Why do some Muslims blow themselves up?

How do you beat people who are willing to blow themselves up?

Shooting 'em or bombing them works pretty well.

But then, think about it, ...how do you beat people who want to murder other people in a free nation?

See? Both the potential murderer, rapist, robber, thief, whatever and the Muslim suicide bomber are perfectly free, protected by our laws, until they each do their dirty deed. Our laws give the "bad guys" the upper hand.

Baron Max
Some do it for the money. Saddam was paying $25k to each family of suicide bombers. The losers just did it for their families. Oh, and for the virgins. :rolleyes:

The rest do it for hate. They HATE themselves, they HATE life, and they hate infidels. They have seriously demented/delusional/distorted thinking.

To obey the Koran:


Killing for Allah to avoid hell:




Well then you and I must be courageous and not feel fear about them. That includes letting people wear "hoodies" if they want. You see when you limit the freedoms of groups of people because of what "terrorists" can do, then you are letting them "win". That is their goal.

The War on Terror is the Terrorist VS the public. There are no governments involved(unless they back the Terrorists). It is the public whom must defeat terrorism, the governments cannot.

well yeah we had the Americans supporting the IRA for years!! how can the public defeat terrorism?
The Crusades

The Muslim Game:

Muslims love talking about the Crusades… and Christians love apologizing for them. To hear both parties tell the story, one would believe that Muslims were just peacefully minding their own business in lands that were legitimately Muslim, when Christian armies decided to wage holy war and "kill millions.”

The Truth:

Every part of this myth is a lie. By the rules that Muslims claim for themselves, the Crusades were perfectly justified, and the excesses (though beneath Christian standards) pale in comparison with the historical treatment of conquered populations at the hands of Muslims.

Here are some quick facts…

The first Crusade began in 1095… 460 years after the first Christian city was overrun by Muslim armies, 457 years after Jerusalem was conquered by Muslim armies, 453 years after Egypt was taken by Muslim armies, 443 after Muslims first plundered Italy, 427 years after Muslim armies first laid siege to the Christian capital of Constantinople, 380 years after Spain was conquered by Muslim armies, 363 years after France was first attacked by Muslim armies, 249 years after Rome itself was sacked by a Muslim army, and only after centuries of church burnings, killings, enslavement and forced conversions of Christians. :(

By the time the Crusades finally began, Muslim armies had conquered two-thirds of the Christian world.

Europe had been harassed by Muslims since the first few years following Muhammad’s death. As early as 652, Muhammad’s followers launched raids on the island of Sicily, waging a full-scale occupation 200 years later that lasted well over two centuries and was punctuated by massacres, such as that at the town of Castrogiovanni, in which 8,000 Christians were put to death. In 1084, ten years before the first crusade, Muslims staged another devastating Sicilian raid, burning churches in Reggio, enslaving monks and raping an abbey of nuns before carrying them into captivity. :(

In theory, the Crusades were provoked by the harassment of Christian pilgrims from Europe to the Holy Land, in which many were kidnapped, molested, forcibly converted to Islam or even killed. (Compare this to Islam’s justification for slaughter on the basis of Muslims being denied access to the Meccan pilgrimage in Muhammad’s time).

The Crusaders only invaded lands that were Christian. They never attacked Saudi Arabia or sacked Mecca as the Muslims had done (and continued doing) to Italy and Constantinople.

The period of Crusader “occupation” (of its own former land) was stretched over less than two centuries. The Muslim occupation is in its 1,372nd year.

The period of Crusader “aggression” compresses to about 20 years of actual military campaign, much of which was spent on organization and travel. (They were from 1098-1099, 1146-1148, 1188-1192, 1201-1204, 1218-1221, 1228-1229, and 1248-1250). By comparison, the Muslim Jihad against the island of Sicily alone lasted 75 grinding years.

Unlike Jihad, the Crusades were never justified on the basis of New Testament teachings. This is why they are an anomaly, the punctuation of fourteen centuries of relentless Jihad that began long before the Crusades and continued well after they were over.

The greatest crime of the Crusaders was the sacking of Jerusalem, in which 30,000 people were said to have been massacred. This number is dwarfed by the number of Jihad victims, from India to Constantinople and Narbonne, but Muslims have never apologized for their crimes and never will.

What is called 'sin and excess' by other religions, is what Islam refers to as the will of Allah.

How do you beat people who are willing to blow themselves up?
by not letting them be with allah, like so

1, never bury the suicide bombers remains, { feed them to pigs for instance}or at least let pigs clean up the area of the bombing.
2, if you bury there remains dont bury them with there head pointing to mecca.
3, dont bury them quickly.
4, dont wrap the body in linen, wrap it in pork fat. and bury it without a coffin.
5, do not wash to body bury it as is.
6, bury all bombers in the same grave, with a multi head stone.
7, dont raise the grave.
8, and certain do not allow any readings over the bombers.

scum is and will always be scum.
by not letting them be with allah, like so

1, never bury the suicide bombers remains, { feed them to pigs for instance}or at least let pigs clean up the area of the bombing.
2, if you bury there remains dont bury them with there head pointing to mecca.
3, dont bury them quickly.
4, dont wrap the body in linen, wrap it in pork fat. and bury it without a coffin.
5, do not wash to body bury it as is.
6, bury all bombers in the same grave, with a multi head stone.
7, dont raise the grave.
8, and certain do not allow any readings over the bombers.

scum is and will always be scum.

Actually, all the above does not apply. Since in the desert they just put the bodies in an unmarked grave and walk away. What happens to the body after dying is inconsequential. And "readings" can be done anywhere, at home, on the train, since they are not addressed to the person, but to God.
That's assuming there's much of the body left to be buried. Not to mention it would be a total waste of valuable ground space. I call pet food if there's any scrap left.

As for Sandy's crusade argument, while legit needs to have casualties and actions of both sides measured from all the crusades for it to not be bias. Even then it doesn't matter as it's obvious that both religion were just as stupid as one another for those waste of lives over scientific proof lacking, non-existing deity. It's funny really considering they worship the same god. Doh...
How do you beat people who are willing to blow themselves up?

Martyrdom in religion is the most powerful thing. Imagine if Jesus died from pneumonia at the age of 65 and not on the cross for his noble religious cause...
Martyrdom in religion is the most powerful thing. Imagine if Jesus died from pneumonia at the age of 65 and not on the cross for his noble religious cause...

Martyrdom in the West is about religion; in the East its about heroism. The movies where the hero sacrifices himself for a cause are bigger draws than happily ever afters. :p
M*W: Sandy, even as an atheist, I know the god myth involves only one creator with different names and personas created the cultures who believe this crap.
..., even as an atheist, I know the god myth involves only one creator with different names and personas created the cultures who believe this crap.

Why do you persist in maligning and denigrating people who have religious beliefs? Why? Why can't you let people beleive as they wish?

Baron Max
Why do you persist in maligning and denigrating people who have religious beliefs? Why? Why can't you let people beleive as they wish?

Baron Max

That should easily win the award for the dumbest question asked... well, for today, anyways.

So, it doesn't matter that those beliefs are based on myth and superstitions, and that the believers are constantly trying to shove their cults down everyones throats, whether they like it or not?
That should easily win the award for the dumbest question asked... well, for today, anyways.

So, it doesn't matter that those beliefs are based on myth and superstitions, and that the believers are constantly trying to shove their cults down everyones throats, whether they like it or not?

Is that a fact or an opinion?