Why do so many Christians seek to convert scientists?

This site seems choked full with Christians trying to spread their word(I havn't noticed any other religions doing so, but I may have missed that) to the scientific minded. How do they hope to achieve this? to me this would seem like trying to convert the pharos to caveman methods.

This is just a web site mate. A place where people can give their thoughts. I did not sit down one day and say

... humm i must convert scientists now where can i find them...

No mate you might think the world revolves around you and that you are the focus of everybody’s attention but your not. We give the good news to all people. The meek as well as the vain.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
This site seems choked full with Christians trying to spread their word(I havn't noticed any other religions doing so, but I may have missed that) to the scientific minded. How do they hope to achieve this? to me this would seem like trying to convert the pharos to caveman methods.

First of all you should know (if you cant see this, get better glasses) that there are maybe three real payed scientists on this board. Then there are many who think that saying the name Dawkins and Darwin make you a junior scientist, like joining Mick Mouse club then there are those who are sociopaths (post #4, demonstrates this), of course you have the narcissists, the rest are mods and sometimes you see glimmers of rational thought but those people are have a tough go of it too . use your head.:D

OH, and finally, THIS IS THE RELIGION SUBFORUM. When the name is changed to the anti-rligion sub forum you can stop crying.
This site seems choked full with Christians trying to spread their word(I havn't noticed any other religions doing so, but I may have missed that) to the scientific minded ...

Ha ha ha ... "choked full," eh? You're more deluded than you originally revealed, old sport.

If you were more scientific in your research, you would realize that there are few Christians on this board, and even fewer who try to "spread their word." You would also realize that the vast majority of "Religion" threads have been started by non-Christians. It's amazing how these folks (non-Christians) just can't seen to get "Religion" off their minds.

And yet you, old sport, whine and lament over over your misguided notion that this site is so egregiously "choked full with Christians trying to spread their word." Consider that you are so hyper-sensitive to views that are not in accordance with your own that your own "scientific" paradigm dissolves when confronted with said views.

This comes as no surprise inasmuch as the most intolerant, bigoted bunch of dogmatic, narrow-minded hypocrites who ever lived are scientists who profess to be broad-minded.
If you knew that 50% of the airplanes flying out of your home town airport were going to crash on day XXXX. What would you do to stop someone you knew from flying that day. We christians believe that if you are not saved in time you will not join us in heaven. We also have that same warm fuzzy feeling that newlyweds have that causes them to annoy their bachelor friends to get married. It is a joy that we wish to share. If this is a delusion it is a happy one. We would like you to join us and I will be praying for you to make the right position.
You would also realize that the vast majority of "Religion" threads have been started by non-Christians. It's amazing how these folks (non-Christians) just can't seen to get "Religion" off their minds.

You need to realise that interest in a subject doesn't specifically mean one must believe in the concepts and ideas within that subject. I could spend a great deal of time discussing Star Trek but it does not mean I believe in Klingons.

We could look at why religion is an interesting subject for atheists. Of course I will not speak for any other atheist on this board or planet but for myself I find the subject interesting because:

1) I cannot honestly believe that there are people beyond primary school age that actually believe it to be true. This leads to:

2) I have an interest, (obviously), in the human mind and people in general. I like to investigate why people believe the things they do.

3) Religion has it's dirty claws in every facet of human life and yet is still quite a taboo subject. It is of course often left unspoken because, somewhat similar to politics, it leads to arguments and strife. As such a forum is the best place to discuss these issues because at the end of the day the computer gets switched off and there's no real harm done as it were.

4) See 1 again.

I'm also somewhat curious why you said "non christians" and then said "religion". There is far more to religion than being christian or not christian. You think your belief is special?
First of all you should know (if you cant see this, get better glasses) that there are maybe three real payed scientists on this board. Then there are many who think that saying the name Dawkins and Darwin make you a junior scientist, like joining Mick Mouse club then there are those who are sociopaths (post #4, demonstrates this), of course you have the narcissists, the rest are mods and sometimes you see glimmers of rational thought but those people are have a tough go of it too . use your head.:D

OH, and finally, THIS IS THE RELIGION SUBFORUM. When the name is changed to the anti-rligion sub forum you can stop crying.

