Why do you love god


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Registered Senior Member
why do you worship a murderer
the lord god has killed for the smallest of reasons so why do you love him.

god kills Er,gen 38:7
god kills Onan gen 38:8-10
god kills all the first born exo 12:29-30
joshua kills with gods approval exo 17:14
god delights at the deaths of woman exo 22:18
god orders the killing of 3000 men exo 32:27-28
god kills by fire lev 10:1-2 and num 3:4
god orders stoneing lev 24:10-23
god orders killings if strangers come near num 1:51 and 3:10 and 3:38
god orders them to expel the sick num 5:1-4
and burn complainers alive num 11:1
god opens the ground and swallows a familly and then just for fun kills 250 men num 16:20-49
and because people complained god sent a plague and killed 14,700 people.

this only touches the surface this list could go on and on.
I'd love to know the answer. WHY!!!
Haha, I never knew He killed so many people. Okay, there was Sodom and Gonorrah. And then there's one book where the Devil says to God that this one guy (Jobe, I think) only worships His name cuz He gives him everything; so just to prove to the Devil that wasn't the case, He killed (Jobe?)'s children.

But WOW! I second that question! Why DO ya worship a murderer?

It helps to realize that people like Job are illustrations for our sake. They're not pure historical accounts that leave their meaning up to us. Job's "case" was that he remained faithful throughout, even though he lost more than everything. It serves no purpose if you don't believe in God, or if you try to use it as an excuse not to have faith.

Audible, you say the list goes on and on - have you checked the obituaries lately? Here's a newsflash: we're all on that list. The Bible mentions those cases because 1) They were exceptional, 2) They were of some greater significance and 3) They had legal or social implications.

It matters because they were given those lives in the first place. We can't give life, that's why taking it away is a crime. God can give it and keep on giving it. It's only if you think death is final that you're basically implying all those people went to hell.
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About Job's case: Why would God make him suffer just to prove something to the Devil?

And why can't God wait til ya die, then put ya in Hell if yer such a notorious sinner?
Athelwulf said:
About Job's case: Why would God make him suffer just to prove something to the Devil?

And why can't God wait til ya die, then put ya in Hell if yer such a notorious sinner?
Wait until you die? When is that, anyway? Do you know when you're supposed to die?

Job is a poetic narrative - probably the oldest book in the Bible. It wasn't written with our present cosmic perspective in mind. What's significant in the book is that God trusts Job to present his case against the devil. What does that say about God's faith in Job?
Jenyar said:
Wait until you die? When is that, anyway? Do you know when you're supposed to die?

No, I don't know. But what does that have to do with anything? God killed these people!
The Universe is Polar.

God is at the Top.

You are obviously at the Bottom.

It is an "Us vs. Them" thing for you.

If you were higher up on the Spiritual Ladder and felt what it was like to be on God's side, you might appreciate what the Religious Rush is all about.
How is killing people justified? Is it justified when God does it? That just seems illogical to me. He's being hypocritical. He's not following His own commandment: "Thou shalt not kill"!
The commandment prohibits vindictive and illegal killing (murder). You can't very well protect your country in a war if it meant anything more, or apply the death penalties that existed.

As I said, God gave us life - He makes it available. The body dies, whether it is yourself, God, nature, or someone else that inflicts it. If you call that murder, you have a very broad definition of murder. If you call it twisted, then you'd better make peace with that, because you're going to die too someday, one way or another. In the end God will decide what you did with the life He gave you, and whether He will extend the guarantee on it.
Everyone dies. So why don't you accuse God of killing everybody? God is the Creator we are His creation. We are, if you like, His property. So He can do with us what He likes. If you don't like that what’s the point of protesting about it? Do you think you can wave your finger at the Creator of all Existence and correct Him. :)

All praise The Ancient of Days
Why am I the only one on my side debating this?

I don't think there's a Creator of all Existance to wave my finger at and correct.
Athelwulf said:
I don't think there's a Creator of all Existance to wave my finger at and correct.
Then those people audible mentioned died in the natural course of their lives, and you have nothing to worry about until you die. You are debating against a God you don't believe in, as if He didn't give you life. When you die and find you don't have life - will you complain?
The point of my argument is that there's no Creator. I'm trying to show that if there is a Creator, then He is a murderer. I'm merely supporting audible in all of this.
I understand that, but this is the problem: You are willing to accuse God of murder, but unwilling to grant that He gives life, even after physical death - which is something that happens whether you believe in Him or not. How do you justify that?

PS. Your argument can be paraphrased as: "If there is a Creator, then he is a Destroyer".
Isaiah 54:16
"See, it is I who created the blacksmith
who fans the coals into flame
and forges a weapon fit for its work.
And it is I who have created the destroyer to work havoc;
no weapon forged against you will prevail,
and you will refute every tongue that accuses you.
This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD,
and this is their vindication from me,"
declares the LORD.​
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God has killed because of jealousy and anger in some cases, therefore (for me) that disproves the Christian God's existence. Anger and Jealously are not compatible with perfection in my eyes. The God described in the Bible has too many human-like qualities, such as the want for something, such as the world or Humans, to be created. If something is perfect they are without want or need, which leaves the question, why did he create us?