why does islam want world domination?

Bells said:
Unless of course Saddam's WMD's are found in the US...
you know it, he's more diabolical than anyone ever thought, don't look now but "they're under the Pentagon!"

True. If I didn't agree with that, I wouldn't be replying to you. But sharing ideas is one thing. Making accusations based on slight paranoia is another thing altogether. How many Muslims have you asked about whether they want to dominate the world or not? Until you have asked every single one of them, then you really shouldn't make a statement that they do.
that's unrealistic, I have to poll all 1.3 billion? I'll let you do it

As for the world domination, you already have one Muslim saying that he doesn't agree with it. So that's shot down the idea that Islam wants to dominate the world because we already have one Muslim who disagrees with it.
I know, there's one peaceable one, but forgive me for an analogy, but:
in Star Trek lore, Worf had to be the first of many Klingons that saw they needed to stop their warlike ways, & "chill" with the Federation,
"yo! increase the peace!"

I don't think you'd have what it takes...
not those 'bells', the 'ideas' ones, you know the "lightbulb" over your head, the ones in your belfry, 'rattle the cage a little' kind?
& I'm pushing 50, so you may be right, you young whipper-snapper!
yeah, & I blushed a little & had a chuckle, you made my day

StarOfEight said:
M*W is not P_M. If you pay the slightest attention to their styles, you'd notice that.
clever girl! I see you fell for her tricks

And Randolfo, what about Franklin Graham wanting United States troops in Iraq to be followed by evangelical missionaries?
what's wrong with Missionaries going back & forth? we allow it here & in the West in general, why not the ME, Asia, etc? islam might progress better, if it had more of a Western attitude toward progress, it that a "double positive" statement? anyway, would islam survive a trip to the "outer rings", ala "Pitch Black"? Don't think so!!!
Duh ahh wot abowt amerika wanna take over world? [deleted]

Stay focussed [deleted].
The fact is at the base of the religion that is islam is a message for its followers to take over the world by force. Now this wouldn't really matter except muslims take religion very seriously. So right now the second biggest religion in the world is made up of [deleted] who have declared war on everyone thats not them.
This is an unstable situation. Thankfully they are all living in poverty with no power whatsoever, this is the only thing stopping them from violently fullfilling their most significant prophecy.
People don't seem to realise this, people like to compare muslims to other people, ignoring the fact that these are inherently self-made enemies to you if you are not a muslim. It doesn't matter if you want to be their friend and annoint their feet or whatever the [deleted] it is you do gooders get up to, they don't want to be your friend, they want you to die. They are openly opposed to your existance. [alert alert - rampant stereotyping]
Islam is a disease on humanity, something spreading through it with intent on tearing it down. There are no ifs or buts, thats what it is. Its dorment at the moment, but we should be snuffing out the problem before it flairs up, which it will as soon as it gets the opportunity.
We won't, of course(snuff it out that is). Political correctness will be the downfall of civilisation as we know it, mark my words.
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"Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt."
--- Abraham Lincoln

You should have thought of that b4 you posted :rolleyes:......but at lest you got your name right :cool:
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I have found a British Muslim website which explains the attitudes of Muslims in Britain and why they will NEVER integrate with British society. It also outlines Islams intent to take over Britain.

Hijab Under Attack

"Muslims living in Britain must be clear about their obligations towards the non Muslims. Our role is not to integrate or become part of the kufr (non-Islamic) culture or man made system!

How could, for example, a practicing Muslim don an English football team shirt which clearly displays a Christian Cross stained in red, a symbol which if worn by a Muslim knowingly, could take him out of the fold of Islam?

Similarly how can a Muslim, in the same breath, support and give allegiance to the Queen when in Islam we know that the first action we do when we become Muslim is to reject allegiance to anyone other than the Creator of Man, Life and Universe i.e. Allah (swt) solely and without any partners?

It is therefore impossible for a Muslim to emulate the disbelievers in their actions, behavior and even in their dress code. Rather it is incumbent upon the Muslims to invite the society to leave the falsehoods that they carry and call them to Islam as the only acceptable way of Life (to God)."

"The short term solution in this case must be to have segregated independent Islamic schools teaching all subjects from an Islamic perspective, although the long term solution (as we must all know, understand and strive to achieve) is for the Shari'ah to be implemented both on an individual level and on State level: for all the laws to be based upon the Shari’ah and the total eradication thereby of any man made law or, to coin a phrase,

to see the flag of Islam flying over 10 Downing Street!"
You posting that in all threads now Vienna? You should maybe frame it and put in on the back of your toilet door so that you can comfort yourself while sitting on the loo. Do you feel comfort in posting stuff from an Islamic hate site? Makes you feel justified in the point that you are still failing to prove? Maybe someone should start posting crap from an english white hatesite? Make them feel justified.
You went a bit liberal with the editting there james. Deleting insulting words, ok, but "alerting" the reader to stereotyping? is that really necessarry?
I don't care, i think its funny, I've just never seen a mod do that before. Thats the sort of stuff I would do if I was a mod.
Bells said:
You posting that in all threads now Vienna? You should maybe frame it and put in on the back of your toilet door so that you can comfort yourself while sitting on the loo. Do you feel comfort in posting stuff from an Islamic hate site? Makes you feel justified in the point that you are still failing to prove?.