:p OK if you see it that way it's not my place to say anything as I'm not a payed scientist on research for Dick Dawkins. I was just curious to why the religous would frequent(chokingly or otherwise) a science board when they obviously have no respect for science(as is clear with and Nutter's and your posts here).

Have a good day.:)
:p OK if you see it that way it's not my place to say anything as I'm not a payed scientist on research for Dick Dawkins. I was just curious to why the religous would frequent(chokingly or otherwise) a science board when they obviously have no respect for science(as is clear with and Nutter's and your posts here).

Have a good day.:)
M*W: I've asked this question so many times. Christians come to scientific and/or predominantly atheistic forums to preach and convert. I don't care what they say they're doing here, they are here to preach and convert. Maybe subconsciously they come here to reinforce their own beliefs. Having said that, maybe their faith is on shaky ground. Most who come here don't want to hear what the rest of us have to say. They all have that "holier than than" demeanor. My opinion is that christians come here and interrupt and destroy scientific or at least educated discussion. By doing that, they win. Posting here shouldn't be a win-lose situation, but with christians derailing just about every thread, it gives them a false sense of power or control over those of us who continue to learn. I didn't become an atheist by studying atheism. I became an atheist by studying christianity.
We christians believe that if you are not saved in time you will not join us in heaven.

My concept of Heaven doesn't involve you. Is God really sadistic enough to make me spend my eternity in the same Heaven as you? Or, do you think that he will provide us with our own idiosyncratic Heavens? Which runs somewhat contrary to the bible.
If you knew that 50% of the airplanes flying out of your home town airport were going to crash on day XXXX. What would you do to stop someone you knew from flying that day. We christians believe that if you are not saved in time you will not join us in heaven. We also have that same warm fuzzy feeling that newlyweds have that causes them to annoy their bachelor friends to get married. It is a joy that we wish to share. If this is a delusion it is a happy one. We would like you to join us and I will be praying for you to make the right position.

:) Of good intentions as it may be, if, this is not an attempt at converting(in the very thread everyone claims christians are not here to convert) I'm a chinaman.
Originally Posted by laughing weasel
If you knew that 50% of the airplanes flying out of your home town airport were going to crash on day XXXX. What would you do to stop someone you knew from flying that day. We christians believe that if you are not saved in time you will not join us in heaven.

On the other hand: if someone came to you and said "I have this weird feeling that your plane is going to crash and there's no way at all that I can prove it" - would you still fly?
M*W: I've asked this question so many times. Christians come to scientific and/or predominantly atheistic forums to preach and convert. I don't care what they say they're doing here, they are here to preach and convert. Maybe subconsciously they come here to reinforce their own beliefs. Having said that, maybe their faith is on shaky ground. Most who come here don't want to hear what the rest of us have to say. They all have that "holier than than" demeanor. My opinion is that christians come here and interrupt and destroy scientific or at least educated discussion. By doing that, they win. Posting here shouldn't be a win-lose situation, but with christians derailing just about every thread, it gives them a false sense of power or control over those of us who continue to learn. I didn't become an atheist by studying atheism. I became an atheist by studying christianity.

Yeah I agree. It may be subconscious or they are in denial , but they are here to convert!
You need to realise that interest in a subject doesn't specifically mean one must believe in the concepts and ideas within that subject. I could spend a great deal of time discussing Star Trek but it does not mean I believe in Klingons.

We could look at why religion is an interesting subject for atheists. Of course I will not speak for any other atheist on this board or planet but for myself I find the subject interesting because:

1) I cannot honestly believe that there are people beyond primary school age that actually believe it to be true. This leads to:

Really?? honestly?? Do you really think that the people that are believers in God in this forum are all primary school age kids?? I assure you that i am not some kid and it would be clear to most of the athiest here that many of the theist in here are adults. You know what i think. I think your a Liar. I think you do believe that I am an adult but you put this lying statement down as a pathetic attempt at insulting believers in God.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Really?? honestly?? Do you really think that the people that are believers in God in this forum are all primary school age kids?? I assure you that i am not some kid and it would be clear to most of the athiest here that many of the theist in here are adults. You know what i think. I think your a Liar. I think you do believe that I am an adult but you put this lying statement down as a pathetic attempt at insulting believers in God.

