Why does God not prove that he exists ?


Agnostics : Why does God not prove that he exists ?

In some recent polls it looks like there is a lot of agnostics around !!

If an agnostic is a person, who accepts the possibility of God, but do not want to believe, untill he has received proof for the existence of God -
then why does God not just give this proof ??????

And what proof would we accept ?????
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One of the reasons could be that God do not exist !!

But then we would all have to convert from agnostics to atheists ........

I would NOT accept written proof in this matter , I would have to insist that God showed himself and proved , that he existed !!
How about he comes out to people on Jerry Springer just like a lot of Gays do?
This thread is going to be annoying.

You see, we are going to have the forums resident fundies come out and say "he won't do this because..." then proceed to ramble on with half baked philisophical crap passed off as reality - As though they know so God so well they can speak for him.
According to the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy God must not prove that he exists becuase that would destroy faith and without faith he is nothing which would prove he doesn't exist. So he must remain silent, so no one can know that he doesn't exist.
maybe he is curious as to who will believe without proof, who will disbelieve without proof and who will be uncertain
"And what proof should we accept?"

How pertinent. In what way should God be shown? Should He appear? If so, what would He look like? Human? If God appeared, how would we know it was Him? Should there be some kind of display of power? If so, what kind of power? How would we be able to discern God's power and natural phenomena? Would God's power work outside the realm of natural phenomena? Does anyone really know? If someone says, yes, to prove it's God, He must do something that would normally be impossible, why should that person be right about such a method of proof? Who is it that says God can do the impossible? Could any other form of power be an acceptable method of proving God? How could we discern God's power? If God can't be proven by appearance, and if God can't be proven by a show of power, then how can God be proven? What if He can't be proven by any outward sign? Does this mean that God doesn't exist? Does this mean one should not believe God exists? Perhaps the proof of God does not lie within the measurable, the physically testable. Perhaps the proof of God lies within the abstract. Who knows? Who's to say? Perhaps before asking why God does not "show" Himself, or whether or not God can be proven, the idea of God should be reconsidered. Perhaps what the common idea of God is, however vague and undefined, is an incorrect one.
why cant you LOOK at Nature? whats with this 'God God God' tang yer all stuck with

GODDESS is best. She ISMother Earth and Unverse. Nature is her BODY--mythgically metaphorically speakin, yeah? myth is NOT to be taken literally...in its originary form before te patriarchal oppressions it is....like round a campfire. nice warm image. its purpose it to BOND you with you BEING, Community and Nature which of course includes universe......

where you are seemingly at is ---surrounding by awesome wonder--Nature, and yor sene of being your dynamic self. buttt....RHAt is taken for granted,and yu wanto to see some cartoon god wit long beard?....no. the Awesome Mystery is allaround you, andthere are ways to deepen yourself so as to partake in its deepenings, which are fathomless. doing so does nut undermine 'ordinary' experience, it enriches it.....think of DEEp experience like ferlizing manure
duendy said:
GODDESS is best.

No, women are not better than men, they are equal.

RHAt is taken for granted,and yu wanto to see some cartoon god wit long beard?

If you think someone believes that god is an "old man", with a long beard, you must think people are pretty stupid.
c7ityi_ said:
No, women are not better than men, they are equal.

me))so why is 'God' referred to as a 'he' and a 'father' then?....why aren't you screamin for equality when 'HE' is mentioned??

If you think someone believes that god is an "old man", with a long beard, you must think people are pretty stupid.
well how to YOU envision 'him' then?
duendy said:
me))so why is 'God' referred to as a 'he' and a 'father' then?....why aren't you screamin for equality when 'HE' is mentioned??

I say he because of the limitations of English. On earth, everything is always divided into two parts because of material restrictions, but the mind is not male or female, it is the sum and creator of them.

Why would I care if people call God he? Everyone does that, I can't change it. Apparently, there are also people who think God actually is a male. It could be because male is the positive form and people always think the positive is better than negative, hence the separation from God. People probably also think God is a male because the Christ used a male body when he was on earth.

well how to YOU envision 'him' then?

