Why does everything spin?

This thread has descended into pseudo-science.
If you'd like zephir to expain his pet theories, you can do so in the appropriate sub forum.
This has been reopened in Pseudoscience for those that felt it unfair that it was initially closed. Please remember though not to overkill the thread with cut and paste plagiarism or adverts to other sites. (This is seemingly the concern of a few posters)

If you can abide by that, then discussion is not a problem.

You see that makes absolute sense to me. What do you think is preventing our imersion into what we are supspecting but daring not to speak?! Is it the old adage of PROOF?”

The question itself (why does everything spin?) should not end up in the cesspool, regardless of what kind of answers people give. It is a very valid question to ask why everything spins, we are entitled to seek the answer. The person who can give the strongest answer, will off course give an answer that sticks out most amongst the others and thats the answer people will gain the most from...after looking at all the different answers. But in order to do this, we apparently have to stay within the constrains of pseudoscience.

When you can feel it...do you need proof of that?

We are connected to everything there is to be connected to. Science itself is helping make that clear. The immersion we suspect is approached in so many different angles, from religion, to philosophy, naturally science, and even art. Even as these groups break down to subgroups, those subgroups contribute to the answer.

Yes these are very challenging thoughts and I am actually in the process of doing what you describe. I have seen very positive results but I am still trying to get a handle or not of time. It seems very slow in the normal scheme of things, it also seems to flow according to perception which seems to bend time. It's as though time as we know it is too much of a distraction to being able to 'correctly' manipulate the dimensions.”

Sounds to me like you are observing your own life very carefully. Without doing this, how can we possibly go inward to access the inner operating system and change the coordinates? It seems slow, nature often gives patterns that lead to exponential growth... I find your use of the words bending time with perception very clear.:)

Yes, we have so many distractions, and as you make progress, the waves of distraction come swifter and fiercer. Without staying focused all is lost. We are zeroing in on the delicate singular point of control, the equilibrium of the spin of motion.

Life is syntropic, it perfects itself. This is the law that correspond to the law of entropy...for every action there is an opposite reaction...this applies to the law of entropy as well.

That which is 'dead' breaks down into Entropy. That which is alive 'builds' up into Syntropy. You DNA is changing approximately 3,000,000 times per a second!!!;)
There are some weird and wonderful ideas in this thread. Here's one true explanation:

Let me just take one example: the solar system.

Our solar system formed when a cloud of gas and dust collapsed under its own gravity.

Think about the cloud before collapse. It contained gas and dust particles moving in essentially random directions. The cloud as a whole would not have appeared to be rotating at any speed. But, ask yourself: what are the chances that of all the dust particles, exactly half happened to be moving in the 180 degrees corresponding to one direction, and exactly half happened to be moving in the other direction? The chances are virtually nil, as long as you have enough particles to start with.

This means that, taking all the particles in the initial cloud together, there was a small (tiny) net rotation around the centre of the cloud. Note that all this means is that a few more particles were travelling one way relative to the centre than the other way.

As the cloud collapsed to form the Sun and planets, the net rotation of the cloud had to be conserved (due to the law of physics known as conservation of angular momentum). But now, the dust particles, instead of being diffusely spread out through the cloud, were mostly concentrated in the newly-formed Sun. The radius of the Sun was much smaller than the radius of the initial cloud. In order to keep the overall angular momentum (spin) constant, the entire cloud (i.e. the new Sun) had to increase its rotation rate in the initial direction of the net motion of the dust.

The principle, by the way, is exactly the same reason why, when a spinning ice skater with outstretched arms pulls her arms in closer to her body she spins faster. Bringing the mass closer to the centre increases the rotation rate.

So, from a tiny random motion of a few dust particles in the initial cloud, we now see a solar system and planets that all have significant rotations.

And it's all due to conservation of angular momentum.


Note: I haven't explained why subatomic particles spin here, obviously. That's a different matter.
There are some weird and wonderful ideas in this thread. Here's one true explanation:

Let me just take one example: the solar system....

....And it's all due to conservation of angular momentum.

Note: I haven't explained why subatomic particles spin here, obviously. That's a different matter.

