why does islam want world domination?



if allah is the creator of the world, why does he insist in the quran that all the world submit to islam, by force or otherwise? if he is the god of peace (salaam), then shouldn't he follow Jesus' example?

Jesus said, "go and make disciples", not subdue people & take the earth by force.

Which is a more loving approach?
Careful there.

You might be labeled a "HATER" and a "Zionist".



The Jews took slaves (commonly referred to as servants) for themselves too but complained when Egypt took them into captivity. Although I would like to claim omniscience ;), I would appreciate you explaining this ta me.
Randolfo said:
Which is a more loving approach?

Why should Christianity or Islam have the urge to 'convert' people (who have their own religion, like buddhists and hindus) in the first place.? ..and underestimating their religions is a common trait in both approaches. ..taking this humiliation granted those 'poor souls' might prefer to missionaries over militaries.

BTW, does Islam spread through force now a days.?
§outh§tar said:
The Jews took slaves (commonly referred to as servants) for themselves too but complained when Egypt took them into captivity. Although I would like to claim omniscience ;), I would appreciate you explaining this ta me.
Is this like a standing question or something? Has anyone ever answered it? Do you want me to give you the answer here or do you want to start a new thread?
The Jews took slaves (commonly referred to as servants) for themselves too but complained when Egypt took them into captivity. Although I would like to claim omniscience , I would appreciate you explaining this ta me.

It is one thing to have a servant, which was a status symbol, like a lamborghini, in those times, and quite another to gather a mass of people into forced labor. A servant was usually treated well, because they were very expensive, while the Egyptian style of slavery simply exploited people to death. In modern times, we may see both as wrong, but having one or two slaves as servants was not that different from being a wage slave today.
Sigh....here we go again.....what you dont realize is that the word Islam means to submit to God's will in other words to obey God. Those who dont obey God will be punished when they die. thats no different than Christianity or Judaism....have you ever read the old testement? Do you deny that that ever happened? you call yourselves Christians yet 3/4 of the Bible you dont even read why is that? because you dont like what it says? What about the prophets before Jesus (saws) do you believe in them? They were violent when challenged by unbelievers also werent they? you guys want to post the 10 commandments in schools but what are the punishments for those commandments? dont say Jesus(saws) changed all that because he said he came to confirm the laws of Moses(saws) not to change them. I really dont think that 1.5 billion muslims are out to convert you i know that im not
Who does not want to rule the world?

Throughout history, many have tried but no nation nor religion has enough power to dominate the world. Currently, the US with its nuclear power should be able to make the whole world its colonies but it has not done and will not do so. Can we imagine any other country or any religion, especially Islam, to have such a power?
Laser Eyes said:
Is this like a standing question or something? Has anyone ever answered it? Do you want me to give you the answer here or do you want to start a new thread?

spidergoat answered it fer me.

Thnx spidergoat! :)
Randolfo said:
"Zeolot" is more like it, 'Zionist' I'm not

It was actually a joke referring to a user named Proud Muslim who liked to call people "hater's" and "zionists".

Apparently, he has been banned and now writes under the moniker of Medicine Woman.. :m:
surenderer said:
I really dont think that 1.5 billion muslims are out to convert you i know that im not

you're right, only about 2 Malay muslims have ever tried, though I found it kind of funny that several spanish-speaking muslims came to a local mosque to work there, ?que pasa, ese?

BTW, don't take it to personal, but if Proud_Muslim (or whatever incarnation he has now) & Whilrwind were not sheer PROPAGANDA machines, there would be a quieter level of discussion, than now present.

Check it out for yourself, just click on any of their posts to get to their personal profile, & then find out what threads they have started, you'll see a pattern, I hope?
Bells said:
To scare you and Vienna.
I don't scare easy; been shot at, had guns, crowbars & knives branished at me, still got all my teeth, no scars (yet) & I'm pushing 50. anyway, what's a few hurt feelings between friends? better than a carbomb or nuke lightening up our neighborhoods!

hey are we sharing ideas, ideals, worldviews here or what? thats what the web is all about, don't ou think? hello!, did I ring your 'bells'?
§outh§tar said:

Apparently, he has been banned and now writes under the moniker of Medicine Woman..

OUCH! a proud-muslim IS now a woman?
M*W is not P_M. If you pay the slightest attention to their styles, you'd notice that.

And Randolfo, what about Franklin Graham wanting United States troops in Iraq to be followed by evangelical missionaries?
Randolfo said:
you're right, only about 2 Malay muslims have ever tried, though I found it kind of funny that several spanish-speaking muslims came to a local mosque to work there, ?que pasa, ese?

BTW, don't take it to personal, but if Proud_Muslim (or whatever incarnation he has now) & Whilrwind were not sheer PROPAGANDA machines, there would be a quieter level of discussion, than now present.

Check it out for yourself, just click on any of their posts to get to their personal profile, & then find out what threads they have started, you'll see a pattern, I hope?

Oh i know about PM.... I used to read these boards and never repy untill I saw how his posts were slandering my religion worse than non-muslims were....I disagreed with alot of things he said so i wanted a true humble muslims voice to be heard.Unfortunatly all alot of people know about islam is read on these boards so i felt it was important to show that not all muslims felt like he does/did.....peace
Randolfo said:
I don't scare easy; been shot at, had guns, crowbars & knives branished at me, still got all my teeth, no scars (yet) & I'm pushing 50. anyway, what's a few hurt feelings between friends? better than a carbomb or nuke lightening up our neighborhoods!
You don't scare easily but you appear to be so worried about Islamic domination? And hurt feelings between friends is one thing. But just remember, you wont get respect until you give it in turn.

As for the carbombs and nukes lightening up your neighbourhoods, well just remind yourself that any child can build a car bomb and your government is more likely to nuke your neighbourhood (either through an accident or to get them darned terrorists), than any terrorist organisation. Unless of course Saddam's WMD's are found in the US... :p

hey are we sharing ideas, ideals, worldviews here or what? thats what the web is all about, don't ou think?
True. If I didn't agree with that, I wouldn't be replying to you. But sharing ideas is one thing. Making accusations based on slight paranoia is another thing altogether. How many Muslims have you asked about whether they want to dominate the world or not? Until you have asked every single one of them, then you really shouldn't make a statement that they do. It may be written in the Quran, but it doesn't mean that all Muslims want the same thing. That would be the same thing as saying that all Christians do everything written in the bible. Sure there are some crackpots out there who do want world domination or an Islamic world. But then again, so did Hitler and George W Bush. There are crackpots in all groups and all religions. I mean look at PM. I don't view PM as representing all of Islam when he used to spout all that he spouted. He represented himself. As for the world domination, you already have one Muslim saying that he doesn't agree with it. So that's shot down the idea that Islam wants to dominate the world because we already have one Muslim who disagrees with it.

hello!, did I ring your 'bells'?
I don't think you'd have what it takes... ;)