Why does the evolutionary process exist?

Because god wanted to go about creating creatures with a soul so that they could party with him after they suffered a whole bunch and then died.

Don't they teach you this in school in the UK?
Roman said:
Because god wanted to go about creating creatures with a soul so that they could party with him after they suffered a whole bunch and then died.

Don't they teach you this in school in the UK?

They do in Holland.
Roman said:
Because god wanted to go about creating creatures with a soul so that they could party with him after they suffered a whole bunch and then died.

Don't they teach you this in school in the UK?

read the post above yours Roman it has advanced a tad
Now you skeptics must be asking "why the 3 or 4 billion year time period?" Well, God didn't want just any wanker in his exclusive club (of which there are a lot of wankers, the universe being infinite), so he devised the most convoluted scheme possible to see who could get on the List.
Is that:
You're being a dick. Now Roman, semantics do not interest me, sterile neutrinos do.
You're being a dick now. Roman, semantics do not interest me, sterile neutrinos do.


The latter is a serious semantic bone to pick. How implies a mechanistic explanation, why implies reason, purpose. The mechanic can explain to you why your car broke down, he cannot, however, explain why it broke down, causing you to miss work and lose your job.

And yes, I am being a dick. I dick around. That's what I do.
Roman said:
Is that:
You're being a dick. Now Roman, semantics do not interest me, sterile neutrinos do.
You're being a dick now. Roman, semantics do not interest me, sterile neutrinos do.


I missed a comma oh fuck me, what a fool I am, what a fool you are that after two attemnpts to correct, you still didn't get it.

Do you ever see me correct someones writing style? NO.
Do you know the reason for that?
Comprehension Roman.
I am able to comprehend what they mean without the 100% top notch writing style.

the sentance was thus:

You're being a dick now Roman, semantics do not interest me, sterile neutrinos do.

Note the insertion of comma

stop fucking fucking up my thread
Whatever man.

I totally venture capitalized this shit. I was like, hostile take over! Hyah! And then there was this sweet action montage of shit exploding all around me while I did backflips shooting a machine gun that fire machetes armed with smaller machine guns.

And if you were paying close attention, you could see that the arc of all my weapon fire was in a perfect supply-curve all up on their asses.
" from web"

Neutrinos: The answer to life, the universe and dark matter?

Cosmology has undergone a revolution in recent years; going from a gentleman’s world of rampant speculation to a science which can make accurate, testable statements about the evolution of the universe. This slow gestation has given cosmologists plenty of time to work on their models and come up with a fairly firm idea of what is out there and what it should look like. Unfortunately there are several areas in which cosmologists have difficulty reconciling their work with observational data and the rest of the physics community. The most obvious of these is dark matter, however others include explaining the unusually high velocity of pulsars, the amount of energy released during supernova shock and the recent WMAP evidence that star formation occurred quite early in the universe’s history. The recent discovery that the neutrino must have mass coupled with some recent theoretical work suggests that all these phenomena may be explained by the existence of other neutrino types.

The neutrino is a neutral particle that comes in three flavors;* electron, muon and tau neutrinos. Although we have known about their existence for sometime, it was only in the last 10 years or so that we have discovered that they must have mass. A consequence of the known neutrino types having mass is that there must be a fourth type of neutrino, one that has even weaker interactions with ordinary matter and has been dubbed the sterile neutrino. Biermann and Kusenko have done some calculations to show that if the sterile neutrino has mass within a certain range it can help explain some anomalous cosmological observations. They chose to use a mass and interaction range which would allow the neutrino to be dark matter and then examined the effect of this particle on other cosmological phenomena.

They found that the sterile neutrino can decay, releasing x-rays in the process. X-rays catalyze the formation of molecular hydrogen, cooling gas clouds and aiding star formation, thus helping explain earlier-than-expected star formation. They also show that these neutrinos would be produced during the first second of a supernova and that they increase the amount of convection occurring during that time, adding energy to the supernova shock, which brings supernova calculations into better agreement with observation. That same second of sterile neutrino production is also sufficient to explain why pulsars have an anomalous velocity range.