My apologies, I wasn't trying to state that I think you're physically children. I was saying that I can't believe anyone older than a young child would actually believe the crap of their religions.

As for insults.. you can take it any way you want to but it's not intended as an insult. I just cannot believe that grown adults in the year 2007 actually believe in gods and demons and hells and heavens yada yada. I find it laughable.
My apologies, I wasn't trying to state that I think you're physically children. I was saying that I can't believe anyone older than a young child would actually believe the crap of their religions.

Make sense will you. You have just apologised for making a silly statement and in the same paragraph you state the same silly statement again.

""""I can't believe anyone older than a young child would actually believe the crap of their religions.""""

Either you believe I am and the hundreds of adults you will see in news reports and documentaries and going into places or worship are adults over the age of young children or you do not.

As for insults.. you can take it any way you want to but it's not intended as an insult. I just cannot believe that grown adults in the year 2007 actually believe in gods and demons and hells and heavens yada yada. I find it laughable.

Laughable??? Sorry mate your statement here and assertions are laughable. You cannot see the absolute stupidly of apologising for saying something and then stating the same silly statement again.

Unbelievable.. And people like you look down upon people who believe in God and call them stupid.... talk about the kettle calling the pot black. I am not insulted mate I am laughing my head off.
Make sense will you. You have just apologised for making a silly statement and in the same paragraph you state the same silly statement again.

Right, I see where the confusion is coming from. It's a language thing. Basically it is common here to use "I don't believe.." not in the context that you don't actually believe but that "I'm amazed that..".

So, as it will undoubtedly help clear things up: I am amazed that there are people older than young children that actually believe in that crap.


Laughable??? Sorry mate your statement here and assertions are laughable. You cannot see the absolute stupidly of apologising for saying something and then stating the same silly statement again.

Clearly it comes down to language barrier. It can happen sometimes.

Unbelievable.. And people like you look down upon people who believe in God and call them stupid....

Where did I state that exactly? I recognise that there are emotional reasons that cause people to believe in such nonsense, but they're not specifically "stupid" because of it - just misguided.

P.S We're not mates.
Right, I see where the confusion is coming from. It's a language thing. Basically it is common here to use "I don't believe.." not in the context that you don't actually believe but that "I'm amazed that..".

So, as it will undoubtedly help clear things up: I am amazed that there are people older than young children that actually believe in that crap.



Where did I state that exactly? I recognise that there are emotional reasons that cause people to believe in such nonsense, but they're not specifically "stupid" because of it - just misguided.

No you are calling people who believe in God immature or childish and that automatically denotes them to be lacking in maturity and being fully developed. Your statement is a put down and it was meant to be an insult. Trying to maneuver out of it does not work.

P.S We're not mates.

Oh i fully understand that you are not a friend to me and you do not care for my wellbeing. The good samaritan is a Christian concept after all.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
No you are calling people who believe in God immature or childish and that automatically denotes them to be lacking in maturity and being fully developed.

Not specifically immature or childish - like I stated: misguided, or deluded although theists don't take that word too well.

Your statement is a put down and it was meant to be an insult. Trying to maneuver out of it does not work.

You can take it any way you choose, (such is free will). I am ultimately not responsible for your fragile sensibilities.
No you are calling people who believe in God immature or childish and that automatically denotes them to be lacking in maturity and being fully developed. Your statement is a put down and it was meant to be an insult. Trying to maneuver out of it does not work.

Haha, so now you are calling all children stupid ?

You perfectly understood what Snakelord meant, you were just looking for a fight.
Haha, so now you are calling all children stupid ?

You perfectly understood what Snakelord meant, you were just looking for a fight.

No. I was trying to make him see himself for what he is.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days