Why does evolution select against atheists?

Education: atheism is detrimental to thinking, it strangles the imagination and crushes lateral thinking processes. Atheists have fixed notions of what is possible and impose it on education.

Law: atheists lack a moral compass and extend this to the legal process by diluting the concept of right or wrong

Marriage: atheists have no concept of marital sanctity

Family: same, they have no reason to maintain family bonds. I would not be surprised if most atheists were either loners or had broken relationships with their familu

Community: atheists have no basis for community, they are individualists.

These are broad generalisations of course, many atheists are "brainwashed" from having a religious upbringing and its only in their children [or grandchildren, if grandparents have an effect on the children] that we would expect to see the results of atheistic conditioning. Thats assuming they have any.
So.. you're really fucked up then.. :scratchin:
Good luck with that.
Easily proved:

1. Was your family atheist or religious?
2. Are your parents still married to each other?
3. Do you have brothers and sisters?
4. Are you estranged from your family?
5. Do you have membership to a social unit within your community that requires meeting them at least once a week on social issues?
Education: atheism is detrimental to thinking, it strangles the imagination and crushes lateral thinking processes. Atheists have fixed notions of what is possible and impose it on education.
Yes. Because only believing that there is a God and creator is really not strangling the imagination. Religion stifles thought outside the box. Dare to even question and you risk going to hell.

Law: atheists lack a moral compass and extend this to the legal process by diluting the concept of right or wrong
Mmm hmmm..

I guess the moral compass states that domestic violence is right and moral?

Marriage: atheists have no concept of marital sanctity
And only theist's do?

Family: same, they have no reason to maintain family bonds. I would not be surprised if most atheists were either loners or had broken relationships with their familu
Nope. We maintain family bonds because we love our family. It is not done selfishly in that we don't do it just to get into heaven.

Community: atheists have no basis for community, they are individualists.

These are broad generalisations of course, many atheists are "brainwashed" from having a religious upbringing and its only in their children [or grandchildren, if grandparents have an effect on the children] that we would expect to see the results of atheistic conditioning. Thats assuming they have any.
I'm sorry?

Have any what? Children?

So all of us atheists who have children, are married or in stable relationships are what?

Could you say anything more ignorant?
Easily proved:

1. Was your family atheist or religious?
2. Are your parents still married to each other?
3. Do you have brothers and sisters?
4. Are you estranged from your family?
5. Do you have membership to a social unit within your community that requires meeting them at least once a week on social issues?

I'm not religious.
Education: atheism is detrimental to thinking, it strangles the imagination and crushes lateral thinking processes.

No. Religion ties you into just one way of thinking and limits your imaginative horizons. Only certain imaginings are allowed.

Atheists have fixed notions of what is possible and impose it on education.

Every rational person has at least some fixed notions of what is possible. A person who truly believes that anything is possible is likely as not to jump off a building believing they can fly. Such beliefs are self-limiting.

It's very important to educate kids about at least some of the things that are not possible - for their own safety, for example.

Law: atheists lack a moral compass and extend this to the legal process by diluting the concept of right or wrong

Atheists probably have a better developed moral compass, on average, than the religious, for whom a lot of moral issues come down to nothing more than reward and punishment.

Marriage: atheists have no concept of marital sanctity

Sanctity: the quality of being holy.

Well, yes.... And this is a bad thing because...

Family: same, they have no reason to maintain family bonds.

Oh, give me a break! Can't you think of any reason to maintain family bonds other than your belief in a sky fairy?

I would not be surprised if most atheists were either loners or had broken relationships with their familu

A lot of things would surprise you, it seems.

Community: atheists have no basis for community, they are individualists.

Nonsense. You're stereotyping here on the basis of nothing. Muslims, I hear, have no basis for community, either, and they are all individualists. Yeah, right.

These are broad generalisations of course, many atheists are "brainwashed" from having a religious upbringing and its only in their children [or grandchildren, if grandparents have an effect on the children] that we would expect to see the results of atheistic conditioning. Thats assuming they have any.

You think atheists are less likely to have children, SAM? You do have some strange ideas about atheists. Perhaps you ought to try polling sciforums members in the appropriate age group, just to see.

It's also an interesting notion that atheists manage to retain all the good parts of their religious "brainwashing" while at the same time consciously rejecting the major tenets of it.
1. My parents are atheists. My mother is a strong atheist, my father a weak. (Or, in plain English: my mother believes there is no god, my father doesn't pretend to have such knowledge for or against.)

2. Yes.

3. Yes, one sister.

4. Nope.

5. Not in China, but that's because they don't have such things in China! In Canada I did, yes. My mother does as well. My father doesn't have such things for politics - he's not much interested - but he does for business and sports. My sister is very active politically.
Easily proved:

1. Was your family atheist or religious?

2. Are your parents still married to each other?

3. Do you have brothers and sisters?

4. Are you estranged from your family?
My father is estranged from part of his family due to their behaviour and greed after the death of his parents. And yes, all of them are theists.

