him self just for a second . it would end a alot of the questions about if he is really there or not . I don't know ? But what i do know is, that he needs to do something cause things are geting hellish
greywolf said:
P.s. what are your thoughts on cloning?

I think there should be some amount of human cloning, on a very tight and limited scale enough to satisfy scientific curiousity. But it should never be commercialized. NEVER.
DoctorNO said:
Oh I see. May the force be with you. Reply: "And also with you". :D
M*W: No, it has nothing to do with Star Wars. In fact, I'm not a person who enjoys sci-fi.
Doctor No: Is this force of pure positive energy capable of thought?
M*W: No.
Doctor No: Is it intelligent?
M*W: It is only as "intelligent" as humans allow it to be. We are the ones with the brain.
Doctor No: Or is it just a mindless force? Just like sound, light & heat.
M*W: Yes, exactly.
Doctor No: I dont think you truly understand the difference between athiesm & agnosticism. Both does not believe in any God. But athiesm goes one step further. It declares with finality that there is no God.
M*W: My interpretation of an "atheist" is that they don't believe in any god or higher power. An "agnostic" doesn't know if there is a higher power or god.
Doctor No: As I told wesmorris, my concept of "God" is a super intelligent being that is immortal, invulnerable, and has uncontestable powers. This concept can hold true for a super powerful space alien. It can hold true for a futuristically evolved human. It can hold true for your concept of pure energy. It can hold true for the concept of Jesus.
M*W: But you just said that you don't believe in any "god." Now you say you have a "concept" of god. You could be right that god is a "super powerful space alien." Although I believe there are beings more advanced and intelligent than us, I don't believe they are god. They are more like angels. If they were god, then why don't we all know it? Why would god be that fickle? I don't think god plays tricks on us humans. We do enough damage tricking ourselves into believing that a 2000 year old rabbi died for us. I will agree that I see a "futuristically evolved human" RACE as god, and apparently you accept this concept as well. However, it is the force of pure positive energy which enables humanity to achieve godliness.
Doctor No: Height is the only noticeable improvement in the last 10,000 years. We are still lightyears from hopefully developing godlike powers. Especially not if things like cloning are forbidden in society.
M*W: Standing upright (which confirms height), loss of bodily hair (warmer climates?), improved food supply, even the manner in which we give birth has evolved along with our species. How intelligent are we now compared to the Cro-Magnons? I believe we've evolved tremendously since that time. Our cumulative intelligence is higher now than it has EVER been! We don't devolve--we evolve. One can only imagine what we will be like in 10,000 more years!
Doctor No: Nothing wrong with average people. But there is nothing great in it either. And in order to improve the race something great has to happen. And william is below average. Hey I like the guy too! It is the reason why we preserve the weak. And the weak ensures humanity is kept on average.
M*W: "Average" is the best we can hope for at any given time. What is "average" to us TODAY, will be "inferior" 10,000 years from now. The "something great" you are talking about won't be one single incident. That "something great" occurs over time, space, matter, and energy. It will happen. There is no time in the history of human anthropology where we have devolved. When the weak are preserved, they at least become average, but "average" is relative to the time and place.
M*W: I think you must be jealous of William. As a mother, he's the kind of kid that I'd like to take under my wing to nurture and protect.
yea i am here gray .. I think that good is pure postive energy also , he can be in any form that he choses.Change things to his will at anytime to what ever he wants
DoctorNO said:
I think there should be some amount of human cloning, on a very tight and limited scale enough to satisfy scientific curiousity. But it should never be commercialized. NEVER.

I couldnt have said it myself. people have to give a little to get a little
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: But you just said that you don't believe in any "god." Now you say you have a "concept" of god.
"God" for me is just a concept, NOT A FACT. That is why I say I dont believe in any God. Like we have a concept of what a Santa Clause is but we dont believe in Santa Clause.

Medicine Woman said:
Our cumulative intelligence is higher now than it has EVER been! We don't devolve--we evolve. One can only imagine what we will be like in 10,000 more years!
Our accumulated knowledge and the freedom we enjoy to use that knowledge sharpens our mind and increases our intelligence. But there is no evidence that we are genetically mentally superior to people a thousand years ago. I think our mental capability is no different from that in the time of Plato, Newton, Beethoven & Einstein.
DoctorNO said:
I think there should be some amount of human cloning, on a very tight and limited scale enough to satisfy scientific curiousity. But it should never be commercialized. NEVER.

