Why does nudity bother people while explicit violence is accepted....

Here are two reasons that I really do not want to see people in the nude...



They should make a porno...
I think the OP was banned (he is a sock afterall) but i dont see this problem with people seeing nudity ot not wanting to see it. Just look at cable t.v.
This topic is not particularly mysterious. Certain very powerful systems of social control operate by monopolizing the power to legitimize sex, and using this control to promote violence against their opponents. Hence, anything that suggests free sexuality is a direct challenge to the system, while material that promotes righteous violence, or at least desensitization, works in concert with the system.

Moreover, in response to the premise of the OP, it's only depictions of free sexuality that bother. You'll have no trouble finding depictions of nudity and sex that lie within the power systems' purview: cheerleaders (regimented, obedient females excited by displays of violent power for "their team"), advertizing (more system-approved sex), etc. It works pretty much the same everywhere, as a quick glance at any collection of war propaganda from any country in history will demonstrate.
because it would have left power in the hands of the pagen priesthoods (specifally pan? and aphrodity) when Constine wanted it in his own hands through the institution of the Christan Church. Before that sex was a type of pray and women were concided part divine because they could produce new life
I think the OP was banned (he is a sock afterall) but i dont see this problem with people seeing nudity ot not wanting to see it. Just look at cable t.v.

How many times do you think that graphic depictions of violent death are shown on TV?
How would it compare to the number of on screen naked penises?
What about on screen erect naked penises?

It's the last one that is the funniest taboo, really.
Why is the image of an erect penis considered so much more offensive than graphically violent death?

We can turn to the bible and find page after page of ultra violence, all in the name of god, with god being the number one proponent. In fact, he decided to wipe the face of the earth clean of all living things, all except for a paltry boatload of dna.

We teach this story to children in Sunday Schools everywhere, yes?

We also teach about Moses and the mass murders and atrocities god commanded he commit.

"And Israel joined himself unto Baalpeor: and the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel. And the LORD said unto Moses, 'Take all the heads of the people and hang them up before the LORD against the sun, that the fierce anger of the LORD may be turned away from Israel.'" (Numbers 25:3-4)

"Sin is what caused nakedness to become a problem. Sin introduced lust, immorality, and perversion into the human race. As a result, we can no longer look at a nude person of the opposite sex in a pure manner."


"Genesis 2:25
And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed."


REPLY: Some of what is written in the bible astounds me. The cruelty of this god is equal to or exceeds the WORST PEOPLE THAT EVER EXISTED. I appreciate your bringing this up. The things Moses was supposedly ordered by this god to do are some real EYE OPENERS. In one instance Moses is furious at his soldiers FOR SPARING THE LIVES OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN after some battle with the MINONDITES ? It is : NUMBERS 31 I think. Anyway, Moses has all the women and boys killed. He spares the VIRGINS amongst these people to be divided up amongst the different Isreal groups. He and his priest get their share of these young girls he spares in his great wisdom along with all of their belongings.
What historical figure from history was ever more evil ? Sounds a lot like Adolph Hitler to me. And this was supposedly on orders from god almighty. I guess you could say he spared some young girls to divide up amongst the men. And this is the LOVING GOD so many profess to believe in ? GIVE ME A BREAK.
I know wars often result in acts of great cruelty. I fought with the Marines in Viet Nam. This sort of activity never occurred in the units I served with and would not have been tolerated by us low ranking Marines, let alone our officers. I know about THE MAI LAI MASSACRE. It was an isolated incident and I hope I would have had the courage to stop it had I been there. I did rifle butt a fellow Marine for punching and kicking a prisoner of war and made some enemies for doing so. Screw them. I had it out with them and kicked the shit out of them.
There are a very many good Marines and Soldiers doing their best to defend our Nation and the Western World, and do so in such a way that they have NOTHING to be ashamed of....Fellowtraveler
They should make a porno...

REPLY: This has NOTHING to do with what I am talking about. I am discussing the fact that explicit violence is a lot of what contemporary movies include as a large part of these movies. Whatever sort of sex is portrayed has attractive young women and men in these scenes.
My point is : These movies glorify and revel in explicit violence and the nudity and such is quite limited.
Oh yes, and for all you attractive young people who enjoy making fun of less attractive people, your youth and attractiveness is a VERY SHORT TERM REALITY. You WILL FIND OUT how true that is as time goes by. ...traveler