Why does God use/need angels?

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1.) I'm not so sure Adstar agrees with you.
2.) Even if you aren't planning on it, keep telling people they are Satan's tools, and see what happens.

People who hate the truth hate being told that they support a lie. Their turning to violence shows their lack of love.

They can do whatever they will to do. And they are doing it right now. But their satanic game is the game of eternal losers, Let them kill and murder and spread terrorism, we will keep loving the love of the truth.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Of course, Jesus told the Pharisees that their father was Satan, and that obviously didn't make Him real popular with them, but it's a spiritual battle which true Christians engage in, not flesh and blood.

Yes and they reacted by having Jesus Killed in the worst way they could and launching a terror campaign against his followers. Just the same reaction of the spiritual sons of satan play today with their car bombs, their head hacking videos and their cries of allah akbar...

The more things change the more they stay the same.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Why should one speaking what he feels to be the truth disgust you? Isn't it better than him lying to you?
I didn't say his honesty disgusts me, I said his arrogance disgusts me.

It's not the honesty that is vile to me, it is the arrogant notion that your religion is true and all others are evil and/or lost that is so foul.
There is nothing wrong with honesty, there is everything wrong with arrogance - especially the level of abject arrogance that allows such thinking about a belief system - and worst of all, someone who claims to be a follower of Christ.

You are really no different than those "terrorists" you speak of.
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