5. Do you have membership to a social unit within your community that requires meeting them at least once a week on social issues?
A couple actually. Why do you ask?
I'm not religious.

Social institutions are not necessarily religious

Now I assume you come from a secular society. Your parents are religious, but are no longer married to each other. However, you still have a somewhat stable family unit.

I've got to say, you guys both sound insane on this issue. There have been some profoundly creative thinkers both inside and outside of theism. There have been some brilliant and original theists as well as atheists. To suggest that one is more stifling than the other is inane. To suggest you could prove that without some hardcore research is even more crazy.
Social institutions are not necessarily religious

Now I assume you come from a secular society. Your parents are religious, but are no longer married to each other. However, you still have a somewhat stable family unit.



Atheists are evil incarnate.
You think atheists are less likely to have children, SAM? You do have some strange ideas about atheists. Perhaps you ought to try polling sciforums members in the appropriate age group, just to see.

It's also an interesting notion that atheists manage to retain all the good parts of their religious "brainwashing" while at the same time consciously rejecting the major tenets of it.

Its not what I think, its statistics. Secular societies do not reproduce enough to replace their populations.

And no, its not unusual at all that parents influence how children perform as a member of society. Like I said, you have to see the children of atheists to see how the conditioning changes.
Easily proved:

1. Was your family atheist or religious?
2. Are your parents still married to each other?
3. Do you have brothers and sisters?
4. Are you estranged from your family?
5. Do you have membership to a social unit within your community that requires meeting them at least once a week on social issues?

Some questions for you, SAM.

1. What defines a family as atheist or religious? If its members write "Catholic" on the census form every four years, attend Church only on Christmas day, have never read the bible cover to cover, and celebrate Halloween, are they religious?

2. Got any statistics on rates of divorce of atheists vs. theists?

3. Got any statistics on the numbers of siblings atheists and theists tend to have?

4. Got any statistics on the proportions of atheists vs. theists who are estranged from their families?

5. What counts as a social unit? Is Church or Mosque a social unit? What about the "Catholic" family who doesn't go to the required weekly church service? Are they atheists now? Is a Friday-night poker game a social unit?
Its not what I think, its statistics. Secular societies do not reproduce enough to replace their populations.
You're being idiotically superficial. Did it ever occur to you that wealth may have a lot to do with lower birth rates?

I'm curious to know if you've ever realized that there is more than one variable at play here. Or do you really think everything in life is so simplistic and narrow?
Oh, and you ignored it the first time...

1. My parents are atheists. My mother is a strong atheist, my father a weak. (Or, in plain English: my mother believes there is no god, my father doesn't pretend to have such knowledge for or against.)

2. Yes.

3. Yes, one sister.

4. Nope.

5. Not in China, but that's because they don't have such things in China! In Canada I did, yes. My mother does as well. My father doesn't have such things for politics - he's not much interested - but he does for business and sports. My sister is very active politically.
Its not what I think, its statistics. Secular societies do not reproduce enough to replace their populations.

It's not secularism that is the problem, SAM. Primarily, it seems, it is women's rights. Take away women's rights, as they do in certain religious societies for example, and the birth rate goes up. I'll leave you to work out why. Or, I can give you the answer, if you like.

And no, its not unusual at all that parents influence how children perform as a member of society. Like I said, you have to see the children of atheists to see how the conditioning changes.

Have any studies been done on the children of atheists, that you know of?
Some questions for you, SAM.

1. What defines a family as atheist or religious? If its members write "Catholic" on the census form every four years, attend Church only on Christmas day, have never read the bible cover to cover, and celebrate Halloween, are they religious?

Pick whatever definition you think defines religious. I have no objection if you cast off non-practicing theists as non-religious. They'll fall in between anyway.
2. Got any statistics on rates of divorce of atheists vs. theists?

Generally speaking. In religious societies, divorce is either unheard of or solution of last resort
3. Got any statistics on the numbers of siblings atheists and theists tend to have?

Again generally speaking, incentives for having more children are seen in secular societies, incentives for having less, in religious ones
4. Got any statistics on the proportions of atheists vs. theists who are estranged from their families?

Nope, just observation. Intact families seen more in religious societies than in secular ones.
5. What counts as a social unit? Is Church or Mosque a social unit? What about the "Catholic" family who doesn't go to the required weekly church service? Are they atheists now?

Do they have other avenues for interaction related to their religion? I'll take any unit where members of a community get together to discuss social issues.
It's not secularism that is the problem, SAM. Primarily, it seems, it is women's rights. Take away women's rights, as they do in certain religious societies for example, and the birth rate goes up. I'll leave you to work out why. Or, I can give you the answer, if you like.

Ah of course. because women who have more children have no rights. Which is why the government gives them inducements to have less children. And women in secular societies have more rights, hence the government gives them inducements to get married and have children.

Have any studies been done on the children of atheists, that you know of?

Not that I know of. I would love to see some.