Why do people seem to be ignoring the most important book ever? Any ideas?

What do you think of the "Thiaoouba Prophecy" book?

  • I read it and think it's bullshit (I have my reasons)

    Votes: 8 42.1%
  • I did not read it, think it's bullshit and realize I cannot yet give good reasons why - although I'm

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • I read it and think to my own degree, that this is a true account and has important implications

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • I did not read it, think it's bullshit and don't need to give reasons - it's just bullshit

    Votes: 8 42.1%

  • Total voters

Captain Planet

Registered Member
I've already posted a post about this book:


If people choose to ignore this because it seems 'looney' - well, that's their choice. But what I cannot get is that people ignore it and then give excuses 'why' they ignore it - which are totally baseless, without them having read even the first page.

But trust me - spend a day or two reading this book - and then you may have a TOTALLY different understanding of all the mysteries and all that that we amuse ourselves with on Earth.

also, this is a good summary if you are still not sure:


The major difference: 1. there are looneys who never were abducted and try to cheat us; 2. there are people who were really abducted and write their stories; 3. then there is the true account that I have included the link to (above). there is NO BETTER account than this, for many reasons, which become apparent AFTER you read the account.

this must be read by as many people as possible - and the only reason is that 'they must know' - they can ofcourse brand this as non-sense - it's their freedom of choice - but the right to read it is always there. And if you don't know about it - you will never read it.

This is why I have posted this post.

Any ideas why poeple may choose to ridicule this book BEFORE reading it? even though that approach is purely ignorant and doesn't make sense to anyone truly evolved intellectually, It could be fun discussing why poeple choose to be ignorant rather than use some intelligence instead.
The book is marketed like any of that class of material, like scientology or Nostradamus explained, or any of that new age stuff. If the book is so compelling, why aren't the first few chapters posted so people can read them and be enticed into buying it?
Consider this quote from the site:
This book clarifies practically ALL myths, doctrines and mysteries on Earth and reveals clear logic, beauty and majesty of the Universe, in which EVERYONE OF US has important role to play. There are no theories in this book. No wishful thinking or products of imagination of the author. This is an exact report of the Reality of the Universe.
All in one easy-to-read book. :bugeye:

Still, I would be happy to know only half of
all that if I could have one of these cool shirts.



Youth is the first victim of war - the first fruit of peace.
It takes 20 years or more of peace to make a man;
it takes only 20 seconds of war to destroy him.
  • -- King Boudewijn I, King of Belgium (1934-1993)
Quoth the Captain

Any ideas why poeple may choose to ridicule this book BEFORE reading it? even though that approach is purely ignorant and doesn't make sense to anyone truly evolved intellectually, It could be fun discussing why poeple choose to be ignorant rather than use some intelligence instead.

You mean that if I refuse to read this book, which is undoubtedly filled with the utmost contempt of intelligence and rationale, I am considered ignorant ?

The passages below are enough to make anyone bolt off to the nearest asylum for a pre-frontal:

Michel has traveled many times faster than the speed of light, using a technique called trans-substantiation. You cannot do it in the solar system, you have to be in deep space first, otherwise you will explode.
practical use and purpose of telepathy, direct mind to mind communication and learning, astral body, astral travel, Aura, invisibility, levitation, time travel, mind reading etc. Everybody in the Galaxy, including all animals on Earth uses telepathic communication. Except us.space travel technology by trans-substantiation across multi-dimensional space, with effective speeds much greater than the speed of light.
parallel universe on Earth, who is there, who is using it and why
the history of Earth, Mars etc.: 1.35 million years of past civilizations, comprehensive explanation to most "mysteries" such as the purpose of pyramids, missing continents and civilizations, Atlantis, Lemuria (Mu), exodus, ice age, Bermuda triangle, origin of the moon, planetary disasters on Earth, reasons for rapid changes of the Earth axis of rotation etc.

So much nonsense, so few words.

