Why do people believe in god?

it is through jesus's suffering that teaches us what suffering is all about..

What suffering? According to your mythology, Jesus KNEW he was god. So what kind of suffering did he do? The transitory physical pain? He KNEW it would pass and so was of no consequence. His physical sufferings were far less than many mortal have suffered. So how does his 'suffering' teach anything?
when he does what he will do, the event will wipe away any doubt from MANY non-believers,but those who are truly faithfull will see it for what it is,for they will understand how to handle the suffering to come,and they will be prepared to go through that fire,it is through jesus's suffering that teaches us what suffering is all about..

would you stand in jesus's place?

the Buddha teaches that pain is inevitable, suffering is not.
how? I have studied many faiths and traditions. Just in your opinion, how would a "knowledge of christ" be an asset over one who practiced a tradition of say, Judaism, Islam, or Buddhism?

because of what he is and what his purpose is.
Scientists don't have faith in predictions. The prediction is either correct or incorrect. It is determined by experiment and observations. When a theory makes a prediction which cannot presently be confirmed or falsified, the prediction is given credence based upon how accurate other predictions made by the theory are.

Wrong all predictions have odds of being correct. Even factual considered theories have a margin of error and also the possiblity of the unknown, so we have to believe in the prediction. You can call it betting on the odds or you can call it faith, its the same thing.

And yes they do, I know a few and they sometimes make predictions and cross their fingers especially on their new papers. So don't feed me this we don't have to believe in anything crap u are no different than anyone else we all have to take a little faith in our predictions. And we all base our predictions on our own experience and knowledge... some have more than others but so what. Are you going to turn the masses into scientist or are you going to live and let live like you should.
What suffering? According to your mythology, Jesus KNEW he was god. So what kind of suffering did he do? The transitory physical pain? He KNEW it would pass and so was of no consequence. His physical sufferings were far less than many mortal have suffered. So how does his 'suffering' teach anything?

how much pain could you suffer even if you knew it would pass?
As an Agnostic I must put put forth that I don't care who believes in a deity or not. What I care about is how their beliefs impact my everyday life. If your religion adversely effects my quality of life and the freedoms I now enjoy then your religion needs to be obliterated. If it is your goal that Sharia law should be spread to every corner of the earth then your religion needs to be destroyed. If you belong to a religion that condones slavery and promotes hate then your religion needs to be destroyed.

Good day.
As an Agnostic I must put put forth that I don't care who believes in a deity or not. What I care about is how their beliefs impact my everyday life. If your religion adversely effects my quality of life and the freedoms I now enjoy then your religion needs to be obliterated. If it is your goal that Sharia law should be spread to every corner of the earth then your religion needs to be destroyed. If you belong to a religion that condones slavery and promotes hate then your religion needs to be destroyed.

Good day.

I agree but thats a two sided sword, if your beliefs or lifestyle on any level oppresses anyone else then you need to change. You can discriminate against say a person that has a personal faith and isn't attached to any religion and that too is bad for example.
I'm proudly to shout and tell the whole world that I REALLY believe in god. Why do i have faith and believe in him.:shrug:

The creation of universe, creation of animals and most of all creation of human being. His powerful, miraculous, redeemer, Emmanuel and all-knowing God.

Where did the air came from and who made the sun and star. Why we have different languages, skin complexion, different way of thinking and why there is poor and rich. Who made the ocean and dry land....why some other plants grow without care. There is a lot of question which man cannot do it. Even scientist, they are there to study more about the facts. Why do small insect can kill human such like a mosquito.:cool:

I'm proudly to shout and tell the whole world that I REALLY believe in god. Why do i have faith and believe in him.:shrug:...
Well good for you, but I'm proud to shout and tell the whole world that I REALLY believe in demonstrated facts - no faith required.

As for why you believe in god, most likely you were told that when too young to think for yourself, so accepted without proof.
No doubt the version of god you accept (among the many) is the one described to you when too young to think and not aware of the many alternate views, which other accept because that is what they were told when too young to think.

BTW "I'm proudly..." is very poor English. "I'm proud..." is correct the form. Perhaps you are old enough to learn that, even if not yet able to base your beliefs on demonstrated facts instead of what you were told when young.
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sir simply, let me give you just few hints .
1- all the heavens including all stars and and planets , are all created and subjected to the use of the human beings .(kindly review chapter 45, verse 13)
2 -quran says that there are another 6 planets, that are exactly a replica of our Earth, and they are enclosed within the other heavens that are all subjected to human's use and benefit. so if the natural resources here are depleted , there are another six planets all created as a reserve for the human beings . kindly review (65-12) . so , is it possible for you now to know the answer ?. how about an honorable creature that the whole existence is made and subjected for him ?. what esteem he has in such a religion ?. further .......:
3 - unlike all other religions which have been corrupted , God... the Creator in islam, did not define his self the theological or christological way judaism or christianity did. but he did define his self as the following "he is who gave every thing his form, then instructed it" (20-50) . also he defined his self as the following "the Creator, the Giver of the functionality, the Giver of the form" (59-24) . so , who created the virus, then instructed it, after giving it its form that suits its functionality, is the God according to quran . apply the same to the whole existence . so , the scientist's life in the lab, is holy in quran just like the life of the prayer in the mosque. for that, islam is a religion of peace of mind and balance. where no contradiction between the ideal and the practical , or between life and faith.
there are a long road of studying ahead of you , and much more modesty, to acquire. before you give simple ... let me say politely, naive statements like those you gave here. (including reading the original essay posted here)
study first . good luck
I guess im not any differnt. I just have accepted that there is no afterlife, no heaven, no hell, only this world.

Isn't it true that most free thinking people come to the conclusion that there is no god?

God is a spiritual (not material) entity. That is my conclusion. In other words, God does not exist in our material world; but God exists in our spiritual world. Does this claim make me a believer or does it make me a nonbeliever?


Ludwik Kowalski (see Wikipedia). A am also the author of a FREE ONLINE book entitled “Diary of a Former Communist: Thoughts, Feelings, Reality.”


It is a testimony based on a diary kept between 1946 and 2004 (in the USSR, Poland, France and the USA).
God is a spiritual (not material) entity. That is my conclusion. In other words, God does not exist in our material world; but God exists in our spiritual world. Does this claim make me a believer or does it make me a nonbeliever?

It makes you a believer of your own wishes.
Every logical point leads to the fact that there is no god.

The fact that you use the word EVERy that means you have done a lot of work, if you have not exhausted the word every . then you must be phony

So in my personal opinion anyone who belives in god is ignorant. (Don't take that the wrong way)

BELIEVE. Do you know that you will wake up tomorrow, or you BELIEVE

I am ignorant I believe thing are possible.
God is a spiritual (not material) entity. That is my conclusion. In other words, God does not exist in our material world; but God exists in our spiritual world. Does this claim make me a believer or does it make me a nonbeliever?


Ludwik Kowalski (see Wikipedia). A am also the author of a FREE ONLINE book entitled “Diary of a Former Communist: Thoughts, Feelings, Reality.”


It is a testimony based on a diary kept between 1946 and 2004 (in the USSR, Poland, France and the USA).
To say something exists in the spiritual world is the same as saying it's like a thought or an image in your mind. They aren't real. Nothing non-material exists.