Why does evolution select against atheists?

Why does evolution select against intelligence & logic?
Why do humans make societies so self limiting?

For the most part humans are as intelligent as they need to be, in the same way they are as strong as they need to be. It seems likely that there are drawbacks to extreme intelligence, especially in the conditions we humans evolved in for most of our time on this planet. I think Aldous Huxley hinted at the possible outcome of this when he talked about the chaos of a colony composed of Alpha Double Plusses in Brave New World. It fell apart because there was no social cohesion; everyone was constantly trying to backstab their way to the top positions.

It seems likely to me that our chief competitor for most of human history has been other groups of humans. Too dumb in comparison to the surrounding tribes, sure to be beaten in warfare and destroyed. Too intelligent, with too much individualism, and they'd be beaten by the dumber tribe that had better social cohesion (and therefore cooperation).
Is it possible that because of theistic dominance there is a threat to our survival? Yes.
Is it possible that the mutant atheist is a threat to survival & theists? Some think so.
Is it possible that the mutant atheist is present in case the theists die off? I like it.
Is it possible that the mutant atheist will benefit our survival? Why not?
Is it possible the mutant atheist is not a mutant? :D
Is it possible nature hasn't made its selection yet? Appears so.
Apparently, nonreligious people (of which atheists are a subset) make up about 16% of the world population.
For the most part humans are as intelligent as they need to be, in the same way they are as strong as they need to be. It seems likely that there are drawbacks to extreme intelligence, especially in the conditions we humans evolved in for most of our time on this planet. I think Aldous Huxley hinted at the possible outcome of this when he talked about the chaos of a colony composed of Alpha Double Plusses in Brave New World. It fell apart because there was no social cohesion; everyone was constantly trying to backstab their way to the top positions.

It seems likely to me that our chief competitor for most of human history has been other groups of humans. Too dumb in comparison to the surrounding tribes, sure to be beaten in warfare and destroyed. Too intelligent, with too much individualism, and they'd be beaten by the dumber tribe that had better social cohesion (and therefore cooperation).

Stupidity & ignorance are beneficial?
strangerinastrangela said:
so, why does evolution select against intelligence?
yes, it usually comes down to asserting some kind of mental deficiency when you run out of answers doesn't it?
yes, it usually comes down to asserting some kind of mental deficiency when you run out of answers doesn't it?

I don't run out of answers. I either have the answer to something or I don't.
I don't have the irresistible compulsion to fool myself into thinking I have the answer. That is a severe mental deficiency.
“ Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
so, why does evolution select against intelligence? ”

Here's an old sci fi novel that has some interesting ideas. Read it online for free, http://www.wowio.com/users/product.asp?BookId=4769


The great Poul Anderson! I have read it.
It's been a long time & that's 1 I haven't reread. I think I'll try to find it in my library tho. Someday I should get it organized.
Thanks for reminding me of it.
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“ Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
so, why does evolution select against intelligence? ”

Here's an old sci fi novel that has some interesting ideas. Read it online for free, http://www.wowio.com/users/product.asp?BookId=4769


The great Poul Anderson! I have read it.
It's been a long time & that's 1 I haven't reread. I think I'll try to find it in my library tho. Someday I should get it organized.
Thanks for reminding me of it.[/QUOTE]

This reminds me of another book. Don't recall the title or author just now.
It's about something passing our solar system which causes godbelief.
so, why does evolution select against atheists?
The question almost implies that evolution is conscious or that somehow evolution always does the right thing. It isn't and rarely gets anything right. More species have gone extinct than the ones that have survived.

If we consider evolution a success if a species ultimately survives then what can we say about the future of the human species? Is it likely to survive? And in particular how will the ratio of theists to atheists affect the outcome?

The end of life on earth or most of it including humans will occur at the next extinction event, e.g. a major meteorite or major volcanic erruption. At which time we must have learnt to escape the planet in large numbers or have learnt to build massive shelters and vast food reserves.

What attitude is likely to help the most? The theists will pray to their fantasy deities, who never respond, or the atheists whose scientific dominance is likely to build the necessary vehicles etc?

It seems clear to me the survival of the human race is in the hands of the non-believers and evolution has provided us with them as our best hope for survival. The theists will become extinct as they continue to pray as the meteorite hits them.
Yes. And as I said earlier in this thread, evolution doesn't always "select" what we think of as best or fittest.

If it happens sooner rather than later, it will also involve theists who pray to their fantasy deities, who never respond, while they help the atheists build the necessary vehicles etc.