How is it an Islamic hate site??

It hates Britain, it hates the USA, it hates the West - BUT IT DOES NOT HATE ISLAM - it is promoting Islam and revealing its true colours.

These are words you are scared to utter, you are scared to utter the true feelings of Islam because you do not live in a Muslim country. You are looking after your own interests, and finding a happy medium to suit your environment. These are the words of Muslims hiding behind a website based in London, their thoughts and preachings are transmiited from Britain, not Saudi Arabia. Are you gonna tell me these are different kind of Muslims, BULLSHIT, These Muslims quote the Qu'ran every time.

A Muslim is a Muslim... period.

There is no such thing as a Muslim "moderate" it is actually incorrect to call only some Muslims "fundamentalists" as if all other Muslims oppose their practices.

The Quran repeatedly exhorts Muslims to "arrest," "besiege," and "lie in ambush everywhere" for "unbelievers."

Seize them and put them to death wherever you find them, kill them wherever you find them, seek out the enemies of Islam relentlessly. (Sura 4:90)

Fight them until Islam reigns supreme. (Sura 2:193)

Cut off their heads, and cut off the tips of their fingers. (Sura 8:12)

Allah threatens the Muslim who does not make war on the "unbelievers" with death. (Sura 9:39)

So rather than renounce the dictates of their faith, "moderate" Muslims "make statements of peace and tolerance" for the consumption of an unsuspecting and gullible West.

Such statements act to "disguise for the time being (Islam's) real intent and nature: to conquer the world by stealth or terror till all the world will finally come under the dominion of Allah and Islam."

Maybe someone should start posting crap from an english white hatesite? Make them feel justified.

I have just shown you a site which hates the English whites.
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Dr Lou Natic said:
Islam is a disease on humanity, something spreading through it with intent on tearing it down. There are no ifs or buts, thats what it is. Its dorment at the moment, but we should be snuffing out the problem before it flairs up, which it will as soon as it gets the opportunity.
We won't, of course(snuff it out that is). Political correctness will be the downfall of civilisation as we know it, mark my words.

Fuckin aye!!! , Ive been trying to tell friends this from another board for a freakin year now...... and they still dont get it !!!!!


(And hope you dont mind me borrowing your words and posting them on another board......might help to get it thru their thick heads!!! but I doubt it.)
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StarOfEight said:
M*W is not P_M. If you pay the slightest attention to their styles, you'd notice that.

And Randolfo, what about Franklin Graham wanting United States troops in Iraq to be followed by evangelical missionaries?
M*W: The very assinine nerve of you!

The cheese stands alone! Hi ho the dairy-oh, the cheese stands alone!

Medicine*Woman stands alone! Medicine*Woman is not to be confused with PM. Hi ho the dairy-oh, the cheese stands alone.
if allah is the creator of the world, why does he insist in the quran that all the world submit to islam, by force or otherwise? if he is the god of peace (salaam), then shouldn't he follow Jesus' example?

The question is motivated by a lack of information and perspective. I will contemplate, and try to figure out how to explain it.

However, you seem to be applying a very Christian exclusivity to the idea of the rightly-guided. That's the start of it. There is a strong suggestion that the Quran is a revelation intended for Arabs, which would also suggest that the ummah should not expect to hold sway outside of a given geographic or demographic arrangement.

However, as disparate portions of humanity focus on God's guidance, the effect will become the same as a worldwide ummah; peace, social justice, and to some degree the apparent completion of the human endeavor.

So goes the short-form. But the idea of "world domination" is assigned by a Western perspective derived from the Judeo-Christian worldview--very possibly a combination of the "Newtonian" (or even post-Newtonian) God and the prominent associations between faith and political economy noted by Weber.
Vienna - and Christianity doesn't? Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't European Christians spend hundreds of years butchering each other over their faith? John Calvin didn't establish a theocracy in Geneva? Catholic Spain didn't lead the charge to colonize and enslave the New World? Really?
StarOfEight said:
Vienna - and Christianity doesn't? Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't European Christians spend hundreds of years butchering each other over their faith? John Calvin didn't establish a theocracy in Geneva? Catholic Spain didn't lead the charge to colonize and enslave the New World? Really?

You are correct old bean. Difference is though Christians did that in the middle ages, Muslims are doing it today.

Secularism rules the world today - Muslims had better get used to it.
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And what about General Boykin claiming the war on terror was a war against Satan? What about Pat Robertson praying for God to kill three Supreme Court justices?