Why do people move when in pain?

How would that guarantee, even be possible? Besides on an episode of Futurama....

No one has access to another person's perception of pain. This is what makes the experience of pain so subjective because no one else has access to it besides the person who is experiencing it.

Religion and philosophy has a lot to say about extreme pain (and extreme suffering in general) but science on the other hand has very little to say about it.
I had a morphine pump inserted into my lower back which I could control when it dispensed the drug. That worked well for a little while but eventually I had to keep increasing my dosage to stop the pain for my body was becoming acclimated to it. Eventually they removed it and started me on a new drug. It is good to be able to control the amount of drug you need but it just isn't that good for the long haul.
Modern biology is becoming a pseudoscience.

Modern biology can't explain why nature is so evil and why there is so much cruelty and inequality on this planet.

Modern biology can't explain why most people are so strong and healthy and are capable of living a very good life on their own while a minority of people are living a life of endless pain and suffering like being homeless and disabled or living many years in prison.

Nature must be so evil if it allows some people to become homeless and live on the streets with no place to shower, sleep, eat and shit while the majority of people live a very good life with roof over their head, a soft bed to sleep on, plenty of food to eat and many other luxuries that homeless people like me just don't have.

Why does nature allow people like me to end up living on the streets or in prison?

In a few years (or maybe even in a few months) I'll probably end up homeless (living on the streets) or in prison and this just proves that nature is evil if it allows so many bad things to happen to me and not even giving me the opportunity to painlessly end my life.
Modern biology is becoming a pseudoscience.
You are using that word in a way that is the opposite of what it means.
Modern biology can't explain why nature is so evil and why there is so much cruelty and inequality on this planet.
Nor does it try to. The field of study called philosophy does that.
Modern biology can't explain why most people are so strong and healthy and are capable of living a very good life on their own while a minority of people are living a life of endless pain and suffering like being homeless and disabled or in prison.
Biology can indeed explain why people are strong or healthy or in pain.
Sociology can explain why some societies are better than others at supporting a high standard of living.
Psychiatry can explain why some people have a harder time than others managing their lives.
Nature must be very evil if it allows some people to become homeless and live on the streets with no place to shower, sleep, eat and shit while the majority of people live a very good life with roof over their head, a soft bed to sleep on, plenty food to eat and many other luxuries that homeless people like me don't have.
If you think that there are conscious beings (good and evil) that control your life, then religion is the field of study for you.
Why does nature allow people like me to end up living on the streets or in prison?
Nature doesn't "allow" anything. Nature is just what happens. Indeed, evolution works by killing off almost every member of a species except those that are better adapted. Thus, if your gripe with nature is that there is pain and death, that is evidence how nature works, and strengthens the arguments for evolution.
Nature must be so evil if it allows some people to become homeless and live on the streets with no place to shower, sleep, eat and shit while the majority of people live a very good life with roof over their head, a soft bed to sleep on, plenty of food to eat and many other luxuries that homeless people like me just don't have.
Nature doesn't provide anyone with homes, showers and beds. Those are all human inventions. -_O
You are using that word in a way that is the opposite of what it means.

Nor does it try to. The field of study called philosophy does that.

Philosophy is bullshit.

Philosophy is like religion because they are both based on opinions and beliefs and not on hard and solid scientific facts. True knowledge should be objective and not be based on opinions or beliefs.

I believe that everything should ultimately be explained by science and only by science.

Philosophy and religion should both be eliminated because they are not based on true and objective knowledge that was discovered through scientific experimental methods and that everyone agrees on but philosophy is only based on the beliefs and opinions of certain people.
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Also how is it really possible to know if some phenomena really can be explained by science, philosophy or by religion?

There are many things that modern science doesn't know yet or cannot yet explain so I guess that anything that modern biology, chemistry and physics cannot explain right now nor in the near future could really be preternatural or maybe even supernatural but there is no way to know for sure if it's science, philosophy or religion.

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Also how is it really possible to know if some phenomena really can be explained by science, philosophy or by religion?
By the definitions of those phenomena. Evil, good etc are moral judgments and not scientific ones. Science can explain why it is evolutionarily advantageous to kill off an entire species, but makes no moral judgments about such an event. If that's "evil" that is a judgment by a human - and that then falls under philosophy, by definition.
Sorry if this has already been said, but sudden pains often have an external cause and rapid movement may separate you from it. My pet bird will usually immediately begin to fly if she hears sudden loud noise. After she is air born, then she will decide where she is going.
When a person have a brain injury does she or he senses pain ?

The brain itself has no pain triggers. But the blood vessels in the brain have, as well as the skull which has to be opened. So depending on the circumstances there will be more or less pain.
Sciatica, perceived as pain in the leg, is strong evidence that "pain is in the brain" as there is nothing wrong in the leg.

The spinal cord can also be source of pain which is felt in other body parts. I believe if you aggravate a pain transmitting nerve somewhere in teh middle, we'll perceive the pain as if it comes from one of the nerves endings (can be several locations).
But that is shown to be false. If you separate my head from my body I guarantee you that I will still be able to feel pain.

Interesting question - why are you sure that your "I" will be in the head part and not the body part? I know these days the brain is seens as the source of ones "I", but in the past the heart was suspected to be the true location.

I tend to agree that it's the head that keeps the conscionsness and memories, but I think this is a very interesting question to research. Has a severed head been supplied with blood and air pressure (for the vocal cords) to be asked?
Evolution is pseudoscience in my opinion.

Evolution cannot explain why one individual is clearly unique and is much more sensitive to pain than the rest of humanity.

If only 1 individual experiences pain very differently than the rest of humanity, doesn't that make evolution a pseudoscience because it cannot explain why.
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Modern biology is becoming a pseudoscience.

Modern biology can't explain why nature is so evil and why there is so much cruelty and inequality on this planet.

Modern biology can't explain why most people are so strong and healthy and are capable of living a very good life on their own while a minority of people are living a life of endless pain and suffering like being homeless and disabled or living many years in prison.

Nature must be so evil if it allows some people to become homeless and live on the streets with no place to shower, sleep, eat and shit while the majority of people live a very good life with roof over their head, a soft bed to sleep on, plenty of food to eat and many other luxuries that homeless people like me just don't have.

Why does nature allow people like me to end up living on the streets or in prison?

In a few years (or maybe even in a few months) I'll probably end up homeless (living on the streets) or in prison and this just proves that nature is evil if it allows so many bad things to happen to me and not even giving me the opportunity to painlessly end my life.

Ok excuse my other post in the other thread I found your comments unintelligent so I responded accordingly. But I have the solution to your pain I need people like you to support it its a campaign I will soon launch. It's not fair for you to suffer like this I agree. Hopefully you can participate thank you for speaking out you will not be ignored as long as I am alive.

Pluto 2 thank you for existing so that I may provide you with solutions to your pain, I live for nothing else but to solve problems especially ones like yours like mother terressa who I admire so much but at a time in my life I was too immature to appreciate. Thank you again for this inspiration you have given me, our planet may live after all we may not all perish.
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Often humans strut around only to forget the evil that lurks waiting to devour there very existence. What a shame. Never be a victim of ignorance be powerful and stand upright like a man not an animal.