Is the sterile neutrino the answer to life, the universe and dark matter? Well, only time will tell, but if the initial results are borne out by more experimental evidence then “two out of three ain’t bad.”


I am not alone it would appear in asking this question.
Q kindly provided details of a site he swears by: Philica


very useful site

"The belief that the Big Bang produced EMR is more an assumption than a provable fact. Supposedly, during the first microsecond of the existence of the Universe, there were hadrons, followed within a second by electrons, positrons, photons, and (maybe) neutrinos."
Robert J. Hannon (Independent Researcher)

(Q) said:
When will YOU begin to think, ToR?

Thinking and dreaming up nonsense from your imagination are two different things. You've shown only the latter.

No one wishes to be an idiot.

If I dream up the same nonsense as experts I can't be that stupid can I?
May I suggest Q you stick to what you know and leave the not knowing but wondering to the real thinkers.
Theoryofrelativity said:
Q kindly provided details of a site he swears by: Philica


very useful site

"The belief that the Big Bang produced EMR is more an assumption than a provable fact. Supposedly, during the first microsecond of the existence of the Universe, there were hadrons, followed within a second by electrons, positrons, photons, and (maybe) neutrinos."
Robert J. Hannon (Independent Researcher)

If I dream up the same nonsense as experts I can't be that stupid can I?
May I suggest Q you stick to what you know and leave the not knowing but wondering to the real thinkers.

Robert J. Hannon is a bonafide kook and idiot, I've read his garbage over on Physics Forums. He has no idea what he's talking about.

So, it figures because you're unable to recognize that. You two make a lovely pair.

Here's some trash from the article you linked:

"So it seems that expansion of the Universe cannot cause an observable redshift in light, gamma radiation, or any other EMR.

Big Bang cosmologists evade this subject, and "explain" the supposed redshift of gamma radiation purportedly produced billions of years ago by applying the thermodynamic gas laws to the Universe, ignoring the fact that empty space cannot have a "temperature".
Seems to me most people are not answering your questions on a clear logical basis. I'd say that life - organisms don't process life on a logical or conscious basis as we humans do so the decision to stay alive and survive is more of an instinctive one, as if I empathise life as something non-human would my decisions to carry on living are more or less a plus to the none existence I will never know. Hence, on a less sophisticated level within the drive of life's natural instinct to keep going. Bacteria goes by the same principles - it's there and is a catalyst of itself that just builds and builds and builds until it becomes a more complex entity or less complex entity. But I think you're knowing this already... I'm dyslexic to a certain extent so I've probably not covered what you're covering yourself. What I would apply to this 'theory' of evolution, is that if it's left long enough, the combinations of trial and error begin to construct, deconstruct, aid and rewrite itself to adapt to its habitat. This may not necessarily be a plus for it, or make it especially stronger than it was, but it's survival to change, to counteract what ever it doesn't agree with will eventually in time be accomplished... although time itself doesn't exist. I believe somewhere along the scale of things, nothingness itself, is an energy beyond comprehension - How it ever developed life in our dimension (elements, matter, dark matter) I'll never know, but all energy no matter what form it is, comes from the same origin of nothingness to me. Makes me wonder what energy we can't comprehend is forming beyond our senses right now... you know - from microcosms to universes, chain reactions of chain reactions... it continually goes on... it's all part of the same system, hence, theory of relativity? - I'll shut up just for now though... :)
Theoryofrelativity said:
that article was in the 'peer reveiwed' clap trap linky you provided Q?
Not such a great link afterall then. I'll be sure to copy this reply in teh appropriate thread.

meanwhile do YOU have anything at all to say about neutrino's? If not **** off.

Anyone can submit an article, which means kooks can submit them also.

The difference is being able to discern such, which you obviously failed to do. Instead, you saw the word, 'neutrino' and jumped right on the bandwagon without having a clue.

But, thanks for the hilarious laugh! Damn, it was funny!