Why do theists tend to lack empathy?


Do you see what Lori is doing?

responding to your posts? asking you questions? answering yours? being honest?

let me guess...you want people to think this is somehow victimizing you?
you don't want empathy, you want sympathy. you want a guru to tell you what to do. you want someone else (another human) to save you. YOU WANT SOMEONE TO BLAME.
Better to look to another human being for help than the invisible man in the sky. I'd have respect for Rick Perry if he said "I fucked up Texas, but let's all work together to improve it" rather than him not admitting he fucked up Texas and praying the the sky being he hears in his head.

thread after thread, day after day, year after year, theists who know better tell you repeatedly that this is something you have to do yourself. but you don't want that responsibility.
And yet Alcoholics Anonymous involves people admitting they can't improve themselves without god.

i don't even think you desire knowledge of god at all.
Personally I desire knowledge about the universe, including a deity if one exists. Just waiting for anyone to provide evidence it does.

Does the bank Jesus saves with need a bailout?

it's not a cult you join.
Religions are cults with lots of members.

it's not a doctrine you obey. it's not a lifestyle you adopt. it's not a recitation. it's not a ritual. it's not a fucking 12 step program. and it's no one's responsibility but yours. it's a personal endeavor.
1st Peter 3:15, you should always be ready to give the reason for your belief. Or is that another bit of the bible you skip over along with shellfish, mixing fibres in your clothes and any other bits you don't like?

And there are clearly doctrines and lifestyle choices about being in a religion. If you identify yourself as being part of a particular religion then you are saying "I subscribe to their doctrines". If you don't then you aren't part of that religion.

so if you're not willing to petition god in the name of christ, in sincerity and humility, ALL BY YOURSELF, then shut the fuck up.

THAT. IS. EMPATHY. because i know what the fuck i'm talking about. i know how it works.
Did the voice in your head tell you you know what empathy is?
Better to look to another human being for help than the invisible man in the sky. I'd have respect for Rick Perry if he said "I fucked up Texas, but let's all work together to improve it" rather than him not admitting he fucked up Texas and praying the the sky being he hears in his head.

yeah well, i think it's pretty clear that's not working isn't it? god isn't an invisible man in the sky. god is the creator of the universe, and of you.

And yet Alcoholics Anonymous involves people admitting they can't improve themselves without god.

and it works. but people have to take the initiative to attend meetings, just like people have to take an initiative to seek god.

Personally I desire knowledge about the universe, including a deity if one exists. Just waiting for anyone to provide evidence it does.

waiting? lol. since when has waiting enabled anyone to attain knowledge? lol...

Does the bank Jesus saves with need a bailout?

no, never.

Religions are cults with lots of members.

you're referring to religious institutions, not necessarily the teaching itself.

1st Peter 3:15, you should always be ready to give the reason for your belief. Or is that another bit of the bible you skip over along with shellfish, mixing fibres in your clothes and any other bits you don't like?

i'm ready. would you like to know the reason i believe?

And there are clearly doctrines and lifestyle choices about being in a religion. If you identify yourself as being part of a particular religion then you are saying "I subscribe to their doctrines". If you don't then you aren't part of that religion.

i'm not talking about "being in a religion". i'm talking about knowing and having a relationship with god. there's a huge difference.

Did the voice in your head tell you you know what empathy is?

part of why the majority of them seem to lack real empathy is because their religion comes first before your real life situation, meaning they believe you should adhere to the ways of their religion. i don't agree that many theists are empathetic. they are empathetic in that they want you to submit to their idea of god or become like them, then they will approve of you. this is especially true with monotheistic religions as they inherently tend to reject or view other philosophies or religions as either wrong or even evil.

what usually happens is they will be polite and then treat any other views with a bit of condescending patronizing, then they will eventually tell you that their god is the only god and their religion (basically what they are inclined to) to be the only correct one. you will find that there is some competitiveness with other religions or sects because numbers means more power. their 'empathy' tends to be from the motivation or view that others are fools that need to be saved not necessarily from sin (because surpisingly, they are very lax about it:aka forgiveness) but from any other philosophy or belief system other than theirs. the ones that are not like this tend to be a true minority.

this is why, for instance, you will hardly or rarely find christians who would even consider giving any credit to other religions or philosophies at all. if you don't believe me, go to any monotheistic church and ask them what they think of, say, unitarian universalist. if they don't want to appear to be hypocrites or hateful, they will be evasive and rather condescending with some compassionate pretense but they will basically show derision, mocking and hatred for it, for even really no good reason or legitimate one. people like that are not coming from a place that is producing real empathy or understanding or even really going to listen. they are difficult to be honest with because that is not what they are about, nor is really the truth.
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