DNA is showing that , history ( not used DNA for the host now) can be in this material.fossil genes
This is what we were talking about before when, asking the question why would a creator create from scratch each time, for a new animal.
So if you compare this to a computer code, many block of code are there to body make parts for example. There also could be code there the the host does not use. What scientists are finding is that there are inhibitors that can block paths or redirect. For example teeth material, would be coded in the DNA, but placement and shape and size etc, would be found else where in the code. This maybe different in different animals, but all the code is there. Scientist have told us that there were parts of the genetic code they really didn't know what it was used for. Maybe they are starting to understand that more. We will have to wait and see what happens with this. Is is very amazing how complicated things are and that scientists can figure out some of this stuff.