why do unbelievers...

Jan Ardena

...have a problem with relating to God as "he" or "him", preferring in most cases to use the terms "it", or "she"?

Because it is easier than saying "your mythologicaly made up diety that doesn't exist".:p
...have a problem with relating to God as "he" or "him", preferring in most cases to use the terms "it", or "she"?


I think you'll find that when someone references "it", it's probably because they aren't speaking of the god of Abraham specifically. The word "god" is not simply the name of yours, but the name of a kind of being, also.

As far as "she"...I dunno/
Superman is a "comic" .

Which consists of superman, who can fly, stop bullets, run faster than trains, who is regarded as "he". :)

I think you'll find that when someone references "it", it's probably because they aren't speaking of the god of Abraham specifically. The word "god" is not simply the name of yours, but the name of a kind of being, also.

I can dig that. But if the truth be told people
still use the terms when discussing christianity
and the bible.

I can dig that. But if the truth be told people
still use the terms when discussing christianity
and the bible.


I haven't personally heard of anyone doing that to be disparaging. But perhaps the people you have were doing it that way.
... no, it isn't obvious at all

could he/she/it not be both sexes, and even a third or fourth sex if he/she/it wanted?
...have a problem with relating to God as "he" or "him", preferring in most cases to use the terms "it", or "she"?

As for "it" - Because they have an impersonalist notion of God.
Hence the whole "God cannot be known", "God doesn't communicate" shebang.

As for "she" - That is feminist angst, or patriarchal supremacy.

As for "it" - Because they have an impersonalist notion of God.
Hence the whole "God cannot be known", "God doesn't communicate" shebang.

As for "she" - That is feminist angst, or patriarchal supremacy.


1) they believe God is an imaginary being sometimes using the term "sky daddy" (male)
2) they regard God as a person when they believe that God is evil.

As for the "she", that would make more sense if it were made by women alone, with the exception of effeminate men.

1) they believe God is an imaginary being sometimes using the term "sky daddy" (male)
2) they regard God as a person when they believe that God is evil.

As for the "she", that would make more sense if it were made by women alone, with the exception of effeminate men.


they generalize
so do you
does god have a penis?

Why would you want to know that?
I suspect that God can create by any part of his spiritual anatomy, as everything must be absolutely equal to everything else, and I can't imagine there be need for any waste disposal units.
So before even attempting to answer that question, the question of "is it necessary" becomes the focus.

Why would you want to know that?
I suspect that God can create by any part of his spiritual anatomy, as everything must be absolutely equal to everything else, and I can't imagine there be need for any waste disposal units.
So before even attempting to answer that question, the question of "is it necessary" becomes the focus.


Considering that sex organs, chromosomes, and hormones define the sexes, how could it possibly be that this God is a male without those features?
Why would you want to know that?
I suspect that God can create by any part of his spiritual anatomy, as everything must be absolutely equal to everything else, and I can't imagine there be need for any waste disposal units.
So before even attempting to answer that question, the question of "is it necessary" becomes the focus.


does he have testicles? does he have a Y chromossome?
what defines someone as a male?
can god have a vagina too?
can he have a dozen penii?
if it is not necessary for god to have a sex, why would he have a sex?
do you realize how silly this topic is?