Why does god...


Registered Senior Member
My first post here. Let’s see...OK..Why does the Hebrew/Christian god require slavish worship and praise from his/her subjects? Logically, a PERFECT being would be above all that.

Am I missing something here?
Oh that git, cause he was mistaken... He thought he was the only God but he was ignorant of the one true father and of his mother Sophia.

Yaldabaoth, the jealous demiurge. :D
Originally posted by Barkhorn1x
My first post here. Let’s see...OK.Why does the Hebrew/Christian god require slavish worship and praise from his/her subjects? Logically, a PERFECT being would be above all that. Am I missing something here?
M*W: Welcome to sciforums, Barkhorn1x! That's a question that most of us ask. It makes no sense to me, either. There are questionable numbers of Gods addressed in the Torah. I, personally, believe that the human race is the face of God on Earth. Having that belief, I don't have the need to question the Gods of the Old Testament OR of the New Testament. If that's not the case, then I would question why we're here. God is infinite, but so is humanity. If you need further clarification of what I believe, just go to my postings. That way, I won't go into all that in this post. You've come to the right place to find the truth or to rule-out the untruths! Again, welcome to sciforums!
Originally posted by Barkhorn1x
My first post here. Let’s see...OK..Why does the Hebrew/Christian god require slavish worship and praise from his/her subjects? Logically, a PERFECT being would be above all that.
b/c if you dont you will fry in hell:D
he is all mighty and controls all if you didnt know!
so by giving $$ to the church(gods reps on earth)
they(believers) hope that He will send them to heaven,
at least thats the way I understand it,
its a great racket,
and easy way to control the primitive narrow minded,gulible followers.
of course once you realize theres no god its a whole new ball game aint it?
thats why Xians hate atheism.

give man a fish and you will feed him for a day,give man religion and he will starve while praying for food:D
My first post here. Let’s see...OK..Why does the Hebrew/Christian god require slavish worship and praise from his/her subjects? Logically, a PERFECT being would be above all that.

Am I missing something here?

Welcome to Sciforums Barkhorn. Great question really.

Speaking on behalf of the Christian side of the equation, Jesus when challenged (more like set up) said the most important command is to, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength".

Thus the argument that God is an egotistical tyrant for demanding that Christians worship him is a flawed one. How do Christians know this? Christians know this because they freely worship their Creator.

A quick analogy. When we Americans watch one of our beloved NFL stars make a great interception and run it back for a touchdown with time expiring in the 4th quarter of a conference championship game, do we look on with indifference? Hardly! We go nuts with excitement and joy. Subsequently, it isn't a requirement that we cheer our team when they do poorly. We cheer, we shout, we jump up and down and we feel elation because we are free to do so.

Now imagine this scenario. The inteception and touchdown has taken place, we are screaming and yelling with joy and in the next moment (pretend we had the technology and could teleport into a football stadium in Europe) we standing around scratching our heads as Beckham (or whomever) scores with a header or something along that line, and all these strangers with funny hats and weird accents are jumping up and down and screaming things but we don't know what they're screaming bloody heck about and feel no joy about what was going on. That is how it may appear to a non-Christian.

You may not worship God because you don't know Him. Obviously he isn't forcing you or the other several billion people who don't know him to worship him. It is something that comes freely with joy in your heart because God is someone you know and love.
My first post here. Let’s see...OK..Why does the Hebrew/Christian god require slavish worship and praise from his/her subjects? Logically, a PERFECT being would be above all that.

Am I missing something here?
Because we are not perfect, therefor should not act like we are above God. Should we make God feel like a hypocrite for allowing such things?

God has patience with us, cause he wants everyone to be saved.

God wants us to join Him again, cause some of us are lost. He is after all our creator, should we obey the government but not Him?

You can replace "the government" with anything you obey, the prouder you are, the less real - unless you have what it takes to back it up. Don't show yourself over your ability - unless you are "becoming".

