Why do people believe in God?

Well, that's what you think that you don't have a fear of death and being alone, it really depends on the situation-let's suppose you're stuck in the wildness alone just yourself forced to survive anyway you can, you would have a fear of death, and a fear of being ripped apart by some animal, you would want to pray to god or something else just to survive, you would eat anything that you think is eatable, like vegetables and try to catch animals.
It's easy not to believe in anything until you are taken away from hedonistic, city life, until you get pushed to upper limits of yourself or you survive clinical death.
There is no way you don't believe in anything, everyone, even you believe in something, there is no man without faith, you are obviously lying when you say that you don't believe in anything.
It's easy to be a big boss fearless man in the cities, but go to Rock Mountains and let's see if you would not have a fear of death and a fear of loneliness, it's easy when you have friends and family. business colleagues..., it's easy when you're surrounded with people (alone or not)...
It also depends on what kinds of concepts, some people say God=energy, so if this is the case it's not that abstract and conceptual as you think it is. There is no way you can prove/disprove God's existence, this is why you can never say belief in God is a garbage.
But even if God does not exist, what makes you smarter than other people who believe in God? What gives you the right to spit on them and tell them they are goats in the fog, just because the believe in God's existence?

( Chuckles again):p

I'm sorry dude i just cannot take you serioulsy! Did i say i was smarter than theist..no.. did i say that i didn't belive in anyting...no.. you are miss-interpreting the context of my relpy to vindicate your own belife as a way to cover up your insecurities and feelings of meeting someown who doesnt belive the same shit you do. I belive in many things but not everything. As for that little rant of survival heres this.

How do people arrive at the conclusion that this is what theism is about??
@wynn --

Have you heard of this great new app that came out? It's called a sense of humor, you should download it.
How do people arrive at the conclusion that this is what theism is about??

Don't worry wynn this in no way an insult against all theists...just the one who ranted about prasing god in a survival situation a.k.a Gravage who posted to my response with the blinding veil of ingnorance of other people's persepectives:cool:
Don't worry wynn this in no way an insult against all theists...just the one who ranted about prasing god in a survival situation a.k.a Gravage who posted to my response with the blinding veil of ingnorance of other people's persepectives:cool:

It's not clear why in a survival situation, such as when coming upon a mountain lion, one would somehow have to forget about God in order to act wisely.
@Gravage --

Again, you don't know this, unless you can magically see the future....and since you didn't foresee this reply I highly doubt that you can. The bottom line for now is this, science may not answer all of our questions and can't at this time, but every single time in the past that someone has claimed that this or that will forever be beyond the reach of science they have been proven wrong. Every time.

I think I'll side with precedence over ignorance.

Gravage: And you ignore the limits of human understanding, science and technology.
I don't see the future, my point here is that I'm talking about limits of human understanding-this is what I'm talking about-what makes you think human understanding has no limits. No matter how many things humans invented, and no matter how many humans will invent in the near future, there is a limit, and that limit comes with how much you can understand how something works. What you are saying is that humans have infinite understanding, and that's extremely arrogant, one way or another. And the fact when it comes to physics we close to that limit you like it or not. How can you built something if you don't understand how does it work? There is also a computer memory limit. And today's science would stop to advance if there were not any super-computers. But as problems become more and more complex, and with the less understanding, we're not that far from this limit, you can't really explain infinity with finite human brains.

Nope, I've never had a fear of death in that situation, and it's one I've been in frequently in my life(what with hitchhiking across the country and all).

It's quite obvious that you don't know anything about me. Not only have I been through wilderness survival training and actually employed it, but I spent a large chunk of my childhood working on my grandfather's farm. Not exactly what one would call a "hedonistic lifestyle", though I've certainly embraced one since moving to the city.

Been there, done that, got the shirt, went back five other times. Still no fear of death.

Gravage:The main problem here is I don't believe you, I also had some really bad moments with clinical death and getting lost in forest, but I didn't fear of death at all, but doesn't mean there is nothing spiritually

Face it, you're just wrong.

Gravage:You're wrong to think there is nothing spiritual, prove it.
Prove me wrong, just because neither of us didn't feel anything spiritually, it doesn't mean something spiritual does not exist, it's beyond the detection of scientific instruments.

This has zero relevance to what I said.

Gravage:It has to do with cause and effect, the problem with today's science which explores only the effect not the cause-they only cure the symptoms, but not why did it happen.

Again there's the question of relevance, however I think I'll stick to rationality right now as it produces far more reliable answers. I don't ignore my intuition, I just don't trust it because intuition is wrong most of the time.

Gravage: Rational or not, the fact is western science is too conservative and too closed when it comes to thinking about something that cannot be proven, sure proofs/evidence are important, but science and technology both have limits as well as human intellect. Interesting, but m intuition has never let me down so far-never. Try to explain that with rationality.

And this doesn't invalidate my point in any way. The existence of even one individual who has a happy life without spirituality invalidates your claim.