He is neither male nor female, neither good or evil, he is not visible or material, he is the self.
You're a funny man :)

Exactly right.

-Not everyone could see.
-Believe me or not, God is a male. Sometimes afraid one, if you ask me.

I like Goddess more :)

---God will prove his existence, when the time will be right.
c7ityi_ said:
I say he because of the limitations of English. On earth, everything is always divided into two parts because of material restrictions, but the mind is not male or female, it is the sum and creator of them.

me))))that old chestnut?.....so call 'it' 'she' then? go on, i dare you

Why would I care if people call God he? Everyone does that, I can't change it. Apparently, there are also people who think God actually is a male. It could be because male is the positive form and people always think the positive is better than negative, hence the separation from God. People probably also think God is a male because the Christ used a male body when he was on earth.

me)))haha exactly. its al he he he isn't it?

He is neither male nor female, neither good or evil, he is not visible or material, he is the self.
so why can 'it' 'he' then??...from now on call 'it' 'she'. see if u can do it. i'm WATCHINNNNNN
Please duendy, I only use he in terms of discussion. Using she cause confusion because people always call God he, I have used she sometimes, but no more.

If I wanted I could say the same about you, when you talk about mother nature, I could ask you why you don't say FATHER NATURE, so what do you have against males? But I know that's just the way we speak, I don't know why and I don't care.

When you say GODDESS it sounds like a female, GOD is a neutral word to me, it is not necessarily a male, not for me. So it's annoying, just as when someone calls God a MALE. But to me 'he' doesn't mean male, for me it is a neutral word when I talk about God, it sounds best to say 'he'. Saying 'IT' is also wrong because it sounds like I'm talking about an object or animal.
c7ityi_ said:
Please duendy, I only use he in terms of discussion. Using she cause confusion because people always call God he, I have used she sometimes, but no more.

me)))))i see, you cop out and conform. i see

If I wanted I could say the same about you, when you talk about mother nature, I could ask you why you don't say FATHER NATURE, so what do you have against males? But I know that's just the way we speak, I don't know why and I don't care.

me)))))))te concept of MOTHER Nature is extremely ancient and worldwide.....Obviously. Woman gives birth. and Nature does to. i have nuthin against men, but Do have against te patriarchy which oppresses the feminine and Nature!

When you say GODDESS it sounds like a female, GOD is a neutral word to me, it is not necessarily a male, not for me. So it's annoying, just as when someone calls God a MALE. But to me 'he' doesn't mean male, for me it is a neutral word when I talk about God, it sounds best to say 'he'. Saying 'IT' is also wrong because it sounds like I'm talking about an object or animal.
to me 'he' DOES sound male. as 'she' sounds female. why do you play these tricks...??
duendy said:
to me 'he' DOES sound male. as 'she' sounds female.

All I'm saying is that I use he because that sounds best and everyone always says that. Is that so "fucking" hard to understand?

why do you play these tricks...??

I don't play any tricks, you're just so consumed with that fucking patriarchy crap that you can't see a shit, you're totally blind, and you're the one causing all war!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've discussed with you earlier too, and you always misunderstand everything I say and form every word according to the way you want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you think everyone hates females because thats all you think about, female female female female, nature nature nature nature, patriarcy fuck fuck fuck fuck everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you never talk about anything else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, it can't really be helped if you think that everyone who says 'he' when they talk about God oppresses nature and females. Saying she would oppress males and heaven (consciousness) then I guess, so what word do you want me to use.

i have nuthin against men,

Bullshit. You're lying. You hate men.

How does it feel? How does it feel when you're speaking the truth and someone tells that you'r lying? I believe that you don't have anything against men even though you always talk about female oppression, so why can't you believe me when I say that men and women are equal?
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-In the universe.
-In the vine bottle could be a water.
-God's spirits could be in any kind of body.
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