Serving God shouldn't be seen as slavery though, since a slave is looked upon with (disgrace?) and seen as almost human by his master. While God see us in our true light and understands our faults.

It's my belief that we meet the one we serve. You don't want to be judged unjustly. Let Jesus be your lawyer, he knows you, he has felt you and been with you every step of the way.

The bible talks about the choice between God and Mammon, with Mammon as a symbol of money and things that are "physical" and of no value in itself. While God is the living God. True and just.

But why obey anything at all?

Because we need to do something. We need a purpouse, something to pursue, and many of us haven't got enough trust to believe in our own mission. So we need a 'helper' to tell us that we are on the right track in life. Most people are blind. They haven't opened their eyes yet. To see where they really are. It is so easy to get lost, even the smallest event changes everything.

Now you may ask:
But I am doing something...just not obeying, I don't need a mission of that kind, I have things to do in life anyway, busy with work and relations (inside work and outside). Why do we need to go in a mission that we don't feel the need to?

We will allways be on a mission. If you walk away from your mission, you walk into another. The reason you don't feel a need to do a mission, may be because you've allready made the mission a part of your life - you just don't know it - or it's because you at some point in your life decided that it was impossible to accomplish...don't let yourself down, cause the mission isn't only for God it is for you too! To get rid of your faults and to enable eternal life. Cause God isn't the God of the dead, He is a God for the living, the living God. What seems impossible to you, isn't impossible for God.

The mission is never beyond our ability to make it. We all get our "paychecks", some in life, some after life. See life as a oppertunity to change while you still can. The only thing we have to do is try and trust. Where trust is the hard part.

I see it as someone that runs in the darkness, while it is dark he doesn't know if he is on the right track or not, but the important thing is that he keeps running and that he trust God to lead him right since he himself have no way of knowing the right track. Then the light comes and he see that he is on the other side of a wide gap and realizes that he ran over nothing. If he had seen that there was nothing were he ran, then he would fall since he wouldn't believe enough but now since he trusted God he is on the other side.

This is to show that there can actually be a reason why appearently unnecessary things happen, even though the reason cannot be clearly seen at this time.

This is not necessarily a picture of the common truth, but is a picture of what I believe as true at this time of my life. Though it's true for me, I'm sure there's something in this post that fit you.
Originally posted by Bridge

Thus the argument that God is an egotistical tyrant for demanding that Christians worship him is a flawed one. How do Christians know this? Christians know this because they freely worship their Creator.

But if I don't worship him/her/it then what happens to me??

Originally posted by Cyperium
Because we are not perfect, therefor should not act like we are above God. Should we make God feel like a hypocrite for allowing such things?

I honestly have NO idea what you mean here.

God has patience with us, cause he wants everyone to be saved.

Why can't he/her/it just "save" us - he/her/it is god after all.

God wants us to join Him again, cause some of us are lost. He is after all our creator, should we obey the government but not Him?

You know that god is our creator - how??

Because god is an insecure, all omnipotent, being who requires constant attention and constant praise for his great doings and his creations. Seeks approval, like a celeberity...can't be out right present in public but needs attention to go on.

or god is a woman trying to make it in a mans world. Even after constant hints she can not get the world to believe that Jesus is a woman because come on...who are we kidding...no man has that much compassion. Only a mother understands the pain of her childern just like only Jesus could scrifice himself for the sins of mankind.

Or god has been and will be a method of oppression. To deny urges which make us human in trade off of having humility and humanity because as a "Civilized" species we are afraid of seeing the darkness inside, because we have seen the darkness inside and it is all the more reason to hide from it. To keep in check the id with an institution found more on fear rather than devotion and understanding.

Or god doesn't care for such things but far be it for him to intrude in our mistakes and tell his/her creations to simple "Knock it off" and to stop killing and promoting his name. To stop using his image, appreciation and well being to carry out our agendas of hate, fear and hypocrisy.

Could be any of those reasons.
Because we need to do something. We need a purpouse, something to pursue, and many of us haven't got enough trust to believe in our own mission. So we need a 'helper' to tell us that we are on the right track in life. Most people are blind. They haven't opened their eyes yet. To see where they really are. It is so easy to get lost, even the smallest event changes everything.

