#1 freewill
please note i would never say that an argument by consensus is necessarily true, only that it lends weight to your point if it were held as consensus, which i would suggest is not true in this case. I never said a good action cannot do harm, i said that not every action can do harm. You failed to answer the questions about feeding my dog a healthy treat, or thinking of flowers, but i get the idea here that you agree that there are actions i can choose that will not do harm? yes or no?
So now the general consensus is "not true" because I have shown evidence that refutes your earlier claim? Quit arguing yourself over this straw man you created about "every action doing harm". I said that, in a causative world where perfect prediction does not exist, any action has some, even if minute, possibility to cause harm.
No, you have no way to predict whether any action will potentially cause harm, so you simply do not have the option to make perfectly harmless choices. An innocuous dog treat could, one day, set off a food allergy, become a choking hazard, cause an intestinal blockage, etc.. Thinking about flowers, while not an action, could potentially distract from an action necessary to prevent harm. And these are just the most immediate examples.
i am not sure then how you get to the idea that the denizens of "safe world" are not operating with free will. I thought that was your point, and the reason why this "safe world" cannot exist. I thought you were saying that you disagree that the proposed "safe world" could logically exist because cause and effect would be entirely removed thereby ending freewill as we know it or in any similar conceptualization of it.
I have already explained this, but it must have been in a post you completely ignored so you could hypocritically accuse me of not answering you.
Here, I will simplify my argument for you. It would necessarily take perfect prediction to anticipate which actions, whether good or not, could potentially cause harm and need to be negated. Perfect prediction does not allow for the ability to do otherwise. How do you reconcile the necessary prediction with free will?
#3 evil
i would like to define their lack of evil as such that a minor inconvenience, such as a scraped knee or the dog pooping in the house and stinking the place up, is the limit. If there is some change to that and i feel that we must allow for a broken arm for example, i will be glad to specifically arrange that with you at that time, and we would have to agree not to call a broken arm "evil", so we can be having the same conversation instead of two different ones.
I have not even agreed not to call a scraped knee evil. You can only call it a "minor inconvenience" because you have worse to compare it to, but you assert the people in your world would not. You are trying to apply the same standard to two very disparate worlds. People in our world have attributed evil intent to the weather, illness, and almost every other misfortune, so it is no stretch to assume that people in yours could consider the worst they experience as evil. How do you explain that away?
you asked me to provide a definition of the word. I did. I do not accept the idea that people who have seen no evil will call selling chocolate ice cream "evil". Please explain why i should accept that. Also, i disagree that evil is necessitated in this world by logic until that is shown. If we were to get there i am sure you could provide at least a loose syllogism that would describe it, i.e. "evil is x, without x the people of safeworld have no freewill, not having freewill is something we consider evil, therefore there is no way for the people of safeworld to avoid evil."
Is "selling chocolate ice cream" the absolute worst thing that can happen in this world? You have indicated that it is not. That example was introduced only if it were an example of the absolute worst. If you say it is not then it no longer applies to the conditions you have since changed. Agreed? If you continue this it can only be a fallacious appeal to ridicule, which you now know you are applying to conditions it was never meant to address.
I am more than happy to provide you with a syllogism, if you can answer these questions, either yes or no:
Is free will essentially the ability to do otherwise than a single thing in any given situation?
Can people, in general, attribute evil intent to the accidental and incidental, especially when cause is unknown?
Is perfect prediction necessary to ensuring that no harmful (evil) action can occur?
If the answer to any of these is no, explain exactly why.
I certainly don't think we can call me grabbing a vanilla ice cream and slightly disappointing another person, who must now eat chocolate, "evil". One of us had to have the chocolate, having the chocolate is a good thing. Unless the person says, "i won't eat chocolate" and starts crying, which is still not evil BTW, the good outweighs the inconvenience of a minor disappointment. We have to define what we are going to say the "worst" is, for us to see eye to eye on your question about "allowing the worst". If me choosing vanilla causes the person to suffer excruciating pain and i intend that to be the cause, it is "evil". If i didn't intend it but they suffer excruciating pain, i am willing, for the sake of investigation, to call that "evil". (chocolate allergies having been conquered in safeworld, i think it is ok to continue using this example)
Again, that ice cream example was never intended to address the general case, which is why I asked in general terms: "What if one person intentionally withholds a better thing for themselves by only allowing the worst for another?" Unless you are once again claiming chocolate ice cream to be the worst thing in this world, it is inconsequential.
