why do peopel say jesus is white and black?


High School Smoker
Registered Senior Member
jesus is not black or white, jesus is...... arabian i think or osemthing, think aobut it
#1 jesus was born in nazuas ( close to jerusalam right?) so them ajority of those peopel are not white they are hwatever they were 2000 years ago witch was not white or black.
am i stupid or does this not make sence? might not be arabian but there not whate or black so amny people say that jesus is whatever they are, which is not true, he was whatever mary was, right?
I read some where in the new testiments that he had a peach color skin - just a rumour i think but i beelive i saw it in there can't remember where though but i learned it in bible study

But, he was of hebrew decent.
folks like to apply their messiah to themselves. a white guy saying jesus is white, is just trying to make jesus more "his".

in the long run, though....those folks miss the boat when it comes to jesus. what mattered about jesus were his teachings on contemporary judaism.

dont get caught up in that issue. just study his words. even though im not christian, i recognize his closeness to the creator.
People would say that a black jesus is a demon or something. Since black and white is always mentioned in the bible... Light and Dark... it's just stupid for me.

A 6 foot tall white arab. There is no proof of that person anyway. Peoples at the time were short and quite tan.
Jesus was actually NONE OF THE ABOVE!

Jesus was a hybrid. Ask Qorl if you see him!
riku_124 said:
jesus is not black or white, jesus is...... arabian i think or osemthing, think aobut it
#1 jesus was born in nazuas ( close to jerusalam right?) so them ajority of those peopel are not white they are hwatever they were 2000 years ago witch was not white or black.
am i stupid or does this not make sence? might not be arabian but there not whate or black so amny people say that jesus is whatever they are, which is not true, he was whatever mary was, right?

Yes you are right. But emotions get in the way of clear thinking. Jesus was not an Arab think more along the lines of the Lebanese olive skinned Mediterranean.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I'm pretty sure it says in the Bible that he was of ebony skin with wool-like hair. But I could be mistaken.

All you have to do is look at how people in the middle east look now, go back 2000 years, add some more color, and you get Jesus.
a jesus can be any colour you wish, it's imaginary, I think it had blue skin and not a light blue a deep blue with purple curly hair and red eyes. you imagine what you think it was like and I'll imagine what I think.
does it matter...??? none of it changes the value of his words...

white, black... who cares... his words are true.... thats what matters.

geeser said:
a jesus can be any colour you wish, it's imaginary, I think it had blue skin and not a light blue a deep blue with purple curly hair and red eyes. you imagine what you think it was like and I'll imagine what I think.

LOL... a clown suit would look more lunatic with all his magic tricks :m:
geeser said:
a jesus can be any colour you wish, it's imaginary, I think it had blue skin and not a light blue a deep blue with purple curly hair and red eyes. you imagine what you think it was like and I'll imagine what I think.

krishna, the christ in hinduism actually had light blue skin... it represents his divinity.
there you go then yorda, one persons imaginary jesus is blue too, just like mine, but mines got purple curly hair and red eyes.
so mines better than yours, na na na na na.
It really doesn't matter what kind of color he was, It was just a temporarily body. Jesus is actually Alien in a human looking body. Body is just like a dress when God is in question.
does it matter...???

Sure it does. I would think that if you were a god worshipper, it would be important to know as much as you could about your god - including his appearance. Not to mention that unless you can work out what he looked like now, how will you recognise him when he returns?

If some arab suddenly flew in on the clouds and said "I am jesus", the majority of christians would just laugh at him and consider him a liar. That would undoubtedly hurt god's feelings and he'd smite them all - leaving heaven completely empty.
it matters to soem people but to others it doesent matter
itsj sut i was in church a while ago one or 2 years maby, and in sunday school someone asked the teacher why there wasent ap icture of jesus in our church, and he said because peopel have many differnt thoughts of what he looekdl ike, and he was black, and he siad he though jesus was black, and i htough abotu it and thought he owuld look like whoever was the ethnic race of the time wherever he was born, of course i wouldnt say that to the revrend, so i forgot about it, and jsut sitting around thinknig it came to me, so i thought sci forums would liek to argue over it :p
Mythbuster said:
People would say that a black jesus is a demon or something. Since black and white is always mentioned in the bible... Light and Dark... it's just stupid for me.

A 6 foot tall white arab. There is no proof of that person anyway. Peoples at the time were short and quite tan.

osama == 6ft tall arab
Adstar said:
Yes you are right. But emotions get in the way of clear thinking. Jesus was not an Arab think more along the lines of the Lebanese olive skinned Mediterranean.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Yay for olive colored skin, but my olive color isn't due to the same reasons that Jesus was olive color...

What also gets me is that white assed european jews try to claim bloodline with abraham and david...

silly slavs and turks