Why does God hate the sinner and love the sin?

He will put you in little boxes and seperate gates you will walk through, like you all put people into boxes and judged them.

You made your own laws up and thought you knew best and knew all things in all hearts. He knows all things and all hearts and all thoughts and all actions. He will be the true fair judge of every person.

You allow and even praise earthly judgement when you know not all ends of all matters. Yet you don't think it is fair to be truly judged in the truth of all things.

Find wrong in The Commandments and show me all of your multitudes of laws then we shall see who is truly righteous.


Should ants care what lions think of ant law? No.
Should man care what an alien God thinks of our laws? No.

Look at man's laws. They already have improved on God's genocidal ways.

Get you slave hat off slave. Step up to manly responsibilities.

It occurred to me that if the Christian God is so...then He essentially punishes people for being as flawed as He Himself made them to be...
So I picture Him saying:

"I've made it very hard, in fact, almost impossible for most of you to do what I say, nonetheless either do it or I will torture you forever you worthless trash!

It's like deity as the psycho boyfriend from hell.

So I figured this out around 14 and decided this bothered me, and I eventually rejected Christianity over it.

As you should have.
I hope you did not throw out the baby with the bathwater and continue to seek God. I found the Godhead the Gnostic Christian way. Begin by trying to see the evolving perfection of all around us.


"It is demonstrable that things cannot be otherwise than as they are; for as all things have been created for some end, they must necessarily be created for the best end.”


After all, the prerequisite of any God would be to get things right. Right?

I Don't know who the "Christian" God is, if you mean the God of Israel YHWH who is Allah one and the same I AM, Then he does not punish people because he made them do evil things.

You can chose to do Good or Choose to do bad, you can chose to break his commandments or follow them.

He gave you plenty of warning and messengers telling you what the laws are.

He didnt force you to murder or Lie or Steal or Worship material things, you all chose to do this and had free will to do otherwise.

What Commandments and Scripture have you been reading?.


The ones that God cannot keep.

Killing, lying, coveting. I could go on.

Oops. I forgot God's best law. Do as I say and not as I do.

Is God fighting evil with good as scripture says to do or is he doing the reverse?
God is fighting Evil how he knows best, he knows his own abilities, he also knows ours and has given us what we need to know to fight evil as best as our abilities can.
scripture is supposed to be teaching us, would not the teacher tailor his lesson to whom he was addressing?