You also neglect to account for the fact that humans are not psychic and cannot know whether an action that causes them grief is intended or not. It is this lack of psychic ability that contributed to people thinking the weather was evil. Are you trying to introduce psychic ability into Safeworld?
#4 - personal attacks and complaints about our back and forth (which seems to be necessary so let's have fun with it)
syne says i am lying and fallacious, etc etc. I am not, and tiny violins are playing for you. In thinking that your responses dictate the success of my proposed idea, you are incorrect. I am simply using your complaints (on special, this week only, use while fresh) against my idea in order to investigate the oft expressed claim that evil is necessary. Do you see what i did there? This oft expressed idea, that you seem to agree with, i can claim is incorrect, while the fact that people generally agree with me brings weight to my proposition that there are plenty of things that don't do harm. I SEE that, and it isn't because i am too dense to grasp these things, but rather that I use the consensus as a reason for you to respond, while you use the consensus as some sort of proof. I can say "i realize many people say x, but i disagree", while you have to AT LEAST ACKNOWEDGE the POSSIBILITY that you may be incorrect in your ideas. Putting your ideas on a pedestal, and getting wired up when people disagree, makes you a time-waster. By not doing that I can be a person who is able to discuss ideas, not just argue in the way people like you seem to be fated to do. (The tenth layer of hell is probably filled with people who can't discuss things calmly along with a trillion bullhorns.)
Also, OMG, you actually asked a question, about the topic at hand, and didn't just refer to each point you have made as some sort of question by default that i offend you by "ignoring". You might want to look back and see how many actual questions (that weren't about your ad homs, or debate tactics, or your complaints), that i have ignored from you. It is possible that i missed one or two, but you certainly don't have a case for me often ignoring your QUESTIONS.
Oddly, your longest reply is for the off-topic waste of time, by your own estimation. "I am not" is no defense, just another unsupported assertion. You have also yet to provide any evidence that people generally agree with you, while I have provided a very well-known saying. And it is yet another in an ever lengthening list of straw man arguments to try to claim that I ever made any statement about a consensus being a proof. I said it "refuted your claim", nothing more. A refute is not a proof, and you have yet to provide any support for your claim. Just your say-so. I do not have to acknowledge anything there is no evidence for. So put up or shut up already.
Really? So nothing is deemed worthy of addressing unless it is pointedly asked as a question? Since when are discussions subject to such stringent constraints? Seems to be only a justification for not addressing an argument. Why would you refrain from addressing an argument if you are perfectly capable of providing a refute? Do you realize that every point you neglect can only be assumed to be one you agree with, and will lead to huge misunderstandings if you do not? How can you justify that? Again, if you do not bother to explain yourself then you cannot complain about any supposed misrepresentation.
Here are some questions you have failed to answer, including ones from my post you pretended did not answer yours:
Can you even just say whether or not you agree with the definition for free will I have given here?
So now I must ask, why would they be worried about efficiency or being highly mobile?
This second one being the latest in a string of questions you did not answer but instead made up new conditions to avoid:So now I must ask, why would they be worried about efficiency or being highly mobile?
Or do you just think such people would form committees and go about filling holes for absolutely no discernible reason?
Again, how do you suppose any "safeguards" would come to exist in your hypothetical world?
AGAIN (since you have yet to answer), why would they build "super safe tornado proof homes"?
So now I must ask, why would they be worried about efficiency or being highly mobile?
Again, how do you suppose any "safeguards" would come to exist in your hypothetical world?
AGAIN (since you have yet to answer), why would they build "super safe tornado proof homes"?
So now I must ask, why would they be worried about efficiency or being highly mobile?
Do I need to go on proving your lies?
Now, I expect answers to each and every question in this post, otherwise you demonstrate yourself insincere in your artificial and arbitrary discussion constraints.