And how do you know that person does not have spiritual side if he/she never explored it, as well science has never prove it or disprove it.
( Chuckles again):p

I'm sorry dude i just cannot take you serioulsy! Did i say i was smarter than theist..no.. did i say that i didn't belive in anyting...no.. you are miss-interpreting the context of my relpy to vindicate your own belife as a way to cover up your insecurities and feelings of meeting someown who doesnt belive the same shit you do. I belive in many things but not everything. As for that little rant of survival heres this.

Than I misunderstood you, big sorry about that false conclusion.
let's suppose you're stuck in the wildness alone just yourself forced to survive anyway you can, you would have a fear of death, and a fear of being ripped apart by some animal, you would want to pray to god or something else just to survive, you would eat anything that you think is eatable, like vegetables and try to catch animals.
It's easy not to believe in anything until you are taken away from hedonistic, city life, until you get pushed to upper limits of yourself or you survive clinical death.

That Wynn, is what the motivational poster was addressing...are you still fine with that?
That Wynn, is what the motivational poster was addressing...are you still fine with that?

Basically, Wynn has the right to his own opinions, if someone doesn't like him, that's his/her problem. Just to be sure, I'm not like Wynn, I'm an atheist (believe it or not), and I never really had those spiritual moments, one thing is to enjoy in nature (I can't think that as being spiritual in normal sense) the other thing is being spiritual.
Being spiritual, to me, means more like people who have been through clinical death and had out-of-body experience/near-death experiences, something that is on the very edge of science. Yes, many things have been explain regarding this issues, but it still can't explain how do persons who have out-of-body experience/near-death experiences can actually see what exactly doctors were doing, even the slightest detail. That is a real mystery.
You can't really explain that with drugs and anesthesia (despite anesthesia is not the exact science).

The fact is I was clinically dead, but I never saw anything (you can believe me or not, that's your personal choice). The fact remains that only 1 or 2 of 1000 patients have out-of-body experience/near-death experiences.
Despite you might think otherwise, I always look for hard evidences, before being sure.
This is why I simply can't rule out the possibility if that spiritual part is truly spiritual or is it simply just mental, emotional aspect of the brain, it's simply impossible to say.
That's about it from me.
Basically, Wynn has the right to his own opinions, if someone doesn't like him, that's his/her problem. Just to be sure, I'm not like Wynn, I'm an atheist (believe it or not), and I never really had those spiritual moments, one thing is to enjoy in nature (I can't think that as being spiritual in normal sense) the other thing is being spiritual.
Being spiritual, to me, means more like people who have been through clinical death and had out-of-body experience/near-death experiences, something that is on the very edge of science. Yes, many things have been explain regarding this issues, but it still can't explain how do persons who have out-of-body experience/near-death experiences can actually see what exactly doctors were doing, even the slightest detail. That is a real mystery.
You can't really explain that with drugs and anesthesia (despite anesthesia is not the exact science).

The fact is I was clinically dead, but I never saw anything (you can believe me or not, that's your personal choice). The fact remains that only 1 or 2 of 1000 patients have out-of-body experience/near-death experiences.
Despite you might think otherwise, I always look for hard evidences, before being sure.
This is why I simply can't rule out the possibility if that spiritual part is truly spiritual or is it simply just mental, emotional aspect of the brain, it's simply impossible to say.
That's about it from me.

You're an atheist?:bugeye: The posts you had replied to me previously seem just a wee theist to me prehapes i miss-interpreted your post also...well this extremely :wtf:
Gravage said:
let's suppose you're stuck in the wildness alone just yourself forced to survive anyway you can, you would have a fear of death, and a fear of being ripped apart by some animal, you would want to pray to god or something else just to survive, you would eat anything that you think is eatable, like vegetables and try to catch animals.
It's easy not to believe in anything until you are taken away from hedonistic, city life, until you get pushed to upper limits of yourself or you survive clinical death.
That Wynn, is what the motivational poster was addressing...are you still fine with that?


You still haven't said how you get to see this -

let's suppose you're stuck in the wildness alone just yourself forced to survive anyway you can, you would have a fear of death, and a fear of being ripped apart by some animal, you would want to pray to god or something else just to survive, you would eat anything that you think is eatable, like vegetables and try to catch animals.
It's easy not to believe in anything until you are taken away from hedonistic, city life, until you get pushed to upper limits of yourself or you survive clinical death.

as basically the same as this -

You're an atheist?:bugeye: The posts you had replied to me previously seem just a wee theist to me prehapes i miss-interpreted your post also...well this extremely :wtf:

Yes, I know it's hard to imagine, but if you see some of my own previous posts, you'll see that I'm an atheist, but I'm extremely critical about everything, even including myself.
"fear of being ripped apart by some animal, you would want to pray to god or something else just to survive"

If you read carefully you'll find that in the paragraph you quoted.Does that break it down for you yet or do i need to explain the fucking satire of the poster to you of what was posted by Gravage?:shrug:
Well, that's what you think that you don't have a fear of death and being alone, it really depends on the situation-let's suppose you're stuck in the wildness alone just yourself forced to survive anyway you can, you would have a fear of death, and a fear of being ripped apart by some animal, you would want to pray to god or something else just to survive, you would eat anything that you think is eatable, like vegetables and try to catch animals.
Can't speak for everyone, but personally fear of being ripped apart by wild animals falls under fear of pain, not fear of death.