However, I'm sure you'll find much support from Banshee. ;)
Originally posted by (Q)
Michel has traveled many times faster than the speed of light, using a technique called trans-substantiation

A few million Catholics can prove this wrong. Trans-substantiation is the act of changing the host (a wafer of unleavened bread) and wine into the substance of the body and blood of Christ.

All these years I have chanced my life at the altar[1] and never knew it. Some one call health and safety, please.

[1] That was 25 years ago.
Q. What about toilets on Thiaoouba ?

A. On Thiaoouba they use a kind of device that looks similar to our toilet, but isn't. It simply disintegrates the waste as it comes out - into elementary particles I guess. No water, no paper, no smell, nothing. Michel was scared that this machine might disintegrate his private parts...

I really dont know wether to laugh or cry---

Someting about the phrase: "If for any reason you feel uneasy to reveal your email address - you are not yet ready to read this book." woried me so i decided not to read it. When you need a disclaimer like that something is wrong.
How come Captain Planet has two threads in less than a week about the exact same thing? Is he the author of that book?
How come Captain Planet has two threads in less than a week about the exact same thing? Is he the author of that book?

If he is, i would like to ask: why is that when people talk about ancient civilizations like Mu, Atlantis, they completely miss the Vedic people and the Chinese people?

And why people are obsessed with telepathy? Human brain does not have a oscillator to run at 2.4 GHz to modulate the thoughts not has a tuner decoder at a similar frequency. For that we have to wait for the chip implant....

And O! the magic of invisibility. Why not? just ask any Jini....
It is not proven... or for that matter proveable. I also believe in time as a largely one way street.
I was the clinical hypnotist that worked with nearly one hundred alleged abuctees.

To be concise...I was never convinced.
The book is not proven, and nobody is seeking for proof. We don't even have a clear definition of what can be qualified as a proof.

DON H said:
I was the clinical hypnotist that worked with nearly one hundred alleged abuctees.

To be concise...I was never convinced.

I suppose you never worked with the author of the book we are talking about here, have you? I seriously doubt that even if you did it would have given us any good proof of anything at all. I wonder what motivated you to work with abductees. Can I ask what really were you looking for?
Here is an extract from the second link:
"We have tried to give The Book free of charge, only to find it later in rubbish bins... "

It appears that the general public may be more discerning than I gave them credit for.
Well, anyone that links to this crap in the header of the page doesn't deserve my time.

For those that don't want to click, apparently the world is going to explode due to global warming, because a giant nuclear reactor in the center of the earth can't cool itself anymore.
You left something out of your poll, ie "I've never even HEARD of this book."

However, the other contributors to this thread have already adequately explained why no-one is taking this book seriously.

There's an FAQ, and this question is why I automatically reject nonsense of this nature:

Q. Do you have any material evidence ?
A. Do you mean "technology" ? No. This is precisely what our friends do not want us to know. We do not need any more material technology on Earth. Giving us more technology is much like giving a machine gun and a box of grenades to kindergarten kids to play with.​
No evidence is no evidence. Go play in someone else's playpen.

The way that you can tell that this is utter bullshit is the way he first says "Michel has traveled many times faster than the speed of light using .. Transubstantiation " - obviously quite an impressive feat, and then he goes on to say "You cannot do it in the solar system, you have to be in deep space first, otherwise you will explode." But if you cannot Transubstantiate unless you are in deep space, presumably Michel was in deep space before he did it. And if he could not Transubstantiate to deep space, presumably he went by some conventional means such as a space craft (something that, incidentally, would take years). And so in fact quite apart from travelling faster than light, he has actually outdone the Wright Brothers, Charles Lindbergh, Yuri Gagarin and Neil Armstrong all rolled into one, in being the first human being to leave the Solar System (let alone Earth's orbit!)