Are you so sure?

What if you could replace your arm with a reconstructed version of your arm, or the same with any of your body parts? How about a bigger *@*# or slimmer thighs? Hehe. I just think that saying "never" is perhaps unwise, as there will be a very reasonable demand for it. What if your wife dies tomorrow unless you allow them to clone her heart and put it into her? What about your kid in the same scenario? That's a tough spot and I can tell you as a husband and a father, I'd do either in a heartbeat to save their lives. Perhaps that isn't moral justification for the endeavor, but it does shine some light on the nature of demand associated with the potential supply. I'm sure at some point the two will likely be almost impossible to keep separate.
I have seen the face of the lord and it is thus:

well that all depends , what level of cloning are you talkin about ? if it anamals that yea i guess a littie cloning couldn't hurt . human cloning can get crazy if it was to ever be commercialized. After just a short time there would be a people walking around with features that have been picked by man.
when it comes to body parts i think thats good , cause we have soo many people that need new parts and die waiting for this it would save many lives
wesmorris said:
Are you so sure?

What if you could replace your arm with a reconstructed version of your arm, or the same with any of your body parts? How about a bigger *@*# or slimmer thighs? Hehe.
What I meant was Human Cloning, not Organ Cloning. I dont like the idea of commercialized cloning of whole human beings. Its too creepy and too dangerous.

Im perfectly fine with Organ Cloning.
M*W: Cloning is not all what it's cracked up to be. Take the sheep that was cloned here in Texas. I forget its name, but it had to be put to sleep due to the problems it started experiencing as it aged. Now they've cloned a cat, and god only knows what else. Cloning does NOT make an exact replica of the host like most people believe. A clone can have different features than the host. The genes the host carries can can differ from what the host looks like. So, they may look somewhat alike, but they won't necessarily be exactly alike because both the hosts parents transferred their genes to the host who would pass them along. The clones would be like siblings and not exact copies of the host.

Human cloning needs more study. I really don't think it would cloning armies of evil. The clones would exhibit more genetic defects than normal mammals. (This has been scientifically proven). So, creating masses of robotic-type humanoids simply wouldn't work. More study needs to be done.

I've worked with some German scientists who are looking at taking an ovum from a female and implanting it into a diseased organ, and last I heard, they were having some positive results. I've worked closely with stem cell transplantation into damaged heart wall and have seen the heart healed in patients waiting to die. Although generally not practiced in public institutions, we are already doing this in private hospitals. The same stem cell work is being done on the liver, spleen, pancreas and brain. Stem cell technology can grow one's on skin for burn patients, etc. Bone can be regenerated in the lab, and we are already transplanting autologous stem cells directly into diseased organs. Public hospitals have been doing bone marrow transplants for years. It's nothing new. Bone marrow has a healthy supply of stem cells. It's done every day in America. In fact, cloning may already be a thing of the past. We've moved onward and upward from her.
DoctorNO said:
I dont think you truly understand the difference between athiesm & agnosticism. Both does not believe in any God. But athiesm goes one step further. It declares with finality that there is no God.

You, also, don't understand the difference. How many times does it have to be said before you understand it? Atheism is a lack of belief in God, and agnosticism is a position concerning our knowledge about God, namely, that we cannot have any. They are not mutually exclusive. They don't lie on different positions on some sort of belief spectrum, with atheism 'one step furthur.'
I dont think you truly understand the difference between athiesm & agnosticism. Both does not believe in any God. But athiesm goes one step further. It declares with finality that there is no God.

Hey yeah theERk is right, you didn't read my link! ;)

It's a very informative thread, you really should check it out. As he corrected you, atheism is a lack of believe, not a negative belief. Agnosticism has to do with nature of knowledge.


I was a real ass about this issue when I first arrived at sci. I think I ran someone off because he was bad at explaining it and I was constantly slamming him on it. It took the patient concise criticism of ConsequentAthiest to correct me in my error, as he was finally able to crystalize the issue to me.
