Why does god...

I don't hate you M*W, but I dislike your vehement attitude towards other theists, especially Christians. You contradict yourself all the time. You plagiarize and then lie about having done so. Your antics are hilarious. If it's your opinion that I post out of ignorance, that's amusing to me in and of itself because in most instances when I reply all I've done is quote directly from you! Eradication and love mix like oil and water. The only reason I read and reply to you is because I have never read anyone who makes less sense, I need levity in my life.
Flores said:
She meant that in a good way.....it's the true love that I have been talking about...the love that hurts for your own good. MW is very passionate and impulsive just like me, but she have a big heart....I can tell.
I'm consoled to know that calls for my extermination come from a loving place. I hope they use a pleasantly scented gas in the chamber - something oderless combined, perhaps, with soothing lavender or refreshing mint. :)
But if her bio is correct (Sorry I'm talking about you in the third person, M*W), then she has seen enough winters to begin embracing her elder-hood. I'm not put off by what M*W said, per se - And while I have a great respect for impulsiveness, I'm mindful to try and identify the motive force that spawns the impulse, both in myself and others. That is the crux of so many debates on this site: How are peoples actions informed and motivated - by some external power that has the ability to guide, direct, transform and perfect, or by some personal power that has some or all of the same ability? Her negativity with respect to 'xtians' may be, as you say, motivated by a 'loving' desire 'help', but it can also indicate that she has not yet found anything better, that she is looking back and not now, that she is still wounded and not healed. How do you know which is which, and where does that knowledge come from? M*W's bio hints at a respect for the subjective that I find refreshing in this mostly objectivist-rationalist wasteland. I was hoping for more.
Welcome to the Zoo we call Sci-forums..

My first post here. Let’s see...OK..Why does the Hebrew/Christian god require slavish worship and praise from his/her subjects? Logically, a PERFECT being would be above all that.

Everyone likes the feeling of grandeour!.

Wouldn't you like to have hords of people worshiping the ground you walk on?, have a representative (the pope) that can gather thousands, on a whim.

BTW. M*W. is not a bad person, she dislikes Christians and appears to have urter hate for them, however I don't think she would hurt anyone!. People take things too literal, when she speaks of eradicating Christians, she more than likely means the religious dogma, not the people itself, this coming from a woman that believes human race is god, means she hold value for human life, not a mass murderer mentality.

It is too easy to be misunderstood!!.

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Godless said:
Welcome to the Zoo we call Sci-forums..

My first post here. Let’s see...OK..Why does the Hebrew/Christian god require slavish worship and praise from his/her subjects? Logically, a PERFECT being would be above all that.

Everyone likes the feeling of grandeour!.

Wouldn't you like to have hords of people worshiping the ground you walk on?, have a representative (the pope) that can gather thousands, on a whim.

BTW. M*W. is not a bad person, she dislikes Christians and appears to have urter hate for them, however I don't think she would hurt anyone!. People take things too literal, when she speaks of eradicating Christians, she more than likely means the religious dogma, not the people itself, this coming from a woman that believes human race is god, means she hold value for human life, not a mass murderer mentality.

It is too easy to be misunderstood!!.

M*W: Thank you, Godless!
Bridge said:
I don't hate you M*W, but I dislike your vehement attitude towards other theists, especially Christians. You contradict yourself all the time. You plagiarize and then lie about having done so. Your antics are hilarious. If it's your opinion that I post out of ignorance, that's amusing to me in and of itself because in most instances when I reply all I've done is quote directly from you! Eradication and love mix like oil and water. The only reason I read and reply to you is because I have never read anyone who makes less sense, I need levity in my life.
M*W: I believe Christianity IS the AntiChrist (if there was ever one at all). Christianity will eventually die out. I don't advocate the "eradication" of human beings, of course, but I do look forward to the dissolution of the Christian religion. I would rather be hated for my anti-Christianism than loved by a god who never was.
[QUOTEGod wants us to join Him again, cause some of us are lost. He is after all our creator, should we obey the government but not Him?
is this the same god that preaches in the bible to rape,kill,steal,and enslave others?

read the 'bible quotes'
at www.thewaronfaith.com
you might start actualy thinking!
if you need a helping hand,you'll find one at the end of your arm.
Q25 said:
is this the same god that preaches in the bible to rape,kill,steal,and enslave others?
God does not preach that, humans do though. Some parts are easier to understand than others, and by that I mean that you should find for yourself if it's right to rape, kill and steal.

Slavery was common around that time, so the rules and laws concerning slavery were probably needed, though they as well could have been easily manipulated by men to say what they wanted it to say, but the inspiration came from God, everything in the bible can be understood in a way that follow the truth.

There are slaves at this time too, just another kind and not as easily seen.

Barkhorn1x said:
I honestly have NO idea what you mean here!
Because we are not perfect, therefor should not act like we are above God. Should we make God feel like a hypocrite for allowing such things?

God allows someone to do a bad thing because He has hope, understands you, loves you and want you to return to Him, and it is for your own good.

At the same time, you say that you are better than Him. Should He let you do that? He must have reasons to help you, and you won't let Him have that.

God is truth, He can't lie, so every mistake you do, He must make right using the truth. He has even sacrificed His own Son so that everybody can be saved and forgiven. God cannot break His own rules, He must exist, and for that He has to be true.

--by "you" I don't necessarily mean you Barkhorn1x--

Barkhorn1x said:
Why can't he/her/it just "save" us - he/her/it is god after all.
Because He can't allow sins, we must be cleaned through life - and if necessary through fire. Everything must have order, there must be meaning, if we were saved instantly then God wouldn't have rules (since that would break most of them - not the least cause and effect), and anyone could build their own rules and if done incorrectly take away meaning and purpouse, good things could be broken...saved instantly doesn't create order and so on...I guess the list is endless why that's bad, going through life we have a consequence of actions that is much the same as cause and effect. God must follow His own laws. God must be true. We must become.

Barkhorn1x said:
You know that god is our creator - how??
How I know God is our creator? Well, I guess we can call Him "the creator" as well.

I don't know that God is our creator, but since this is assumed by the title God, and the context of the post, then if God exists then "He is after all our creator".

At least follow what's true and what's right. You decide for yourself if you want to obey God or not - at least don't obey things that are meaningless and of no value.
Cyperium said:
At the same time, you say that you are better than Him. Should He let you do that? He must have reasons to help you, and you won't let Him have that.

Why should he even care what I do, wouldn't his "perfection" make him above all that? Why does he need a reason to help me - such as my slavish devotion to him? He's not very altruistic is he?

God is truth, He can't lie, so every mistake you do, He must make right using the truth. He has even sacrificed His own Son so that everybody can be saved and forgiven. God cannot break His own rules, He must exist, and for that He has to be true.

How do you know what his rules are? Do you presume to know the mind of god? Your argument, such as it is, is a wee bit confusing.

I'm sorry, but reading your post only re-inforces my opinion that the xtian belief system is little more than "yearning for Daddy." It's as if you would be lost w/o a stern (but basically loving) parent telling you what to do. This is just sad. Really, it's time to finally grow up.
