Why does nudity bother people while explicit violence is accepted....


is accepted to the degree it is ? It seems no degree of the explicit destruction of the human body is out of bounds anymore. Yet, some FULL FRONTAL NUDITY raises all sorts of objections. What the heck is with that ? I have seen mens bodies ripped to shreds, heads exploded, limbs shot off in an instant, a very many times in real life. Those men either died quickly or suffered horribly. I was one who had his guts shot out his back, a bullet entered my front and exited my back with a large portion of my insides.
Why is nudity anything at all really,and depictions of the horrid destruction of people`s bodies so readily accepted ? There is something very, very sick, MENTALLY ILL, about that. .....fellowtraveler
Maybe it's because religion propagates and condones violence while making sure you wear at the very least, a fig leaf.
because you can kill in any weather but when men noticed nakidity in winter led to shrinkage, they made it wrong
reply: I honestly do not understand it and I have tried to. I just do not understand it. .....traveler

We can turn to the bible and find page after page of ultra violence, all in the name of god, with god being the number one proponent. In fact, he decided to wipe the face of the earth clean of all living things, all except for a paltry boatload of dna.

We teach this story to children in Sunday Schools everywhere, yes?

We also teach about Moses and the mass murders and atrocities god commanded he commit.

"And Israel joined himself unto Baalpeor: and the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel. And the LORD said unto Moses, 'Take all the heads of the people and hang them up before the LORD against the sun, that the fierce anger of the LORD may be turned away from Israel.'" (Numbers 25:3-4)

"Sin is what caused nakedness to become a problem. Sin introduced lust, immorality, and perversion into the human race. As a result, we can no longer look at a nude person of the opposite sex in a pure manner."


"Genesis 2:25
And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed."

because you can kill in any weather but when men noticed nakidity in winter led to shrinkage, they made it wrong

REPLY: Just so I am clear about this: Do you mean because cold weather caused men`s penises to become smaller or not ? And if so do you actually believe that or are you putting me on ? Why this current fascination with slow motion depictions of bodily dismemberment and such things as that. Not that long ago, in the movies, people died rather ungruesome deaths except in horror films which I made a point of never attending.
I recall watching SAVING PRIVATE RYAN. The entire audiance was silent after the movie. The graphic nature of the violence meant SOMETHING. It was NOT a CELEBRATION of gore. Quite the opposite. Whatever, ...traveler
Here are two reasons that I really do not want to see people in the nude...


... I recall watching SAVING PRIVATE RYAN. The entire audiance was silent after the movie. The graphic nature of the violence meant SOMETHING. It was NOT a CELEBRATION of gore. Quite the opposite. ...

Okay, what could one do with nudity that would be a similar "celebration"?

And I also take exception to your OP in that you say that nudity bothers people but violence does not. I think you're wrong. Do you know about the ratings for films and tv and such?

But regardless, tell me what you could do in a film with nudity that didn't involve full-on sexual intercourse or explicit sexuality?

Baron Max
... Do you mean because cold weather caused men`s penises to become smaller or not ? And if so do you actually believe that or are you putting me on ? ....

:eek: Are you saying that cold weather doesn't cause shrinkage??? Because I'm positive coldness causes a mans testicles and penis to shrink up closer to the warm body
:eek: Are you saying that cold weather doesn't cause shrinkage??? Because I'm positive coldness causes a mans testicles and penis to shrink up closer to the warm body

Yes, Orleander, it shrinks up to almost nothing in cold weather!! Why do you think we men don't like to go naked? Geez, everyone on the beach laughing at us is bad enough, but in cold weather.....??? ...LOL!

I mean, my penis is only 12" long in a flaccid state. But in cold weather, oh, geez, it shrinks up to a puny, miserable 8". Geez, everyone laughing. :D

Baron Max
Yes, Orleander, it shrinks up to almost nothing in cold weather!! Why do you think we men don't like to go naked? Geez, everyone on the beach laughing at us is bad enough, but in cold weather.....??? ...LOL!

I mean, my penis is only 12" long in a flaccid state. But in cold weather, oh, geez, it shrinks up to a puny, miserable 8". Geez, everyone laughing. :D

Baron Max

You have no idea how hard they are laughing. You need to flip your ruler over. You're measuring in millimeters, not inches silly! :rolleyes:
:eek: Are you saying that cold weather doesn't cause shrinkage??? Because I'm positive coldness causes a mans testicles and penis to shrink up closer to the warm body

REPLY: Of course cold causes such things to happen to penises and testicles. Are you saying this is why nudity is shunned in movies and such ? What about women`s nudity ? And why is graphic violence as acceptable as it is ? That is what I don`t understand. And of course I know about pornography, so do not toss that at me. I am talking about what is culturally accepted in the MOVIES and such. The big hollywood productions and such. Even on TV they show all sorts of graphic violence. But show a woman`s bare ass ? Strangely, it seems somewhat OK to show a man`s now and then. I guess a lot of gay types are running the SHOW to a large degree. Gee, I don`t wish to complicate the issue, lest you go off on some tangent about that. ...fellowtraveler
are you saying that female nudity is shunned in movies? I see lots and lots of female nudity and very little male nudity.

REPLY: MY ORIGINAL POINT seems totally lost. My point is that I find a lot very disturbing about the film industrie`s obsession with graphic violence and reluctance to show nudity in what I would call in normal situations. Screw it ! I give up on this thread. I enjoy seeing a beautiful woman walking about nude. I hate seeing people being graphically damaged, dismembered, shit like that. What is enjoyable about things like that. I want to wash it from my memory, just seeing it on TV. ...TRAVELER
are you saying that female nudity is shunned in movies? I see lots and lots of female nudity and very little male nudity.

Maybe not so much in the "movies", Orly, but one thing does make me LOL on TV shows. Take the situation where a couple is in bed with the very obvious inference that they are both nude.

Ever notice how the man's bed covers are invariably pulled down to the waist, but the woman's stop just above the breasts?

In my limited :)D) sexual experiences, the woman is just as likely, or maybe even more so, to lay in bed with her breasts exposed as the man is, especially after "doing the deed".

Is it just me, or have others noticed this? I think it's hilarious... :bravo:

It must be do to government censorship, right? Because otherwise it's just outright silly... :shrug:
:eek: Are you saying that cold weather doesn't cause shrinkage??? Because I'm positive coldness causes a mans testicles and penis to shrink up closer to the warm body

This is a documented medical condition known as "River Weenie".

Regarding the OP's question: I also think that the different views of nudity and violence are based on religion.