Why do some Muslims blow themselves up?

John J. Bannan

Registered Senior Member
Are these Muslims completely out of their minds? How can any responsible Muslim teacher advocate blowing yourself up.
Then since Saudis are the most religious, they must have the greatest number of suicide bombers. Followed by the Taliban and the mullahs.

What does the degree of religiosity have to do with it?

Partiality in delusion is still delusion.

Then since Saudis are the most religious, they must have the greatest number of suicide bombers. Followed by the Taliban and the mullahs.

I guess you're right. Most of the 9/11 suiciders were Saudi.
becuase they try and use the scare factor to get what they want when they want?

Can't you scare someone/some group without blowing your own self to hell? I would think it would be more advantageous and even more scary if the bomber was able to bomb something, and still live to do it again ...don't you?

Baron Max
Can't you scare someone/some group without blowing your own self to hell? I would think it would be more advantageous and even more scary if the bomber was able to bomb something, and still live to do it again ...don't you?

Baron Max

no, because Baron, musilns use suicide bombing has a scare tactic to get what they want and they know if they threaten it then the chances are the goverment will just bow down and allow them to have what they desire!!

there will never be a shortage of suicide bombers, so the threats will keep coming and we have no choice but to give in to they're demands.

if we say "no" to them, they just start screaming racsist remarks and burn efigies off the leaders of the countries, and if we has western people did that then we would be blown up.or shot!!
no, because Baron, musilns use suicide bombing has a scare tactic to get what they want and they know if they threaten it then the chances are the goverment will just bow down and allow them to have what they desire!!

there will never be a shortage of suicide bombers, so the threats will keep coming and we have no choice but to give in to they're demands.

if we say "no" to them, they just start screaming racsist remarks and burn efigies off the leaders of the countries, and if we has western people did that then we would be blown up.or shot!!

Well then you and I must be courageous and not feel fear about them. That includes letting people wear "hoodies" if they want. You see when you limit the freedoms of groups of people because of what "terrorists" can do, then you are letting them "win". That is their goal.

The War on Terror is the Terrorist VS the public. There are no governments involved(unless they back the Terrorists). It is the public whom must defeat terrorism, the governments cannot.
I think those few have been surpassed by Palestinians and Iraqis and Afghanis by now, don'tcha' think?

Baron Max

Arguably, Palestinians have more of an immediate conflict and enemy nearby. I don't think you could argue that Saudis are less religious than Palestinians.
They're idiots too brainwashed by their religion. They think themselves matyrs. They're generally nobodies in life that think they are doing something for recognition. They kind of get recognised after some investigation but their body at the scene usually can't be recognised (haha). Sometimes suicide bomber's family are threatened to be killed or guaranteed to be well taken care of upon completion of their tasks.