Why do you disbelieve?

My point is just that...

But I appologise for lashing out like that.
It's just something about the 'we are right and they are wrong' idea that makes me upset.

It is the exact opposite. If you search in the internet, you will see lots of "Hindu activists" killing people from other Religions, but you will NEVER see a "Chirstian activist" who killed someone!!

Well please explain the Crusades and the Inquisition and Hittler. ;)
Also show me a link of a hindu activists killing people from other religions. If they were to do this then they are not following the ways of their religion and are guranteed to reincarnate as tapeworms. I think you are confusing Hinduism with Islam.

Christianity is not intolerant, it is the other religions that are.
And do you believe that everyone in the world should be Christian? If yes then= Intolerant.
This IS from way back on page 3, but i have to say something about it...
But without medical attention, someone who has been dead for a while has never suddenly pops back to life, do they?
I have a story about a very close friend of mine...
She caught pneuomia(however ya spell it) when she was 2 years old, and was taken to the hospital. There was nothing more the doctors could do at one point, and they gave up. She stopped breathing, AND lost a heartbeat, and the doctors presumed her dead. They left the nurse to pull the sheet over her, but the nurse thought she heard a little wheezing breath. She took the sheet off, and she had by some miracle regained heartbeat, and started breathing again after she had been "dead" for several minutes. Proof? She still lives today... Actually my friend has been in a possible life comprimising situation more than a dozen times, we both lost count somewhere around 12. Tell me how science andmedicine intervened there.
(... Electatromaganetic feilds?):p
Well please explain the Crusades and the Inquisition and Hittler.
Also show me a link of a hindu activists killing people from other religions. If they were to do this then they are not following the ways of their religion and are guranteed to reincarnate as tapeworms. I think you are confusing Hinduism with Islam.
They weren't Christians. And the those "Hindu" activists are probably not Hindu either...

And do you believe that everyone in the world should be Christian? If yes then= Intolerant.
I believe all should Love one another. That's all my "belief".
And do you believe that everyone in the world should be Christian? If yes then= intolerant
I call myself a christian, and thats definitly not my train of thought. A base value of christianity being respect, i dont mind if someone decides to worship Buddha or something. As long as you dont actively go and throw curses left and right or something, im not likely to have a problem with anything you do.:)
I believe all should Love one another. That's all my "belief".

Good belief.:)

Sadly people are stupid and short sighted, myself included.

I guess I was upset that day because there were a bunch of Nazistic (an 'Christian') actívists handing out flyers near where I live, these kind of things get me worked up.
But no excuses, sorry for being an ass.

Most people are intolerant and ignorant, no matter what religion they come from.

If you have this belief, than that's is probably enough for you to be a Christian. But I'm not that sure yet... so I have to wait and see what exactly someone needs to be a Christian (I was before I actually said "I accept Jesus as Lord of my life" or something like that...). But anyways... if you already have this belief, that's awesome :)