I cut the reading short...since its directly overhead. Thanks! This gives a great explanation of why solar systems spin. I was already aware of the law of conservation of angular momentum...one of the first things I learned in physics. Nonetheless, its always good to hear someone else's explanation of it! And the answer oughta be here...I think it is an important part of the overall answer.

Before the dust condensed into spinning stars we had a big cloud of dust.
The individual dust particles themselves where already spinning. As they conglomerated into stars, they basically did as you described.

But why where the dust particles spinning in the first place? I think part of the answer is already here, I'll have to reread what there is when I have time. But I don't think the complete answer, as of yet, has been given.
The both. The AWT considers, the Universe consists of matter - because everything, what we can observe is behaving/appears like less or more structured matter. The another question is, if we could observe it (i.e. interact with it) at all, if it wouldn't be of material nature...?

The conclusion is, the existence of Universe is the matter of both objective reality, both the anthropic principle (i.e. the human mind, if you want). It's the result of selectively sampled observation of Universe, biased by the fact, the tiny piece of chaos is trying to observe/understand the larger one.

I know this is a bit loose but just as a curiosity could it we are observing our universe 'incorrectly'? ie our perception is actually solidifying (collapsing) reality into the solid state it appears.
Has to due with angular momentum being induced by some force. Either collision as most planets/stars etc, are conglomerates of smaller entities impacting.

And, also the force due to gravity. When a surface that is farther away is pulled by the same force nearer, it induces spin. Like the far-side of a planet being pulled just as the near-side. Rather than collapse on itself, it reacts, by spinning.

There's always exceptions, and it's been forever since I looked at it; but some subatomic particles have strange spins: Like the strange quark.
ie our perception is actually solidifying (collapsing) reality into the solid state it appears.
My understanding is, because we are massive creatures, what we can see is just a massive part of the Universe, because this is the only portion of Universe, which we can interract with.
like some people have said, everything spins because yin and yang chases each other to keep tao alive.

you can also say that things spin because they are confused.

there are many ways of explaning it.
like some people have said, everything spins because yin and yang chases each other to keep tao alive.

you can also say that things spin because they are confused.

there are many ways of explaning it.

Can things spin without time ?
Can things spin without time ?

all movement is illusion, as demostrated by the ancient greeks (zeno)

things can't appear to move without the illusion of time...

things don't move more than donald duck moves in a movie. all movies are made of pictures that create the illusion of movement because "real" movement is not possible.
all movement is illusion, as demostrated by the ancient greeks (zeno)

things can't appear to move without the illusion of time...

things don't move more than donald duck moves in a movie. all movies are made of pictures that create the illusion of movement because "real" movement is not possible.

Yeah, pictures that MOVE to create the illusion of movement IN the picture :mad:
Yorda gave a good portion of the answer. Pictures...like a motion picture film. Movies are made of pictures...all of them!!!
The 'movie' of reality is much, much smoother.

In the absolute Zero=Infinity
In the relative Zero isn't Infinity.
Neither contain any relative features within themselves.
They are the same and the difference. A contradiction and a complement.
The polar nature of One is Yin and Yang.

Infinite motion is motionless.
Therefor, infinite spin doesn't spin. Or you might say the opposite.

All is One Infinite Zero.
In order to make a movie...they take many pictures and store them in an order.
Why do you think you can hit pause at any time? Because you are just stopping the film on that picture. When filming, they are only taking pieces of what happened, lots of them...enough to make it look like the real thing.

The real thing is the same...but billions of times faster.
In order to make a movie...they take many pictures and store them in an order.
Why do you think you can hit pause at any time? Because you are just stopping the film on that picture. When filming, they are only taking pieces of what happened, lots of them...enough to make it look like the real thing.

The real thing is the same...but billions of times faster.

Yes, so are the individual pictures on the filmtape moving when playing the movie or not ?
All is One Infinite Zero.

God, you sound just like me...

Why do you think you can hit pause at any time? Because you are just stopping the film on that picture.

similarly, music is also made of small parts that we call sounds. however, if you stop music, you hear nothing. the question is: how can those nothings' that music is made of add up to anything at all?

The real thing is the same...but billions of times faster.