I found the first question more than interesting though:
Q. How do you pronounce Thiaoouba ?
A. Thiaoouba is the English representation of the word in which "T" is silent and "b" is a sound between "B" and "V". Hebrew people pronounce Thiaoouba "Hyehouva". Interestingly, this is the most frequently encountered word in the Bible, because it is the name Moses used to refer to "God" when he wrote the first 5 chapters of the Bible in Hebrew @3250 years ago.​
In other words with strange place (with an utterly inexplicable "silent T" is in fact pronounced Yehovah. Did no-one else think it strange that in fact it's the famous name of God, only given a stupid spelling?
Further gems from the FAQ.
Q. In chapter 7 Thao states that the Moon will crash with Earth in about 195,000 years. Measurements of our scientists indicate that the Moon moves away from Earth about 1 cm/year. Doesn't it disprove your book?
A. (by Tom Chalko, PhD) Scientific conclusions are only as good as assumptions taken in reaching them. Hence, you need to examine the method and assumptions our scientists adopt with the same skepticism you try to examine the book.

The method of measuring the distance between Earth and the Moon is based on bouncing the light (laser pulses) from the reflectors located at the surface of the Moon and measuring the time it takes for the light to reach sensors back on Earth. By the"distance" between Earth and the Moon they mean the distance between their centers of gravity.

Some of the obvious assumptions our scientists make are
1. the centers of gravity of Earth and Moon are fixed (do not move) with respect to the corresponding planetary/lunar surfaces
2. the speed of light is constant (it doesn't change with time)
3. Light beam between Earth and Moon travels through media that do not change with time

Each of these assumptions needs scrutiny.

1. Neither Earth, nor the Moon are rigid bodies. Their interiors are partly liquid and semi-solid. Hence, observations of our scientists can be explained by slight changes in mass distribution inside Earth/Moon interiors. Incidently, some notorius and unexplained errors in satellite positions can be expained this way too. See this article for more details.
A typical "debunking" of a scientific result - incorrect statement of the origin of the "Moon moving away from Earth", followed by implications that the scientists involved had not thought of all the possible reasons for their experimental result. As a matter of interest, the separation of the Moon from the Earth is indeed considered in terms of the centres of gravity. But the laser measurement necessarily has to go from surface to surface, and I don't see that he has shown at all convincingly that the centres of the Earth and the Moon could conceivably be moving closer together that would in any way be consistent with their surfaces moving apart, particularly as the crash is supposed to be in as little as 200,000 years. However, the Moon is moving away from the Earth because of frictional effects caused by tidal action which is slowly bleeding away the energy of the Moon's rotational velocity. The effect was predicted mathematically before it was discovered actually - the laser measurements merely confirmed what was expected. It is beyond sense to say "ah, but the measurements could be wrong for this other reason" when the other reason would then contradict the initial scientific prediction of increasing Earth-Moon distance.

2. Recently, our scientists noticed that the speed of light seems to decline slightlyWhen light becomes slower, it takes more time for it to reach the Moon and come back. Whoever assumes that the speed of light is constant is bound to conclude that the distance between Earth and the Moon increases..
I must say I am unaware of this earthshattering news, but that could be entirely my fault. What I do know is that whatever refinements in the velocity of light may have been made can not possibly have amounted to sufficient change in light speed to cause as much as a 1cm difference over 238,000 miles, otherwise nothing in Einstein would be correct and things that rely on the truth of relativity (such as high energy particle collision experiments, or, practically, the GPS satellites).
3. The moon seems to develop its atmosphere. If you look at a new moon, you will be able to see its entire outline. In the past, this was not possible. Observing the entire lunar outline is only possible if the moon has an atmosphere. As you know, light travels through atmosphere slower than through vaccum. Hence, thickening of the lunar atmosphere would contribute to a conclusion that the Moon drifts away from Earth. Increase in pollution/composition of Earth's atmosphere (CO2) has a similar effect.