This is the greatest falsehood endorsed by christianity, that we cannot trust ourselves, that we are flawed, that we are in deperate need to "do something". People are blind BECAUSE they have been trained not to trust themselves. Christianity is not where we really are, it is an ideology, an idealized version of a monarchy, a mythology created by King James. True freedom means stepping into the unknown, accepting insecurity, realizing the mission is up to the creativity of the individual, there is no "track" in life, no "one size fits all" answer. When you think you know where you are, you are blind.

If God is omnipotent, representing total control, then why does control need to control? (paraphrase from William S. Burroughs)
But if I don't worship him/her/it then what happens to me??

That would depend on a number of circumstances and a host of information I don't have at my disposal so suffice it to say-- I'm not the answer man for that particular question. If you're already convinced of the answer one way or another it's pretty irrelevant.
Originally posted by Barkhorn1x
... Why does the Hebrew/Christian god require slavish worship and praise from his/her subjects? Logically, a PERFECT being would be above all that.

Am I missing something here?

My wife is God.

Evidently this imposter hasn't met her.

Consequent Atheist:

I agree but it's worse than that. Dumb with a vicious streak.

If you need further clarification of what I believe, just go to my postings. That way, I won't go into all that in this post.

I'll save you the time and trouble.

The world will be a better place when all the xians are eradicated, just like it was when smallpox was eliminated.
Originally posted by Bridge
I'll save you the time and trouble.
The world will be a better place when all the xians are eradicated, just like it was when smallpox was eliminated.

It's not really as bad as it sounds. Give MW a break. Note that she didn't say when christians are eradicated. How many Xtians do you know?
From her own keyboard:

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman

An abbreviation for Christian. This comes from the Greek name for Christ, Xristos, and is the same notation as in Xmas. Another variation on this is Xtian. It should be noted that this is not inherently any more insulting or denigrating than the word Christian itself.
Originally posted by Turduckin
From her own keyboard:

She meant that in a good way.....it's the true love that I have been talking about...the love that hurts for your own good. MW is very passionate and impulsive just like me, but she have a big heart....I can tell.
Originally posted by Flores
She meant that in a good way.....it's the true love that I have been talking about...the love that hurts for your own good. MW is very passionate and impulsive just like me, but she have a big heart....I can tell.
M*W: Thanks, Flores! You know, I just love it when CA or Bridge say something stupid out of ignorance! They can hate me all they want, but that won't stop Christianity from going away. They can criticize me all they want, but they are still reading my posts! I just love it that I can piss them off so badly, and they are angered enough to post a reply because of what I've said! These people and all the others who think THEY are right and I am wrong amuse me. They're the ones believing that nothing is possible like the Jew CA, or believing that everything is possible like the Christians who are still waiting for the rapture. CA never presents a convincing arguement but neither do the Christians, yet they ridicule me. It's especially amusing when CA doesn't give a valid opinion on anything--just harsh criticism. Even his tagline is a dead give-away. He's really Barbara Forrest, PhD. Ever looked her up on the Net? (Hint: Louisiana, USA). He/she is a member of umpteen other philosophical-type websites. He/she can run, but he/she just can't hide. It's a small world after all!

Christianity will eventually die out without any help from me. If anything, Christians are eradicating themselves! Sure, they can blame it on me, I don't care. Their religion is changing for the worst like a dying ember.

I do get tickled by CA. He claims to be Jewish AND an atheist, but he doesn't even accept responsibility for what he believes because he claims to be a "consequent" atheist. It just didn't happen because of any logical, educationed or rational reason.

So when they call me names, I just laugh at them, because they are at least reading what I write! I love it when they disagree with me, because I have had some kind of impact on their thinking or emotions, even though CA would pretend to be emotionless. I would be more concerned that what I write would have no affect on them. These types can NEVER see into the heart of someone else like you can.