Why do you believe (or not believe)

No, but I've visited before. Awesome place, your home state. And the pagan goddess thing was a joke. I was actually raised in the Viking tradition to worship SURT THE DESTROYER.

I'm from Alaska. I'd worship Raven the Trickster if I didn't hate Jesus Christ, Lamb of God.

Wait, was that a non sequitor?

I hate to use an old argument, but there's no proof there isn't either.
And there are a further infinite numbers of things that we can imagine that have no proof that they don’t exist, so why should the god fantasy be singled out as special?

Actually, from a purely logical perspective, proof that there is a God makes much more sense.
Absolutely, which is what atheists keep saying. But theists have yet to provide such proof so their claims remain illogical.

Take the subject of the creation of the universe. Was it caused or uncaused?
You’ve missed the most likely third alternative; is has always existed.

Many atheists say that "matter is self-existing and not created."
What does self-existing mean?

If matter had a beginning and yet was uncaused, one must logically maintain that something would have had to come into existence out of nothing.
Your fundamental problem here is to show that anything had a beginning and isn’t just a transformation of energy/matter from something else which is exactly what we observe through physics.

As it stands there is no reason to believe that the universe has not always existed.

Even if this could happen by some strange new process unknown to science today, there is a logical problem. If matter had a beginning and yet was uncaused, one must logically maintain that something would have had to come into existence out of nothing. From empty space with no force, no matter, no energy, and no intelligence, matter would have to become existent.
That’s why no one is saying that, well except theists. This is a strawman argument that theists create that they can easily knock down and claim it is an atheist argument. But has already been pointed out, if the universe was created, who created the creator, or did that simply appear from nothing? If your claim for a creator is that it has always existed then on an equal basis we can also propose the universe has always existed with a great deal more believable credibility.

Would that be considered "deep"?
Nope, just naïve and misinformed.
I have no reasons to believe in any particular god, godess or gods.
They are metaphors created to describe some manifestations of nature and human psyche.
I have no reasons to believe in any particular god, godess or gods.
They are metaphors created to describe some manifestations of nature and human psyche.

so in other words you have a reason to believe that god, godess or gods are manifestations of nature and the human psyche .... what are those reasons?
The research I have done in studying world mythologies.
But I've never had any reasons to believe in actual gods existing even prior to that, I don't see any requirement. I have more logical than magical thinking.
Then what of those who have conclude that there is a god by dint of research and logical thinking? (in other words does research and logic lead to the same conclusion regarding god?)
I don't know, depends on the quality of research and the perception of the researcher.
I would think yes, but it's just an educated guess.
I've been reading the posts her for a while and I think I pretty well understand what various people believe. My question to you is this: Why do you believe what you believe?

Theists: Why do you believe there is a god?

Atheists: Why do you believe there is no god?
As an atheist I have no belief in God - but neither do I have a belief in there not being a God.

I think a theistic God is unlikely - the same way that an invisible pink univorn sitting on my desk at the moment is unlikely - or that there is a planet where all the inhabitants look exactly like me is unlikely.
It's not impossible - but there's certainly no evidence to support it.

Hence I do not believe.

I've been that way ever since I learned how to think properly. ;)
Back to the orginal question: "Why do you believe (or not believe)".

Because I believe it in my heart to be true.

Simple as that. I understand the need for hard evidence, and that's totally understandable. But believing in God is a spiritual connection. That's why there's a big misunderstanding about it being God vs Science. The two can co-exist, and they do. It's the spiritual aspect of God that science has a hard time with, even if God is all around them. Christians and atheists have different versions of "proof", because eveyone looks at things differently, and from their own point of view. That's never going to change.
I don't know, depends on the quality of research and the perception of the researcher.
I would think yes, but it's just an educated guess.

What if a person who said god existed (by dint of logic and research) responded to the said question (does research and logic lead to the same conclusion regarding god?) - in other words what constitutes actual research and the actual platform of knowledge regarding the fomulation of conclusions regarding the existence/non - existence of god?
(you mentioned quality - what is good quality and what is unsatisfactory quality?)
Too many "what if's", lightgigantic. Such modulated situations are not fruitful. What if Cthulhu rose from the ocean depths? I don't know.

I research world mythologies in relation to anthropology and human (animal) psyche. Read and compare works by scientists, read folk tales, myths, old songs, accounts of different societies, talk with people, record and analyse dreams, human behaviour.

If I really wanted, I could write many pages in reply and explanation of my theory, alas I don't need you to agree with me, indeed I don't even care, so believe what you want really.
Too many "what if's", lightgigantic. Such modulated situations are not fruitful. What if Cthulhu rose from the ocean depths? I don't know.

I research world mythologies in relation to anthropology and human (animal) psyche. Read and compare works by scientists, read folk tales, myths, old songs, accounts of different societies, talk with people, record and analyse dreams, human behaviour.

If I really wanted, I could write many pages in reply and explanation of my theory, alas I don't need you to agree with me, indeed I don't even care, so believe what you want really.

So it seems your attitude to religion is shaped from accepting the platform of athropology as absolute
Platform of anthropology, what is that?
Last I heard it was the study of humanity as a whole, a particular object of study, not a particular method or dogma-base.