"Not appearances, but what is BEHIND them is the most important".
I myself have never heard any evidence that the view of the Moon is remotely different than it has been, worldwide, since the dawn of History. Nontheless, there is a lunar atmosphere, only it is extremely thin. Amazingly enough, however, I trust the scientists who ran the laser experiment to actually take into account both the Earth's atmosphere and the Moon's, when performing their calculation. It's what is known as valid science. And to have such scientific measurements denigrated by someone who believes that you can travel faster than light (though ultimately of course, that will have to be true because apparently the speed of light is shortly going to be less than the speed limit in my town (!)) is frankly insulting to the intelligence.

By the way, I notice that the FAQ is by Dr. Tom Chalko, who throughout says, "Scientists have confirmed what he says, have you read this article?" and then cites something he himself wrote. Then in the religion section he says, "Have you read Freedom of Choice?" .... which is his book.

His professional interests span from lasers and vibration engineering to physics of consciousness. His passions include meditation, exploring limits of human perception, awareness and self healing, playing classical guitar and conducting controversial seminars.​
So the Freedom of Choice book evidently comes from the New Age part of his life and interests - and yet the author's title says Thomas J. Chalko M.Sc., Ph.D. People only put their academic qualifications on the cover of a book they wrote if those qualifications are relevant to the book's content. I think he's being a little disingenuous putting his doctorate and masters on there as if they are relevant.
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ive read the book, and it does a good job of stringing together our history, with fairly crazy claims. Even though this book is filled with a lot of things that contradict our current state of science, i found a few good things that actually made sense, that helped me morally. One is the difference between belief and knowledge. I never really cared, and just accepted what people told me, but now i seperate what i know as a fact and what i have been told.

One thing that still gets on my nerves is that this Micheal Desmarquet moved into an uninhabited forest region of taiwan or something. Sounds like someone doesn't want to answer questions.
i smell New Age bullshit

yes, some insights are good, but you can find them from ecological literature....i like about war is bad etc., but i dont nee d any aliens telling me what i can already find out here
It is very NA where it harps on about here being a 'school' and one must cultivate the 'astral body'....etc etc

really what it is is a modified religious cult for these times of space trvel and so on
and whats WRONG with eatin and shittin anyHOW. i LOVE it
i love this Earth and will not be behoven to no sky god or sky alien
and not ONCe did i hear them mention the patriarchy....!
Wasn't Thao, the main alien of the fantasy, a female?

More BS from the book:

On page 96, Desmarquet goes on about how the Earth and every other planet has a "psychosphere" that surrounds and rotates at a speed "seven times the speed of light" as a "vibratory cocoon."
Thiaoouba Fantasy said:
This cocoon acts as a
blotter, as it were, absorbing (and remembering)1 absolutely every event
occurring on the planet. The contents of this cocoon are inaccessible to us on
Earth - we have no way of ‘reading the story’.
The and remembering part was added by Chalko with the "agreement of the author," which to me is further evidence of the book's BS. -"hey, Mike, let's say this psychosphere remembers as well as absorbs. It'll sound good."

Desmarquet then goes on about a mind trip to the "lost city of Mu," which is a fiction created by “Colonel” James Churchward (in the 19th century, if memory serves correct) when he claimed to have found some stone tablets in the Indus region that he translated to discover the information. The problems with Churchill's claims are clear enough even before Desmarquet adds to the heap of BS.

Churchill's tablets have never been seen by anyone but himself. Geology has long since disproven some of his claims that are central to the Mu story. Churchill lived in an era in which much sensationalism was being given to other antiquarians -the early archaeologists mentioned so frequently in textbooks.

Desmarquet goes so far as to claim that through his "time travel" process of accessing this "psychosphere," he could witness the beauty and grandeur of a city that never existed except in the mind of a wannabe antiquarian with delusions of grandeur. Desmarquet claimed to have seen the citizens of Mu riding "Akitepayos," long extinct beasts of burden that resemble dolphins with four legs and run like camels. What a pity such chimeric creatures haven't been discovered in the fossil record.

Of course the citizens of Mu also had flying saucers. Funny how fiction can be used to support fiction, eh?